
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 21, 1928 PAGE FOUR Vicar Attends Dog Races Panama Yesterday at word as it is intended that and Today vide The Forbidden City Where Girls Just Loll For Sale Cheap newwwwwwwwabinete Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
www with Wiwid wiwi discover won.
was MAU salaries 12 Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City or lose 10.
ጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ EX DOTTIN SAYS GAME IS CLEAN Beautiful Eyes Flash lato SPORT World Into Which They To say that the lethmus of Panam. is not an important Cannot Venture The Fanlt Consi:s in lhe place is getting away from a fact, Spirit of Gambling Presentsod it is well known that facts SANTIAGO DE CUBA are very stubborn What makes Everywhere Today it so? First, ite geographical situation, and as the word IsthDaily Gleaner Investigator On London, June 16. The Viear of mus means neck, and this neck The Latins. Praise For Exball (Warwickshire) the RV joins two great continents, bere Cafe System are things of importance in many Frank Melville, a few nights ago this broken beck.
attended a greyhound race meeting at Coveatry in company with the Previous to the completion of Under the above captions the church wardens and other eburch the Caual, the entire atnospbere JAMAICA DAILY GLEANER priats officials. The following are bis was quite different to what it is the following from its special inimpression Dow; but what rapid changes and imprese vestigator who returned receatly revel in sports for sport sake mprovements have taken place aloue boxing, football, Cricket, little Republic is forging ahead from the Republic of Cub. thin the last Tew years, this Everything is not about Santisco tennis, racing, what you will, but by leaps and bounds.
de Cuba. The bent is intense, never gamble a pepoy on any.
quite ten degrees botter than Yet reckon my face reflects a Since the peck and shovel is Kingston an1 tbe cost of living is greater joy as a spectator tban very much less in use, Education decidedly salty, that of any man who has, inay and things educational are on the was told that it was unusually be, bis children bread aod upward trend, however one may hot for the time of the year butter at Ftake. cautot to look at it, and when happen but the price peak was not locom.
cure for tbe mysterious comparisons on certain matters kiok in the minds of men who are made witb this country and fail to see how any visitor to can find pleasure only when the other large and more advanced Santiago cao live on less than interest of their pockets are at countries, it speaks well for Pana a day and those wbo are restake.
ma Not long ago, the name of Harlem (one of the most up sidents in town find that for the Dog racing bas be denounced purchase of many thing the dolsolely upon this basis of gambling, to date settlements of New York for Coloured people)
inr will only buy the equivalent menbut assert that the class wbich ioped in connection with the to 6.
bets tbereon would not bet a advancement of certain folks 12 STENOGRAPAISTS.
peony less if dog racing were ere in Panama, nd morrow.
Here and there clubs have ben when such an assumption is taken established by banks and big coco In the seveo recee rua spot up by responsible individuals, mercial boures wbere their foreign ted three wiones, Two were is assured that this couptry employees can live togetber been told were never allowed to tion it occupied a few years ako.
privately owned dogs, which tad very far removed from the proje Otherwise they would not possibly exist Wio, the racing itseli seemned High schools for Col Colored child absolutely fair, and in the last ren, and Opera for Colored adults Some of the salaries paid tay race, as my ou favourite lost are by no means snall matters, sound suprisingly big just by a neck week for an English Sp uish excited than tenographist look very well on aby mio who stood and the assertion. If had my years over again how ll sp od 10 wo ihem, is often heard, and those paper but it is another matter when it comes to reckoniog the Despite the adverse e pinious of who do not express themselves purchasing power of this income men most of whom bas never verbally, think the same thing.
been to see this sport, declare The majority of the roads are Orchestras, and and music clubs, that so far as could judge it play a great part very bd but a speeding up is in the social is in itself cle to and fairly car life of the people, and anyone OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH taking place in this connection ried out. The dog. are apparently baving the tendency to progress, owi to the energy of the Mayor next door Nash Moters Garazo and during last six months a markevenly matched and evedeutlu sbould be alive to whatever op.
ed improvement has been noted, enjoy the game.
portunities they cad bind up local.
One engagiog feature about it is not the racing that, is ly, until they can Innuchinto an amanan namin na naman mannt with electricity and the streets Santiago is that the whole town is at fault, but the spirit of gum wider tield of activities, bling wbicb permeates life today Coming in contact with many in comparison with Kngston are wonderfully well lighted.
that relormers must set their faces European nations, learning certain CUBAN COURTESY Games that will not survive the idea toodandangan mencoba mengine Dr. Fred Sterling many little courtesies are this The courtesy of the Cubans is privileges which may be thought worth malotnining. Tben true THE N:W YOK DENTST mucb of, and while the country altogether delightful. It may be eportman has his heart in tbe has much to do in order that is 132, BOLIVAR STREET purely superficial but it is a pleagame, not bis pocket.
may take its place among others sant change from wholesale deterCOLON, ioration in manders which has of more advanced state, one taken place in England and France should very keenly take into con Box 71, CRISTOBAL, while am very sure that the Jamaican Legislator sideration is starting points and TOLEPIONE 247 COLON Should be in every office to immediately its youthfulne. e.
