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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 21, 1928 THE PANAMA HARDWARE NEWLY REMODELLED STORE whe IRON ELECTRICALLY decision TWO DOLLARS Continuation of Mr. PROTECTOR OF Bishop Passes SenIMMIGRANTS Garvey Speech tence (Continued from page Continued from Pare 1)
only to find there was absolute (Continued from page 1)
LIBERIA SHAMEFUL ACT ly nothing to do, and they were the rector had read it, asked his lion dollars in buying machinery and stranded there. few weeks ago to kneel in prayer.
materials and in securing one of the there was a certain amount of (M. CARDOZE Jr. WIFE MESSAGE best steamships afloat, known as the work going for field labourers When the rector left the palace General Goethals, only in the Vaccaro Bros. Planta after the interview the corres.
German liner taken away from the tions which were being expanpondent met bim at the gates.
Germans during the war. She was a Moisture was in his eyes and in well constructed boat of 5, 500 tons ded but there is nothing there broken voice he said, have beca forbidden to say anything We bouht her from the Panama Rail now. As regards the scheme for but it could not have beea worse road Company AT CATHEDRAL PLAZA and paid nearly the Nicaraguan Canal to be built He asked the correspoadeat to 260, 000 for her and in purchasing by Americans, have heard noth telephone the news to his wife equipments. After we had spent nearing at all about it and even if Offers a full assortment of Hardware at Avening. The correspondent ly half a milion dollars, after we had this scheme is put through it will did so and Mrs. Hayden comcivil engineers and mechanical engin certainly not be for a good time ment was.
convenienent prices.
entered into agreements with expert Tell my husband not to worry neers and mining engineers, and had et. Discussing the prospects but to come home quickly. This taken from a company in America of aerial service between Jamaica GIVE US CALL.
is a tragie, but am not down one of their best expert civil engi and Cuba, Mr. Ewen said he hearted. In six mooths at the most the truth of the whole a fair neers to be the director general of thought a weekly service might will be revealed. But do tell our work in Liberia, after we had e made to pay but had not Courteous Treatment, Prompt Service Oswald to bear up like the good everything ready, Firestone agent heard of any intention of the Cu.
sportman he has always been.
found out that it was possible to grow an Aeroplane companies embark.
rubber in Liberia. He, therefore, ing on the experiment.
Tonight the rector arrived at BRANCH STORE Aveling. crowd of men and woinfluenced the President of Liberia men went towards him, and Charles King, the man who had gripping bis arms and hands ona entered into a sacred agreement with and principle and justice and law 125 CENTRAL AVENUE of them almost embraced him us to abrogate the contract between a man and deprive him of his before you can take away the name.
they expressed heart felt his government and my organization, haracter. Consequently, appeal to SASEXSSSSSSSSSS SKSS pathy with him.
and to place at his (Firestone s) dis vou Englishmen and Englishwomen So strictly are terms of the posal the land that was to be given who are here tonight not to come to bishop sentence to be carried out to our organization. Without any any hasty conclusion touching my that Mr. Hadyen bas been inforWEST INDIANS IN CUBA ned that he cannot even holda advice, without any instructiona, haracter; because feel in coming farewell service before bis congreour advance agents landed in before you that, before my God. Liberia, instead of receiving them as an match my character against the Continued from Page sation next Sunday they promised they would, they de haracter of any man in the world.
to coine; that our children fand oners held an informal meeting large number of the parishported them. Applause. dare any man in the others will look on and bless our nicht an derided that in thn STOLE THE MATERIAL world to say that have ever deDames? Nothing circumstances they will not attend When the ships of the Bull Line rauded him of one penny any man If we are to preserve ourselves he services on Sunday. tajo.
arrived with our material aboard in the world. dare any man to say Annual Sale, of Complete we must do it now. We must city of the choir have also decided that put nearly 200, 000 worth of materials, that have ever defrauded him of a they landed the materials and have penny in all my life. Renewed apwhere we ought hurch.
to be, and kept them up to now. Cries of lause. So that trust you will not ELECTRIC IRONING AND know this, that no individual Miss Nina Chip the village Shame. They also gave Firestone make it a point of prejudice against purpose is as good as sound, as hool mistress whose name the LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS 1, 000, 000 acres of land which they had me and against the organization prosperous and bealthy as that Sommission found bad been which combines and unifies all, to wrongly associated with that of placed at our disposal for coloniza represent that was sent to prison, work for a common cause. Vr. Hayden in the charges, was tion purposes. Firestone was backed because that is a minor and an inOnly Until August 15th.
