
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 28, 1923 PAGE FOUR eiiiiiiiii United States Export Jamaica Has Record Trade Surplus wie Panama Wesleyan Society For Sale Cheap To British Empire Said to be a Million Pounds a Year At End of Financial Year on March 31st Last DAAAAAAAAAAA Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
wwwwww but to the dress rendendo lies, Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH President.
Rev. Wade, Vice President Mr. Harris SYLLABUS forSEPTEMBER QUARTER Secretary Mr. Grant Treasurer.
Mr. Claude Guy.
July 11. CONSECRATION MEETING Subject: What can we do to improve our community Phil: 16, July 18. MISSIONARY EVENING.
Musical Program by the Juniors. Collection will be made for the Wesleyan Foreign Missions.
July 25. INDUSTRIAL EVENING: Stereoptical Views on the Screen Subject: Tho Art of Laundry.
ing. Musical Programme.
Aug. EMANCIPATION DAY: THIREE PAPERS AS FOLLOWS. Broker Washington by Mr. Grant. Toussaint Ouverture by Mr. Dottin.
William Wilberforce by Mr. Harris.
Aug. CONSECRATION MEETING Subject: Liberty. Its Privileges and Responsibilities. Gal Aug. 15. AN EVENING WITH LONGFELLOW: Paper by Mr.
Kinnimouth. Literary Program with Songs and Recitations.
Aug, 22. THE SONGS OF YESTEDAY Community singing of old songs, from the screen.
Two short papers or the Songs and Singers of Yesterday by Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Swaby.
Sept. CONSECRATION MEETING Subject: Will the Golden Rule work in Business and Industry Phil.
Sept. 12 GUEST EVENING The Adult active members will receive Invitation Cards for their friends.
Subject: BRITISH GUIANA ITS PROSPECTS by the President. The Rev. Cousins will supplement the lecture with a talk on JAMAICA PROVERBS. The Chair will be taken by Mr. Cambridge of Colon. Late of British Guiana. THE LECTURE WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE CHURCH. Admission ONE DIME (10c. Sept. 26. SOCIAL EVENING.
London, Jane 20. The Daily Probably the largeet surplus Express say: lo an editorial: ever acquired by the Government The United States is now doing is chat which accured on the 31st an export trade of 1, 000. 000 000 of March this year. The GovA Good Assortment of a year. That is nearly 300, 000, ernment said in March last it 000 a year more than the value of would have the actual money the tioods we send ab:oad from would be at least 300, 000. When Britain. What is even more re. the accounts were finally made markable is that the Atnericaos up, however this was after the sell 14 per cent of their exports Legislative Council rose the surto the British Empire. plus last year was proved to be The total commerce between so less than 119. 612.
the United States at the Empire Only in one previous yesr has rups to some 700, 000, 000 a year there been anything near This surof which America exports plus, This was in 1919 1920 represent over 400, 000, 000 when the amount was over 350, These are oclossal figures. They 000. In that year the Government show in our unarkets, where preferences both durian Sir Louie Probyn, a rezime for a but dected of sentiment and of fiscial policy members stood firm in refusing favour tha British manufacturer, to increase taxation, and in the there is still a great volume o! the end it was discovered that business to be done that eludes the Government had far more him and goes elsewhere. money than it had ever possessed It does not necessarily follow at ihe end of any previous that Brisb trade with the financial year.
Empire is stagount.
01 the Last year, surplus is of course, contrary, it is a developing not merely on the transaction factor. But it ought to develop of the yer 1927 28 It represents much more quickly and on a far the surple of the year added to wider front than it bas done. that which had cccured in 192627. WE MUST WAKE UP The fact that the total Our whole commercial futur than the Government finally es.
surplus is over 100, 000 more is involved in seeking that we do poctel is the urprise not miss or muddle away th inoment News that such a great of the greatest of business opportunisurplus has occurred will be received with great We must be missing it to som throughout the island.
pleasure extent when the Anericns can und it possible to send 100, 000000 of goods acd products to the naciona under the British dag.
Barbados Sportman Half of this comes to the Unite Kingdom. The other ball goes to Canada, British India, and Still Hoping to take Criket the self goverring Dominions in Africa and Australiasia.
Team to Jamaica.
