
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JULY 28, 1928 THE WORKMAN LA MASCOTA Condition of Favourable For Settlers is occu944 to TAILORS TRIMMINGS Publish on Swarluye by for 12:30 appilea.
WALROND, the olice No. 15 thoa Carespal: 100 03 all in attes Georgetown, G, July 11. The New Daily Chronicle comStaset East Central Aveane Panamı o pablie la arest lavited.
All copy for publiestion must be Just received a fine selection of missioner, who has returned from the North west District reports PO Box 74, Panana RP writton 02 039 side of paper only, and favourably on the agricultural Rates of Subscription must bo a:3ompanied by the name of possibilities for West Indian setOne Year the weiter, no necessarily for publica 10 S. Cy tlers. The district extends over tion but as a nuk of good faith. 20 Six Months.
ENGLISH TWEEDS 0, 000 square miles, and is Taree 800.
We do itaks to our repied by 11, 000 people. The comOn Month jested corressa caso.
missioner stated that a quarter of the population were agriculturists, in the very latest desings but verified figures placed them The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS about one third.
SATURDAY JULY 28, 1928 Also Keatinge, and Sampson, i bad both be impressed with the agricul COMMON ASSAULT SUBSTI BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT Foral possibilities of the district.
Mr Samp on advised the Govern ment to carry out an agricultural TUTE FOR MURDER VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS survey at Yarikita Koriabo sec.
tion An investigator found that 23 the farmers association are conThe NEGRO WORLD of the 21st inst comments editorial dueting trials, including peanut ly on the outcome of a murder trial which was held recently All at moderate Prices cultivation on a five acre plot at Waini.
at Pietersburg Transvaal, South Africa, and which shows An effort is also being made to up the appalling conditions existing in the administration establish other permanent crops of law and order there. besides, coffee on which farmers European farmer, enraged at the laziness of an Always kept in stock a full assortment of rely today Meanwhile, coffee eighteen year old native boy, who had been assigned from possibilities are be further a reformotary to work on his farm, beat him cruelly with investigated on 10 acre plots recently taken in at issorero Gov.
a stick and left him to die. In due course. charge of ernment agricultural station. The murder was preferred against the farmer. And there was a Northwest district is the only trial as farcial and amazing a travesty of the functions the hilly country is easily accessible section in the colony in which of a law court as has come within our notice. There were on the sea coast, but hitherto four witnesses: An eye witness of the murder, and native has not been exploited owing to fellow employee; a doetor; the victim employer, and the the remoteness of other centrets of murderer. And after a short retirement the jury returned of every description population.
With a verdict of common assault with a recommendation to mercy. Whereupon the learned Judge imposed a tine of 15. 24) or fourteen days imprisonment with hard Isthmian Literary and labour.
Musical League To The native eye witness gave in detail the circumstances Meet.
of the crime as convincing a story as one could wish for. Then came the doctor, who testified that he was 37. CENTRAL AVENUE. a long distance off when the call came to make a postThe Isthmian Literary and mumortem, and he arrived to find nothing left of the body sical League will hold an importbut bones and maggots. The employer told the Court PANAMA.
ant meating on Saturday next at what he knew, which was what the accused man had told 00p. in the Gatun Clubhouse.
It is expected that him. And then the accused himself testified, admitting that many important matters relative to the im that he hit the deceased three times with a stick but provement of the organization will without any intention to hurt him. Such is a bear be discussed, among which will be outline of this damnable force, a report of which appears final arrangements for the publi.
in the Johannesburg Star, a white newspaper.
cation of a magazine as has been suggested at tbe last meeting which But it appears, from the newspaper report, that the took place in the auditorium of the learned Judge did take a hand in the proceedings, apart Laboca Clubhouse.
from summing up and imposing sentence. And when he interviewed he firmly fixed the whole proceedings in their proper setting of sheer pantomine. The Judge asked EXCELSIOR!
the doctor a question, and the doctor answered as follows: The Judge: If, as a result of blows struck with a stick like that, a person died shortly afterwards, what To Constantine would be the cause?
The Doctor: would conclude that it was due to some other cause.
Not Captain but more: the King of the Tour.
