
IN THE REPUBLIC Always Fresh Quality Unsurpassable o es sos 80, 000 Useless Prayer Books Have Been Printed, When you want Puhtible Pure. JUST ASK FOR London, June 16. Eighty thousand half crown copies of the Re.
vised Prayer Book had been issue ed throughout the Church of 30 England before the House of Com.
moas rejection of the book on Thursday night caused the printing to be stopped They will be useless unless the 30 Church takes the extreme step of ignoring the decision of Parliament. Viscount Wolmer, Assistant Post Master General, suggested this course yesterday.
AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH thick, without doubt. He Baid, that the Church must put so the Prayer book into force on its own authority. Hope it will be the Prayer book of 1927 rather ihan the Prayer book of 1928.
Both Prayer books were rejected by the House of Commons. em satisfied, said Sir sos William Joyson Hicks, tbe Home meat bas now decided for many Secretary, yesterday, bbat Parhayears to come that it will not allow tampering with the essen1ial part of the Prayer book. should only like to say that if the Bishops desire to make the noncontroversial changes in the book which were pleaded for in the Archbishop last letter, we should all welcome them, and tbe necesssary measure could be passed th through the Church Assemby and Parliament so far as can see, without the slightest opposiNestlé Condensed Milk Mystery of Stolen of embroidered silk, was practically wortbless. The fact, too Sacrament, that a valuable monstrance standing near the tabernacle was untouched suggested that Taken From Roman Catholic of any ordinary thief.
the outrage was not the Work Church Father Grant the rector of St. Peter addressed the crowd. ed Found On Cathedral Altar congregation wbich attended Mass the next morning, begging them to pray for the recovery Aberdeen, June 14. sensa of the Sacrament. He was stil tion has been caused in church bistant priests came from the speaking one of bis ascircles by an extraordinary act of sacrilege committed in si Pe. vestry and whispered to him ter Roman Catholic church. that the Rev. Provost Hill, of The sacrilege had a remarkable St. Andrew believed that he sequel had found the stolen pyx, and eu wished to speaks to him, The tabernacle on the bigb Father Grant burried to the of St. Peter Church was altar wretched open, and the part with the pyx and its contests vestry, and found Provost Hill contatoing the Sacrament was intact.
so stolen. The pyx, with its contents undisturbed, was found Provost Hill said that one of next day in a tabernacle on a the clergy of St. Andrew DCsos side altar of St. Andrew s, the ticed when be entered the case cathedral of the St. Andrew thedral for an early service that o diocese of the Episcopal Church the tabercacle on a side altar was of Scotlard.
open and that there was some.
The sacrilege was discovered thing in it. They examined uit by a woman who went to st. together, decided from the em Peter to prav, and, passing bag that it belonged to a Roblems embroidered on the silk before the high altar saw that mau Catholic church, and took the tabernacle door was oper. it at once to St. Peter s, the She told the priests, who bearest tothe cathedrul.
discovered that the psx had vanished with its contents the. Provost Hill theory is tbat the consecrated waters Hosts thief who rifled the tabernacle which are also kept in Roman believed he was taking someCatholic churches for the pur thing valuable, and was persuas poses of giving communion and ded by some friend who real.
of adoration isad the nature of the article 02 to restore it, and chose to take MOST SACRED OBJECTS it to St. Andrew instead of The waters become, according returning to St. Peter to Roman Catholic belief, the service of reparation will be Body of the Saviour at the act held in St Peter so of consecration, and are theretore regarded as the most sacred New Trinidad Paper objects in any appearance of the pyx with its contents caused the greatest Port of Spain, Trinidad, July distress and consternation to the. The Port of Spain Gazette, priests and people of St. Peter, snow in its 103rd year of unbroken and the oiber Roman Catholic existence and which possesses an churches of the city.
uabroken record even older, pubThe theft, apart fromits sacri lished today, the first number of loglous aspect was meaningless, a new weekly newspaper, which for the pyx, small round was well received by the Trinidad yessel, enclosed in a little bag public. The paper was entitled Gazette Weekly Edition The new paper aims at giving the secretary of the League for the priocipal news of the week, with Eishop of Norwich or any com commentary where necessary, for mittee to put forward a further those unable to subscribe to the revised Frayer book comitting daily paper, and to fill up the all controversial matters Contea day of the week on which do tious matters are the matters other paber is issued and provide which are most essential and im a weekly mail edition for overportant to be dealt with, and the seas.
only way of dealiog with them is to enforce the clear and explicit House reat receipt book in Span directions of our present Book of, sh and English for sale at the Common Praver.
Workman Prigtery.
OR or u.
Nestlé Evaporated Milk tion.
CONCISE Ao alernative book is now being prepared, as the Home Secretary has announced, by a competent commitee, but this would have to YOU WILL THEN OBTAIN THE be approved by the Church As.
sembly before being submitted to Parliament.
BEST VALUE ESTLE NESTLE MIL NO REVISION DEMAND FOR YOUR MONEY The League of Loyal Churchmen of the Protestant Alliance issues a Sold everywhere inani festo making these demands, No revision until the bishops 20 Cents 12 leots have caused to be removed from per 14 oz. Tin our churches all aumbries, taberper 16 oz Tin nacles, reserved Sacraments, and Mass vestments, and have stopped all ceremonies not contained in the old Book of Commons Prayer.
Any Bishop who fails to abol.
ist illegal practices in his dio.
cese should be superseded. It is inadvisable, said the Advertised in the Workman and get good results Rev. Milnes, bon, clerical


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