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Rea PA PA Common Assault Substitute Murder READ THE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AXC VOL 16 No. 51 PRICE CENTS PANAMA, SATURDAY JULY 28, 1928 Conclusion of Mr. Garvey Immigrant at Cuba Protector of Jamaicans The Great Heat Being Another Bluebeard Just DisExperienced Speech at Albert Hall covered in City of Paris Says Don Corner the New Negro The Gleaner of the 12th inst Mighty Hands of Jerome Prat Who is Thinking Hard Alleged Strangled Fifteen Returns to His Post After Claiming Many Be ProstraShort Visit to Jamaica tion and Drowning cable also him the greater part of Change In Constitution Of sure According to recent states that Mr. Ewan, reports from abroad the entire Pretector of Jamaican immigrants worki seems to be experiencing in Cuba, who has beən over here exceptionally bot weather. In Women THE NEGRO GREAT people, with no country and no on a short cfficial visit, returned many European cities the abto Santiago yesterday afternoon normal heat have claimed beavy HUMANITY flag. In America they make a In a short interview with the tolls of lives and caused Paris, June 28. The number of have recounted to you the joke of it that every nation has Gleaner before he sailed Mr. Ewen numerous prostratioas Here in Panana we are hav. Jerome Prst, the Landru of Marwomen who bave fallen victims to PRISON REFORM history of slavery: have re. a flag but the coon. You will find stated that he had thoroughly dis cussed the question of the presenting our share. The great feat for seilles is now believed to total 15 counted to you our present eco. that in mimicry and in song.
condition of Jamaican labourers in the past two weeks has been Like the original Landru, Prat nomic and social difficulties. In Cannot Scare the Negro Cuba with His Excellency and very In all civilised countries there with members of my enticed them into his net by cuo is now a tendency to consider the your respective countries you Tonight am appealing to the Intive Council, and at present it seek the remote confines of Legis. persons bave been compelled to ningly worded the advertisement.
do not want us. We cannot go to hearts of you Anglo Saxons, of was difficult to see what could country fresh air which bas and took them to one of his villas punished. This is particularly the district on evenings for persuaded them to hand over to criminal as a being to be reforme Australia and get a living: we you Anglo Americans, to listen be done to relieve the over con la of their money ed, if possible, rather than cannot go to Canada and get a to the plaintive cry of the black xestion of lobourers in Cuba and been conspiciously scare ia tne and the murdered them.
living; we cannot come to En. man who has been abused for large numbers of them were suf showers of rain the consequent hardships which city There are occasionally, slight. The police have discovered the Prison Commissioner for Englcase in Great Britain. The Chief gland and get a living; you will nearly 300 years in the Western fering.
rain, but help to provoke the beat, which ideatity of the two bodies found in not employ us. Nearly 90 per cent World. understand that a DON WANT TO COME LACK at times can be felt oozing up the Villa Geneviere beneath the and and Wales, Mr. Paterson, re of the blacks in England are un great scare was laid around me The trouble is said Mr. Ewen from the earth, inmediately after eatly cemented cellar and poultry recently gave an interesting acemployed because you are pre. as a detrrent to holding this that they don want to come a shower.
house floors. They were recoguised count of what is being done in judiced against employing us meeting here tonight. want to back to Jamaica but by neighbours us Marguerite Jean prefer That is not fair. In our countries say to your that, up to now, you that they may be able to get Britan heat waved had reached was known to have saved a sub criminal should neither be one to hang on in Cuba Cable despatch from London ne Bonnet, a small brunette, aged this direction. From his point of the hope dated July 15 states that Great about 40. who limped sligbtly and view the public attitude to the we treat you with consideration, do not understand the Negro. work when crop starts. The in its climax that day when the stantial fortude; and Mlle Jeanne of pity nor of revenge. prison In the colonies, where you send you cnnot scare the Negro any evitable fact is that even when temperature of 91 vlegres in the Ebd. a tall blonde of 45 born in should be ruled by methods of out your men both as emigrants more. Hear, hear. The Negro crop is in full swing there must shade was registered at Kew, Paris and of Duteh parentage.
