
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 21, 1929 PAGE FIVE In the Golden Glow of Sunset When We ve Reached the end of Day, We Drink with Satisfaction.
WLWMI 20 ND YOU ASE Very bachelory which has role ATLANTIC SIDE His Lordship Bishop The Commencement Bartenders And WaitCarson Exercises ers The Basket of Flowers At Christ Church by the Continues from page E Hold Socond AnniAt Colon Wesley Church Behind the speaker and in line An unusually large gathering versary August 15. attended the folema cboral mass with the graduating class were at Christ Church by the sea on seated illustrious persons, viz: Sundav last, the 15th inst, at 30 the Rev. Cousins, probably epoch making day for the barSunday last 15th inst. was an Book lovers who have had the pm. iu hooor of the Rt, Rev.
the most genuinely popular tenders and waiters association privilege of reading the world, Carson, Bishop of Haiti and Santo Domingo.
famous story The Basket of Following the Clergy man in Colon who was of this city, the occasion marked to deliver the Commencement the celebration of their second Flowers will surely make it vespers the Te Deum was sung, a point of duty to witness the pose: Bishop was fittingly introduced after whict His Lordship the CUCI Address: next came his beloved Anniversary. At interesting and amiable wife who had gra: by Mr. Evans Taylor with a wellprogram was sponsored ant embodying service of songs Father Cooper, adapted from thie story, which by the Revd.
ciously consented to distribute trained Choir under his direction; is to be presented at the Colon rector of the Church. very PURITY the diplomas: the Rev. Wil all of the Anthers and Solos were Wesley Church on Wednesday forceful andappealing sermon was the 15th prox, delivered by His Lordship, and liamson, and the graduates perfectly reodered, but, special At all our dealers or a phone call to be, in order of merit. This Paytoer, Adamson and Miss mention must be made of Messrs been translated from German is procession in which he also took congregation of persons, may it Heory who excelled themselves part.
very attractively arranged with At the close of the service His brings the goods to your door appropriate music in the form of Lordship was the recipient of he said, formed a setting never in the musical parts alloted them.
before witnessed in these parts, Refreshments were a service of songs, by James Shaylor a Britisb writer, numerous greeting from his old acquaintances, friends and parisb.
unique as it was in origin, his during the intermission, and the The pageant is an original idea ioners.
evening was so far, ecjoyable and THE toric in value, and significant in encouraging.
of the Rey Cousins, in purpose. The commencement adwhich the leading cbaracters of PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY dress was delivered in language the story are represented, each Christian Mission Sun.
excellent for simplicity and force Spanish and English for sale at House rent receipts books in representative being a leader of a band of collectors who solicit fulness, and those who have be Workman Priotery.
day Schools PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 donations in the name of the ever heard the Rev. Cousin did character represented. On the night of the function tbe collections Manufacturers of not expect otherwise. In short, Plan Big Convention the commencement address was pleasingly demonstrated the will be turned in and the repredegree of perfection which sentatives will give a short account a Masterpiece!
is CLASS GOODS part played by their reThe fourth annual conference of The Rev. Williamson address possible of attainment by intel spective charaters ligent application, then it is only the Christin Mission Sunday was deep, practical and instrucAll concerned are working hard schools of the isthmus will be held tive, and of him no less can pro. just and proper to give unto to make the undertaking a success at Colon on Sunday and Monday Frequent meetings and rebearsals the 2nd and 3rd of September.
perly be said than that he lived the Caesars the things which are theirs. are held where everything in co Besides regular business, two seg.
up to his reputation.
And as the midnight hour apnection with the effort receives sous will be open to the public the Cristobal Silver clubhouse on THE PROGRAM attention. The collectors are earn. for their information on the gene Sunday, the 19th prox in which DENTIST HOWELL proached, the function drew to This was indeed a beauty. It its close. Faces were beaming, estly doing their part, while the ral work, and stardiogod the Acumber of local talents will choir is busily engaged in prepar schools.
House No. 912 La Boca be presented.
was tastefully and sensibly ar hearts were rejoicing, satisfac.
ing the musie; and ia short no The general Superintendent with Canal Zone Tomorrows cup match will play ranged. One thing in particular tion was registered in the minds stone is left unturned to make his staff has gone into extensive ed between Wanderers and the evening one of keen enjoy. plans for making this conference Pickwick On the Mt. Hope OPPOSITE RESTAURANT which nobody could possibly have of faculty and student, parent meat. suncess. The executives aim at failed to observe was, the ap. and guardian, visitor, friend, and oval.
PHONE 1941. BALBOA This is intended to be the final uniting the schools and keeping propriateness of things in their well wisher all of whom joined effort to clear off the indebtduess alive the interest woich is necvesarrangement.
Each item, of in a lusty singing of the song by on the new church premises. The say to the general progress, TAKE NOTICE balance to be cleared of is about providing leatures on the proper Specialises in all Branches of whatever kind, followed each in America followed by the Star 1, 500. and all coaceraed are methods of teaching, and comDentistry The WORKMAN can be somewhat logical sequence, and Spangled Banner. It was all determined that this sum shall be paring notes of achievements.
the significane of the occasion over space was now the proud rased on the night of the fune The Atlantic side, consisting of had at Mr. Sanchez place ALL WORK GUARANTEED distinctly portrayed in tioin.
possessor of this epochal event, the Colon and Gatun schools have speech and in throughout. and as we passed out into the All who attended the Review started plans for eatertaining the 24tb street, No building Guacha pali.
When you have a Prescription Its arrangement was excellent stillness of the moon lit night, of the great musicians. beld visitors, to make up take it to the National because it contained every ele we wended our way homeward during 1925, the Carnival of Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, Flowers. in 1926, and Father News Notes Time and Family last year have BOWEN where you will get it carefully com ment that was requisite to the soulfully solilocuising: pounded by obliging and cou. teous nature and kind of function. For an idea of what is to be expected TAILOR pharmacists. Happy have we met, this, the faculty of the school OD the night of the 15th of Auguse must be commended they preHappy have we been, but iodications are that The Independeat order of Hon No. M Street San Miguel basket of Flowers will surpass ey Bees Friendly Society is plan.
Advertise in the Workman pared the students and arranged Happy shall we be, tbem all ning a musicale to take place at Panama City and get good results. Ithe function, and if both so Until we meet again. of the was


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