
IN THE REPUBLIC Always Fresh Quality Unsurpassable Bishop And Governor When you want Palatable Pure, Wholesome Milk JUST ASK FOR The Grerada West Indian reports that Bishop Vibert Jackson in the Course of a sermos oli the Blessed Tiivity pruebed at St. Georges Aglican Church on Trinity Sun3 day evezing rade sme pointed o remarks with regard to those in au bority who on the King birthway Sa day, failed to id nuly tteinselves with Divine Vice. In dealing wib wor bips as edcial act, the set of a world wide sccicly or community of Du 800s, the Bishop rewloded libe corgregation tbat it was the King birthdsp (June 3rd)
He said the king would have been atlerding Divine Worship ou the day acknowledging thus.
God Universal Vereiguty and the unlimited obligatio: on, tha part of us all to give ourselves cur time, and our in Alis Service, but the kin.
representative and other officials, both here in this Colorv.
and elsewhere in other part of the Empite, preferred suendig the day in mere pleasure. The essence of patriotism is loyalty and there is no los lty to God and the king shown in this kind of conduct. Such bad example doss endless harm to the whole Empire which is bound to tumble to pieces unless those responsible for it have due regard for God and endeavour to obey His Will Nestlé Condensed Milk Grape Fruit Cultiva pagine prospect, particulari, as Powell dit is tion At Trinidad remembered that last year Trii dad shipped but 1, 600 boxes of grapefruit and that Jamaica crop is 93. 000 boxes; and il liis advice The Trinidad Guardian cí is followed with regard to the met.
the 27 ult, says editorially: hods for planting sol selections, Frofcesor Clark Powell visif and care in picking and pack, 10 Trinidad has stimulated the with existing shipping larities already considerable interest of there should come about a profit local planters in grapefruit culti able export trade which would be Vation in a remarkable mener, a valuable addition to the agri Not only does he confirmed their cultur. resources of the Colo y fail in the property of ceta If however Trinidad is acc08blishing expert industry by full to develop a grapefruit. pronouncing the grapefrent grown dustry, the question of protection ere and the sofl available for in the British market will have to is cultivation to be suitable, but be taken up seriously, as unless the he has preached the gospel of ac. ion and self hel with the grapefruit shipped irom this Colrsul that plans Lave been made there will be no safeguard agaisto preference at home for the setti up of a small under selang by dumped surplus packing phone in Port of Spain fruit from Africa. This question by local producers without ex. was raised by the Director of Ay 20 ternal assistance of any kind, riculture at the joint meeting of the neeessity for such an in tall. the Agricultural Society and the ation has bien recognized for a Fruit Growers Association beld long time but the cost of suit on June 14, Mr. Freemat pointed uble equipment having been out that iu the case oi apples when estinted at 1, 000, growers there was any quantity uudisposed looked to the Govertiment and of in the protected home market in to the Empire Marketing Board the Užited States it bad been for the required funds. Professor placed on the London market at Powdi made it clear that the very much cheaper prices, atid in Empire Marketing Board would the grapefruit industry the same net be prepared spend any thing might conceivably happen.
money for this purpose, although Professor Powell hus agreed that they may be disposed to pay the the Goveriment of Britain cught expen es of a fruit specialist for for to consider placing a protective educative work among planters. trill on the grapefruit which would an appointment for which, in the give a preference to Empire grown Trinidad Guardian yeste day, fruit, and we suggest the matter Professor Powell stated that a should be taken up with the Colvery good case can be made out; onial Office and the support of the and following this advice to pro West India Comu. ittee etslisted.
ducers he drew up an inexpensive scheme for a small picking house which will be adequate for preset When you have a Prescription needs and can be automatically make up take it to the National expanded as the grapefruit crop Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where inereases. Professor Powell bas you will get it carefully compound.
emphasised that if this scheme ed hy obliging and corteous is carried through and success. pharmac. sts.
Tully operated, it will furnish a very great stimulus to further development of prapefruit cultithe vation; but if on Repatriation Bill other band it is allowed to drop, the industry will receive a markrd set back and for this reason those who are The Grenada West Indian interested owe it to the Colony says: We once expressed the to see that the feeling that the last thing the British Government would realPROJECT IS COMPLETED. ly desire to find is a strong There is now a sufficient number and auspicious movement for of trees planted throughout the the Federation of the West island to yield in the next five or six Indies. United West Indies years a crop of about 50, 000 boxes is what they do not want.
of grapefruit per annum, and This is borne out by the fact enough fresh plantings are proposed that schemes which tend to the the next twelve months to give keep the people of the West a crop of 100, 000 boxes per year indies apart fiud instant faynur within seven or cight years if they with the Colonial Office. The are carried out. This is an encou latest is Repatriation Bill, to OR Nestlé Evaporated Milk House rent receipt books in Spanish and English for sale at sbe Workman Printery.
Advertise in the Workman it pays.
ISTLUS CONDENSED NESTLE MILK YOU WILL THEN OBTAIN THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Sold everywhere 20 Cents 12 Cents per 14 oz. Tin per 16 oz Tin 330230303 making uodefined destitution an offence, to be pased by the West Iodian colonies and this to operate West Indian themselves. We expect to hear next of West Indian colonies seeting up immigration bars agaitst one anotber and putting some quota system in operation. In a short time the Caribbean will no doubt be dotted with British West Indian Islards with the attitude one to of so many mutually hostile foreiga countries. This will all be to the benefit of the Colonial Office. Disurity calls for lavish overlordship. United West Indies will mean Sell GovernDatat.
another Advertised in the Workman and get good results


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