and as colonial administrators, we a man. We represent the new still be a great number who caouot near London. This is said to be treat them with the greatest is a man. We represent the new simple fact that Cuba tow only in England in the last five years, ed. It is not known how Prat dis. be punished; now possibly get work owing to the the bighest temperature recorded sinister villa have since disappear. time a man was sent to prison to Three other women seen in this justice and common sense. At one courtesy. have but to recall the Negro. His back is not yet produces four million tons of sux Many bathing accidents and heat posed of their bodies, but all the that he has ben punished we consider treatment of Negroes in Africa to the wall because that would per annum wbere she formeriy prostrations were recorded.
to by towards Stanley and towards be a peculiar position and a des produced six million and it spite of this decrease of production Another cable despatch from that at least one of them was being sent to prison, and when he Livingstone to show our disposi perate position. We do not want there is still the sime amount of Vieons of the same date, states chopped to pieces with a butcher is there the chief consideration tion towards strangers. You sent him there. It is because of that labour in Cuba as there was in the that the heat wave in Austria axe aod given to the pigs to eat. is to treat him in such a manner has been responsible for a great About a fortnight ago Prat was that he will avoid crime then he consumptive Livingstone to us that we are asking you for a fair days of the largest outpu, increase in the number of bathing surprised by. market gardecer, he lived in our midst; we fed The best hope for relief of the casualties. From July 1st more about three o clock in the more compromise is set at liberty.
him; when he was sick we gave conditions lies in fioding other that Where is Africa?
100 bathers bave been ing, prowing about Lear some pig Nowadays prisoners work in Continued on page him medicine; when he died and drowneu.
styes with a lantero in his hand, association with each other in Now, you have sent your while two buteber choppers were stead of being left to moulder we could do nothing more for him found in the Villa Geneviere cowe took his dead body upon our agents to me asking what part of vered with a dark brown stain, be away in a cell. In many prisons shoulders and walked hundreds Africa we want. It is for you to lieved to be human blood. the old method of excerciseof miles through the forests of decide; it is for the Britsh GovA HEAVY SACK walking round in a circle is Africa and bronght his remains ernment to decide; it is for the British Guiana On another occasion Prat is being replaced by physical drill.
to you, to the sea, whence you French Government to decide. believed to bave placed the body In other centres the minds of could remove them at your plea it is for the governments of Bel10 a sack and carried it in his car the men are being kept busy by gium also, and of Portugal and Hope Entertained That New Constitution to some wooded spot on the out, study of various subjects in even of Spain, all in conference with skirts of Marseilles and dropped Returning Evil for Good it down a disused shaft.
ing classes. More important Will Mark Dawn of New Era The consumptive Cecil Rhodes ts, to decide what part of AfriNeighbours: watched him carry still, when a prisoner is released, went to Africa; we treated him ca they will place at the disposal a heavy sack to bis car, wbile instead of his drifting back auto of the natives so that they can with kindness and consideration.
Georgetown, July 18. pck of a sound financial system peasant, with whose cart Prat came matically into his old haunts and they have live in peace in their own native Diritish Guana new constitution that the foundation of economic anticed the sackt Bratare terped Society is now waiting to help in collision What is the result.
bisbaste, also old practices, the Prisoners Aid made Rhodessia so that a black land. Applause. force well and peasant and then les The Belgiuns have control of lamation of His Excellency Sir truly laid. Consolidation of the from his seat and besought the (Continued on page 6)
man cannot walk on the side.
walks of that country. That is the Belgian Congo which they ecil Rodwell. An order in Coun gains already won in this field man not to bring an action not the il embodying the form of the must be the prelude to the asked.
promising to pay whatever he not a fair return for all that we cannot use they have Her first interview with Prat have done. We have laid our resources to develop nor the in rew constitution was published further and ordered advance It is believed that the Villa lasted an hour and a half. Prat hearts and our souls bare before telligence. Hear, hear. Then the Official Gazette and the which trust will not cease until Eglantine, in which Mlle. Foce told her that she was just like his you. We have always been willing French have more territory than ocal press to day and does not this great undeveloped member was strangled last Sunday. may late wife and wept so bitterly as he you suffer and to help you in all they can develop: the Italians differ in any way from the draft of the Empire, so rich in historic of the Vila Geneviere, and the tivated. At the second interview reveal secrets as terrible as those spoke that she was completly capcircumstances, in season and out hav more territory than they can order released on the 28th of associations, shall no longer de police have already begun their 20, 000 francs within the next few. could of season, and therefore we are develop: you English also have June last.
serve Milton epithet unspoil researcbes.
days so that he could buy a little only asking you now for a reason more territory than you can de One of the most interesting wit.