Cubus canis Five the Jamaican this respect.
Suggests Formation soothe any neuralgic pain caused many services nowadays are of League Constantine Novel Small excessive mental work, touchas Branied The Cabang is utiered for DENTIST Batting Stroke the most tiitling courtesy.
To Develop Closer Union Alyself have slways liked the NEURALGINA MASONIC TEMPLE of are With all Units of West Indies Office Hours: 8, am to 12 more correctly described as Latin In his ionings of 86 for the West Before Federating Indies sgaiust Middlesex, at Lord 1. 30 to 30 Americans) lite their wide slipShould be in every school to soothe bad Constantine hit a that Sundays, by Special Appointment pink babits in their numerous open caſes where tbe flavour can The JAMAICA Mall of the 7th the stand.
went over cover poiot head into Masonic Temple ilth St, headaches and reduce the fever of meet his friends read the newsiost, says. Having been informed O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL papers and wateh the that the member of Portland is children.
Pat Hendren says in the Lon.
go past. In Santiago the patriotie PHONE: Office 1664 Cuban drinks his Bacardı.
keen on the Federation of the don Evening Standard: West Indies a reporter of this It was one of the most extra.
RESIDENCE 538 NEURALGINA How much nicer ave these caſes journal called upon the Doctor ordinary stroke have ever seen than the ugly drinking dens which yesterday and sol. cited bis views It was not a freak stroke, becausa in England are given the courtesy on the important subject. the batsman reems so thoroogbly aware of bis capability to achieve Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes Litle of Publie House? often Dr. Mellad said in his opinion it.
wonder when someone in Kingston the West Indies as a whole would the heart, will be enterprising enough to Constantine stance suggests open a caſe on the Latin model, not progress until they were politcally united. At tie present time, supreme confidence. Haviug taken In a world of fierce competition be went on to sate, these Colo bis guard, he moves his bat to For sale both Wholesale and Retail add nerve stress they teach the habit of leisureliness, vies includtog British Guiana and and fro as if eager to get inte British Honduras, not only have action. He is extraordinarily quick POLITICS constitutions of their own, which are on his feet, and be hus his but distinct from each o: her but unfor the ball leaves the bowler hand.
And of course Santiago bas its bare shoulder high almost as soon as big open square with a rather plain tunately they also haye local preAMERICAN PHARMACY down a fast: NEED G. Allen sent down a fast, judices which in the past formed looking cai bedral at the head and a barrier to political union. For good length ball on the offstump.
on either side, the biggest hotels, JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor the Casa Granda and the Venus.
tunately a sener state of alfair it rose to shouldor height. Coo WATCH?
Here baode play on three nights is looming on the ho izan in this staotine stepped back on to bis Panama.
a week. Not the equals by a direction.
right foot, and with a full swing DROP IN AT long chalk of the Jamaica Military Mellad regards the people of the bat he struck the ball so Band. Here too the mem sit on of the West Indies as naturally cover poiut head, to lodge at that it carried 20 feet above the benches or stand in groups forniog a composite whole and the back of the grandstand discussing politics. Politics are althinks there should be no divisions some hundred yards away. He ways live issues amongst them. Experience has On Sunday there was a grand shown that such divisions have used his bat as if he were a base 122 CENTRAL AVE.
parade round and round the lionited their progress and will ball player.
CALL IN AT continue to do so until they be square. Men and girls in two. All Constantine strokes are You ill Find Them tirees and fours keeping excellent come things of the past. He thinks made with the right hand as near formation but seldom do the sexes that a bogining should be made to the blade as pos ible.
10 Jamaica by the formation of Moderately Priced.
tingle. That is something which is just not done, a branch of a West Indian Fede in passing a resolution which ration League, bavicg in view as resulted in the formation of the SYMEOLICAL BARS its cheif object cooperation of the Staading West Indian Conference. man may take a girl to a various countries involved, 80 Therefore, it is proper that show but there bas to be a chapthat intercolonial visits may be Jamaica should also take the lead pron. He may dance with her paid ly representatives of the in be formation of such a league No. 16 STREET EAST But they may not fit out alone, various colonies whenever confer. so as to educate public opinion io He may visit her bome but they ence may be held Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
in different the various countries referred to, are not left alone. There is act parts of the West Indies in order and also assist the West Indiau the same intermingling at sport to remove as far as possible, the Conference, so that Federation GOOD SELECTION OF which we understand, It reminde preju lices already referred to, and may become a matter of practime of the fox trot which took institute the co operative spirit. cal polities, instead of being a NEW BIBLES England by storm a year or two He suggests that a meeting of it were one on the misty horizon and fraug. Bl. ise told the police ago and imagine was equally local Federationists be convened with all the existing disabilities he kuew notting of the affair popular in Jamaica Never See Hymn Prayer Books to discuss the matter because we are exeriencing for want of unity because he was in Maggie Alone.
Jamaics took the leading part voice of and action.
he time.
Women and girls sit behind bar NEURALGINA porno taken for pretty girl AT THE FULLER in Cuba, The Workman BOOK STORE a trance all


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