Rome was not built in a day reluctant to discuss the bishop by Mr. Hoover, the Secretary of Comignificant matter in considering the prave question that we have before is an old saying. It surely took meree in America.
some time building that grea It is too terrible for words, us for settlement.
city, that it must have wearied the she said, and have not yet made GIVING KING FREE HAND INSULTING 280, 000, 000 PEOPLE WE WILL MAKE AN ELECTRIC INSTALLATION very patience of those who built up my mind whether or not Therefore you will understand that As have said, am here as the and to day it stands an eternal ball attend the church Dext FOR YOU FOR ONLY it was convenient at that time, in monument to Roman courage, pa Sunday.
1924, to rush me to prison, because representative of 11, 000, 000 people.
tience and endurance just at that time was able to make They naturally will look towards any treatment meted out to me as a not only trouble for Charles King: imillar treatment meted out to them.
Cannot we equal that? Canno CHURCH SERVICES we British West Indians start but for Firestone, for double crossing trust you will not make the mistake building and bave courage paus in Liberia. had enough influence of thinking that the Negrois tiene and endurance, which ar St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca to have unsested Charles King as president in the next election. Fire simple at this time as to accept any First Payment really the fundamental qualities CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE of success?
SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER stone and the American Government nsult without returning it. Hear!
WITH FOUR SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. implore all to put their should TRINITY knew that: Mr. Hoover knew that wear. So that any rebuff you give 15 touching the representation ers to the wheel to eradicate our had enough influence in Liberia to selves from the mire of hate and prevent Charles King being returned made on behalf of the people will not disgusting criticisms which seems Holy Communion, 6, a. The for a third time as President of the only be an insult to Marcus Garvery to fill the very air, against a peo Rector ut an insult to 280, 000, 000 Negroes ple who hates none but loves all 7:30 pm Holy Baptism, country, and so as to weaken my influence and make it impossible for whom represent through the Unitoiling always to satisfy others The Litany, 10. 45, a. Holy At Your Service they neglect themselves.
me to prevent King being returned, versal Negro Improvement AssociaEucharist and serpon 11. 30 a.
Let us insure our self preser. The Restor (To be Continued)
ratify the agreement, they thereupon vation by uniting our forces; COLON p, Church School PANAMA joining hands for our common Choral Evensong, 30, railroaded me for five years and good.
Holy Confirmation. At the cloea kept me there for six months after Charles King was re elected. That is COMMANDER WATSON IRONING BOARDS 00 ASK FOR DETAILS OF THE Unity is peace and prosperity of Eversong the Rite of Holy disunity is discord and poverty Confirmation will be performed by the kind of thing they do. Continued from page 1)
RELEASE AND DEPORTATION THERMAX IRONS 75 Come together and let us reason the Bishop, after which he will COMBINATION RATE as men and insure ourselves a place preach.
The President of the United Sta of Balboa Heights, who hes UNIVERSAL IRONS 4, 00 in the sun, respected by all, The general public is very cortes of America said to the former promised me that he will do HOTPOINT IRONS counsel general of my organization, everything that lies in his power 00 FOR IRONING AND LIGTHING bated by bone, dially invited know Gavery has not done any in belping to receive these conWESTINGHOUSE MULOARE, wrong, but he was a bad business tributio: am only asking that LARGE CONGREGATION Rector.
It is the Lowest one delle 50 man. That President had it in his ach emplover give TRONS St. Simon s, Gamboa power not only to commute my sen. 100) This money will Rate for Current (Continued from page 1)
St. Bartholomew s, Lastence the very day was sentenced, be received and receipt given.
Time Payments The rector was appointed to Cascadas.
but to pardon ne, yet he never did Said money will be placed in a anything until two years aftewards, bank, whereio a committee from carry the Pastoral Staff of his the Cristobal Colon Rotary also Made To All Ever Offerred in Bishop, while to the visiting Matins, Church School, and EvenThe Lay Readers will conduct when it was convenient from a poli from the Board of Commerce tical point of view and from a com will tako charge of the erecting Bishop was given the privilege song at the usual time.
Panama to otfer the closing prayers mercial point of view to let me go of the Building They will receive and give the Blessing.