The following message from ed.
able consideration of our case. velop. There are certain parts of the secretary of State for the (Sgd. AMERY. manageress of a Marseilles matri hesitate.
nesses beard yesterday was the villa and a car. This made her We are 280 milions of homeless (Continued on Page Colonies to the people of British The Feeling Of The Electives monial agency with wbieb Prat furnished room which Prat Guiana was issued by the local The occasion was marked by dealt.
had taken at Marseilles, in the Rue Government side by side with the speeches of members of the Court He offered the agency special Cas, proved to be a veritable BlueIn the wardrobe castPanama Wesley Grand Rainbow Party roclamation bringing for an introduction to off clothing for at least ten women the new cf Polièy at the close of a special women between 40 and 45 who and a number of women photoActivities At La Boca, July 14th, 1928 Constitution into force.
session yesterday. The Hon. possessed private means, but he Message From Secretary of State Crane, said. always pretended that the affair graphs and about 50 letters most On Tuesday evening, August 14. cannot allow this day to pass The elected members have had fallen tbrough aod came of them signed with Christian 1928, the ladies of the Social Com without some expression of hope requesed me to convey to Your back again.
names were discovered by the The art of laundrying as mittee of St. Peter Church, La feelings of the He always made the same propracticed in these modern dass Bocn, will treat the general publie and indeed of confidence that it Excellency the presence of a number of ani is a great improvement on the to a Grand Rainbow Party in the hill mark the dawn of a new era Electives on the passing away of posal to the women the manager mals bones in the Villa Geneviere old eystrmo, with the invention Athletic Shed at La Boca.
for British Guiana.
He is probably explained by the fact In saying the Court of Policy. They desire es of this ageney said.
of sui abl machinersy and up. attired.
francs, BO that to date quipment, what was colors of the rainbow, will open the ris. do not wish to disguise it to be made known that it is prould ask for the loan of 30, 000 that if his victim was accompanied a formely immense drudgery, is Party with an appropriate Fancy from myself and from the people with no rancour, or no ill will that make up the sum neccessary to first to prevent it giving the transformed loto much Drill. Then will follow the latest of the colony the seriousness of they view what has been decided buy a villa costing 80 000 francs. alarm.
lighter task.
thriling hits by the famous Isthmian the difficulties which confront by those in authority must be of acting through her lowver she who carried out the autopsy oa the If the woman began to talk Dr. Beroud, the police specialet, The introduction this Syncopators under the able direc them. But at least these difficul the form of Government in this heard nothing more of Prit, educstional film by the Rev. tion of Professor Walter Wood. Wade, and on two bodies found in the Villa Gene.
which the of Colony, and that as far as they are There will be heavy laden re ies are symptomatic FORTUNE TELLER, viere, declared: Prat method opening remarks were made freshment counters, together with stagnation but of progress and concerned depends the advance WARNING by Mr. C, A, Harris, was quite a well laid out Blindfold Table, he result of courageous attempts ment of British Guiana. think was to strangle his victims with a novelty on Wednesday evening an imposing Post Office, an artistic One woman, who had met Prat his bands, which were enormous.
Isst, and was much enjoyed by Ham Smile Pole, a mordero Fot o grapple with problems which Your Excellency will be the first through bis advertisements, owes He was a veritable specialist at this all who bad the opportunity of her Sally, Sticking the Douney do not doubt can and will be to admit whatever might have her life to a friend reading her type of work. He took his victims attending.
Tail, and other sidesplitting amuseved by the continued and well been the views of the different fortune in coffee grounds and by the throat and crushed the laryox bone. Death on each occaAmong the subjects of visual ments.
lirected co operation of all. The members on different sides of the warning bier pot to take a voyaga siin must have been rapid.
abroad. Since Prat education, this is one of the Doors open at 30. Get your tic ressing necessity of the moment House, the Government and the that she should sail with bim to most interesting for the quarter ket at once, and prepare to enjoy to Among the objects found in Rue and was received much the full what promises to be a most the restoration of the financial Opposition so to speak, if there Tunis, she considered this warn Cas was a little note book in which enthusiasm brilliant affair.
quilibrium. It is only on a firm ing directed against her friend Prat, like Landru, noted the name (Continued on Page 6) ship with bim and broke it off. of each successive victim.
a of not with


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