Both the home market and the Empire market are thus being The Gleaner understand that a simultaneously invaded in fore letter has been received by a wellnext door Nash Motors Garage by our chiel industrial competi, known and prominent meruber of tor. We cannot sit still under our cricketing comunity from Mr.
soch a situation. very large Yearwood or Barbados proportion of America exports to the Dominions consists of From all that can be gathered goods we should be supplying Mr. Yearwool is still looking forourselves. We must wake up. ward to the bringing out of a West The Empire is in danger of todian or Barbados Cricket Team Dr. Fred Sterling beiog turned into a colater for to Jamaica as 200n as may be the display and sale, not a itish convenient, THE NEW YORK DENTST out of American maruiactures To advert tha: dangerous year will not be suitable owing to As far ns can be gathered next 182, BOLIVAR STREET firms should continue to flood te intercolonial matches which COLON, the Empire with young, keo, AMBITIOUS ENGLISH MEN Jamaica will also have the visit of have got to be played off. Then Box 71, CristobA1, TELEPHONE 247 COLON Should be in every office to immediately who will search the Dominions Mr. Calin team of English criefor orders, study their need soothe any neuralgic pain caused by and taste, advertise Britisi. In 1931 the is most likely goods, and put within reach ot in accordance wich fixed programme Small every possibil, customer the to send out a touring team to the excessive mental work, chance of getting what he wants West Indies so that the projected DENTIST from us.
visit of Mr. Yearwood would fit NEURALGINA MASONIC TEMPLE TO in best during 1930, to anything but our Office Hours: 8, am to 12 own efforts to tight the commer There will be no English side cial Americanisation of the Ed visiting the West Indies as far 30 to 30 Should be in every school to soothe bad pire is madness.
as is known in 1930 and 00 Sundays, by Special Appointment Better salesmanship in the West Indian Intercolonial cup Masonic Temple IIth St, headaches and reduce the fever of Dominions, specialised produc maten that would in any way intion at bome, and an arwy o terfere with the prorosed fixture. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL children.
young men lamiliarising them PHONE: OFFICE 16644 selves with all parts of the Emnplre hese are the weapons we Dorcas Society Second RESIDENCE 538 NEURALGINA must nse.
Anniversary Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes Acting Chief Justice The members of the Isthmian League of British West Indians the heart, Gets White Gloves. will celebrate their second Anni versary with a grand variety coucert in Geddes Hall on Saturday For sale both Wholesale and Retail St. Thomas Free From Seri August 11tb.
ous Crimes, Parish is The members of the Dorcas Society will te repousible for this Congratulated.
entertainment, and the proceeds AMERICAN PHARMACY of making clothes and other AT MORANT BAY.
provision for the yearly distribuJAVIER MORAN, Proprietor tion to the poor.
Friends and sympathisers are The St. Thomas Circuit Court mit here today before the Acting invited to attend and help to DROP IN AT Chlef Justice His Honour Mr. make the occasion a financial Brown. Gaurd of Honour success.
was drawn up in front of the Court House under sub Inspec a nature as to warrant trial in tor Harvey Clarke, After inthe Circuit Court. He also bad 122 CENTRAL AVE.
took his seat on the Bench. His there forts to suppress crime. You ill Find Them to congratulate the Police on CALL IN AT Honour Mr. Gauntlett, Acting Resident Magistrate also Addressing the Jurors ip waitsat with him The Clerk of the ing, His Hoar said that he was Moderately Priced.
Courts read the Riot Act, after sorry to see them being brought wbich he informed the Court that thero when there was notblog for there were no cases listed for them to do, especially as they trial and was glad to report the were busy men in an agricul absence of crime of serious nat tural parish ke St Thomas and ure in the Parish. Following the speaking personally, he had to No. 16 STREET EAST time honoured custom he would offer hia sympatby for having to ask His Honour to accept a pair come form distances wbich proOppsite The Wesleyan Church.
of white kid gloves as a token of bably could be avoided.
a clean parish.
At this stage one of their numA GOOD SELECTION OF In accepting the token His ber attempted to say something Honour said he was pleased to to the Judge, but he was told to observe that there was not put what he had to say in writ and fraud. Blaise told the police NEW BIBLES single case listed for trial, not ing.
he knew nothing of the affair that crimes had not been com The goal delivery was taken because he was in a Hymn Prayer Books trance all mitted, but they were not of such and the Court rose.
the time.
trust Members are requested to wear their Badges on Conscration Evenings. Collection is made for Funds at the Consecration Moetings.
Church Quarrel Leads To Sacrilege AT THE on NEED FULLER by the The quiet and secluded district of Boscobel, Barbados, was thrown into consternation on Sunday morning (17 June) when it became known that the village church of St. Philip toe Less had been broken into during the previous night, and certain vestments belonging to the incumbent the Rev. Harvey Read, toro ta to pieces and thrown on the floor.
Nothing was stolen; but the purple cassocks woro acolytes and several vestmeots worn by the incumbent, including the Alb and the Chausable all lay in shreds on the floor. miniature statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary was also smashed to pieces. It is general believed sa y the Barbado Advocate, to be the work of some village Hampden fired to indignation, and voilence against che Anglo Catholic praetfees introduced by the Vicar since his appointment to the living.
Nearly a year ago, a petition. igned by a large section of the ile Bishop of the diocese requestcongregation was presented to ing him to inhibit the Vicar from che continuance of certain AngloCatholie practices he had introJuced into church worship but whether the Bishop took any tetion in the matter we are The Workman BOOK STORE Unable to say,


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