Seventh Day Adventist and then they deported me without this money from the baok for Alter service Bishop Carson giving me a chance of going back to expenditure.
returned to the naive of the STREET my office in New York, where SPOT SECURED Church and greeted quite a CALIDONIA Etude Club To Meet represented the interests of 4, 000, 000 Through the benevolent aid THE FORBIDDEN CITY ROAD near Isthmian Park Papa.
number of the members.
American citizens, involving mil the officials of the The Bishop was the recipient lions of dollars. They called me a nave cured two lots where the The next meeting of the of Sabbath (Saturdas) 45 lovely boquet and a beau(Continued from page 4)
rogue and vagabond and did not give school be erected. This is beEtude club will take place at tiful set of purificators from Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Genme a chance to go back to New York tween 12413 Strett, only are they not symbolical tle the usoal premises on Saturday the for which he gra eral Worship Spanish and straighten out the affairs of uwaiting Sanitary accomodations bars? There is no glass in ihe next 28th inst.
ciousiy expressed bis bearis Class: these people, although asked to be PLAN FOR BUILDING window) following to and fro in 30 Society, tbanks, and wished the Society NOTICE allowed to do so, and the Secretary The Puilding will be divided into selves When du is fallitg their rocking chairs and fanning them success. At the rectory the meeting 30 pm. Janior and Bishop was greeted by two sections, B. will be beautiful bright expressive eyes of Labor said, No.
the Senior Standard of attainment The Workman can be had at Church Committee, who on beball Class, p. Vespert.
PREVENTED NEW YORK VISIT for the boys, and will have an The subject What is conhis They commuted my sentence on upper Dormitory. The lower will flash out into a world isto which Sanchez place No. 6, 24 Street of the congregation asked Guacbapalli acceptance of the amount taken ing, will be dealt with again the 24th, of November. The executive be used for school, trade shops, they cannot venture.
at the service in aid of his this Suodoy night. Two weeks discussed it with a distinguishwork. The Bishop thanked the bave bees given already to this authority said that my commutation ect. will be for the girls, and upper dormitory, ed member of the Cuban Army. J. FLOWERS Committee for their unselfish subject and much more is left will be used for told him that we were areustomed act. and tenderly bade good to be said. Do not fail to come to telephoning girl friends at a bye and wisbed them success aod hear. blessing is promised Dear iends. This program is moment notice and to taking Abogado. Attorney at Law in their future activities in the also to those put it them to tennis, golf and slows.
who bear. See notifying me that was commuted OFFICE: No. 44 ST Parisb, assuring them at tbe Rev. 1:3.
COOD MOTHERS BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY same time he would always away from prison at that time. The over. need not tell you of our white friends for they are on Do not miss this opportunity Are the women happy? snp.
remember them.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 of understanding the sigaitreason was that they were devising the job.
schemes during those few days as to Let this motive actuate you pose so, never having known anycance of present world conditions MISS MYRTLE BARNES and coming events how they could get me out of the until you have done your bit: thing different. They make good Practicing before all the courts of the Republic since April 1914 foretold 10 the Scriptures.
country without my returning to New HONE FOR THE DEŠTITUTE mothers and the evildren are keen York. Therefore, never knew the BOYS AND GIRLS OF THE and intelligent and Duost of them Come (Continued from Page 1)
dance superbly REPUBLIC they are allowed to participate in service wbich commences at 7:30 condition of my commutation until Bat Santiago is changing. Six the National lottery.
She is a Panamanian by birth, was on the ship When you have a Prescription years ago girls would not bave This is a great echeme which and will at an ex ly date return BRING YOUR BIBLE NEVER DEFRAUDED ANYONE to make up take it to the National gone into the streets by them brings the Cuban Government the Isthmus, and will place So you will realize that being im Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where selves. Now they are to be seen over six million dollars a year. It her musical knowledge at the GRIZZLE Pastor, prisoned in the United States of you will get it carefully compounds everywhere and some bave entir. appeals to the sporting proclivi disposal of anyone wbo may America is not like being imprisoned ed hy obliging and corteoil commerce.
ties which are fuodamental in need the services of a reliable Advertise in the Workman in England, where you have morality pharmacists. fsiled to ascertain whether mankind, teacher.
and get good results.
FUERZA LUZ so that he and his Senate could tion.
an relcase schould be immediate, but will have they kept me until nearly the first Ibe lower day of the following month, without laundry sewing ect.
and although should have gone yours. Come and let us early to the BODR


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