Evon Hertzog must have made a wry face as he IS NOW LOCATED AT The sine qui non of his side; glanced over this epochal colloquy. In other words, this Who regales Cricket Fans with learned dispenser of British justice, as compounded in the cho cest viands, South Africa, asks a question, which he himself answers 11. 1154 11th STREET So recherché no pen can describe in the asking, and which can permit of only one answer, Old England son, look ye to and is then content with a reply void of all reason, Ingic Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK your guns!
or commonsense. It is as if a dental surgeon were Or shall say bats and balls For the world proars at the confronted with the proposition that a man with an abscessed tooth was suffering great pain in that tooth Where our customers will receive the usual lightning score, That follow on Constantines and, asked to state the cause of the pain, professed ignorance.
courtesies Whatever the weather, when Cou Such is the nature of the white man burden in spins the leather, Africa! boy is brutally murdered, and a white jury deems The willow wielders, they stiver: it common assault. Nor is this an isolated case. The Their chest walls, like drums, resound with the thrums.
records of the law courts in South Africa teem with LOOK FOR THE SIGN As they wonder what next he ll similar travesties. Not so long ago two Europeans, the deliver.
brothers Roos, tied a litle native child to a cart and made him run on, or be dragged along, beside the mules BRITISH PHARMACY In England they say: he here he must stay.
for miles, whipping him as he ran. The child finally To sugment and adorn our collee.
dropped from exhaustion, and them the fiends not even tion; assuring themselves that he was dead, dug a hole He doesn want much of a finbeside the road and burried him. They were brought to ishing touch.
To label him cream of perfectrial charged with murder. They admitted tying the piccannin to a cart, drawn by mules, and picking red and liberal minded of the earth, of whatever, hue, will Dr. Nathan Rowe Tonjours laudacej In a singular him. The jury brought in a verdict of common assault, and the Judge imposed a fine of 25. 120) ally to their aid, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON This happened last March in a place called Louis Trichardt, Writing in the African World (white) on the 7th Sharp cutter, swift truedler, fleet 11th and Bolivar Sts.
field, in the Transvaal, South Africa. In this instance, even of April last, Sir Abe Bailey, who styled himself a strong And placed in the slips, see his the hardene alien conscience, was stirred, and an supporter of the main principles of Generol Hertzog COLON, thirsty nips English woman commented in a letter to the Johnanesburg native policy, declared, We in South Africa are up against BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE How they quench the rivals Star. I, for one, feel that while such a crime cries to a grim, rising spectre the spectre of the growing power Chase National Bank yields heaven and its perpetrators are penalized less than a of the black races. Yes, we have to deal with seven Office Hours: a. to 12m, South Africa learns, and learning black man would be if he stole or killed a sheep, millions of natives. There they are and there they will yearns then South Africa with all her beauty and her sunshine be in ever increasing number. The tribal system has OFFICE TELEPHONE 320 To see this tropic Briton, is not the country for an Englishwoman.
broken down. Today the territories are mainly people Drug STORE TELEPHONE 154 Of regal name and eagle fame; Iere Cricket Crichton.
The blood of these victims of the deviltry of the by industrialized datives, and with the growth of education Australia attaches no score to the alien in Africa demands expiation, and, as sure as the sun and local self government the days of native dumb driven BOWEN matches, shines on the veldt, the devils will pay. Africa is the labor are over.
home of the black man, but the white man, entering For then she has small time.
TAILOR We agree with Sir Abe. But he understated the case.
What hulds her attention is the therein, is making of it a butchery. Will three hundred The black giant no longer sleeps; he is awake. And if, No. M Street San Miguel ubiquitous mention millions of black men and women in Africa accept this conscious of his great powers, he seizes a club, such Of tbe constant Constantine.
Pnama a City lot? We trow not. Already the signs are unmistakable as the farmer wielded on the defenseless native boy, Bravoj Bravo! Whitout bravado, that the day of deliverance is not far off. When the oppres and beats the alien varlet into recongnition of the Climb, leap to the top of the NOTICE sed and exploited millions of Africa, learning the lesson humanity of the African, who can blame him? Surely of unity and co operation, rise up in their might, deter not the white world which stands by, silent in the face The Workman can be had at Continue to rise beyond the skies, And make our glad hearts gladmined to be free or die, they will find they will not lack of as revolting a record of unrighteousness as ever Sanchez place No. 6, 24 Street der.
friends. The millions of black men abroad and the oppres besmirched the pages of bistory.
Guachapalli ERASMUS The British Pharmacy COLON hauls.
tion class p. to p.


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