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THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JULY 28, 1928 PAGE FIVE If the Garden of Eden was Panama and Adam had all the Say He sit in the Shade of the Mangoe and Drink our VARUBIKAINANAIAM472A SILVER SPRAY EVERYBODY LOVES It.
IT a IUM UTM WD YOU OCEASB It is not easy, of course, to form Demerara Paper Comthe world has served to obscure to More Laurels For Yonug an accurate impression of the match some extent the partial failure of ments from cabled reports which confine Challenor, but it is stil true, probabConstantine themselves to essentials and omit ly, that if Challenor fails and even picturesque details. The reports the best of cricketers fails more than once during a season the whole team Capable of Pulling Game 0. First Teet Match Petween however give the impression that become afflicted with psychological Out of Fire By Bothi Batting our men had their backs to the wall Er gland Pick and West throughout the second day play and depression and fails to do itself jus.
and Bowling Indies Team that they were struggling hard for tice. If, on the other hand, Challenor runs the whole time. Going in against is in good fettle and gives the side a the large but not specially large1 fine start, then the whole side are The following is taken from the The following editorial comment LA heartened and give of their best. In English Saturday Review of appears in the Demerara Argosy of score of 401, they had the knowledge that they could not possibly win, this match Challenor was very far June 16th from his best. In the first innings, he The West Indian cricketers bave the 27th June: that the best they could do was to The disappointment over the result stave off defeat. They were facing was obviously fighting dourly for vot perhaps yet come up to exe of the first Test Mateh will be tem four of the leading bowlers in Engruns, taking the best part of two pectatives and those who atten pered locally by the fact that the West land, none of whom they had preN hours to score 29, and there by giving the Test Tial today are likely Indies were saved from ignominy in viously encountered Hammond, of all his colleagues the impression that to be thinking more of Australia next winter than of the impending the second innings by a DemeraraS the bowling was terribly difficult. In e games with the West Indies this Horn man, Small and by one of Bricourse, being scarcely in the first the second innings he succumbed PURITY But it is impossible to to rank and being played chiefly for his tish Guiana three representatives without scoring and thus started an inte the teams chosen for in the team, Browne, who how batting. And it should be remember obvious rot. from which the team England and the Rest without howed that the Englishmen, both ever, is a Barbadian by birth. It must At all our dealers or a phone call failed to recover for the rest of the wishing that we had ourselves a however be recognized that the West batsmen and bowlers, were doing the afternoon.
player like the West Indian ConIndies were fairly and squarely beat best that was in them. There could brings the goods to your door It does not seem very likely that sta tine, who is equally capable hold be no possible disposition to en. The luck of the game went there will be any substantial changes of pulling a game out of the fire decidedly in their favour. Candidly, the West Indian cheaply, because the in the team for the second Test Chal by bis batting and, occasion had suspicions as to the bowling English players were playing for a lenor, Martin, Nunes, Constantine going through a side with bis THE strength of the English team, which place in the team for Australia.
Small, Browne, Francis and Griffith bowling. Time was when we had fith at least five men of this type did not seem to possess sufficient reBefore the next Test Match at Old are of course certaintiese. The source and variety for such a Test Trafford, Manchester, on July 21st, PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY at once Jackson, Doubtful ones are Fernandez. St. Hill Bosanquet, Hirst, Braund, Arnold.
Mateh team as would figure against our men will have had the consideraand Roach. The latter has a better We seem not to be able to breed the Australians, although it is true ble advantage of having again en.
average than Fernandez and St. Hill PANAMA 63 PHONES COLON 84 them nowadays. Foster that Hammond the Gloucestershire countered at least two of the English has palpably not found his West was, perhaps, the last of the great free hitter who was here with the bowlers. They will have a further Indian form, even though he is one line and the nearest modern equiC. team in 1926, has been bowling experience of Jupp in the match Manufacturers of of the centurians of the team. Neblett valent is Mr.
WC. Jupp. Such has produced a good impression on men are, the backbone of great appy well this year. The collapse of against Northamptonshire which beLarwood the Notts fast bowler, de gins today, and Larwood, if he is fit LEAN GOODS the English critics both by his bat cricket and a side that can put prived England of one of their prin to play, will again confront them at ting and his bowling and is quite a two or three of them in the field is good man in an emergency, as he with one consisting of five good he at a great advantage as compared cipal sources of bowling strength. Nottingham on July 7th. Neither Apparently he remained on the field Freeman nor Tate, however, will be appears to have no nerves. The bats, five good bowlers and a wicketfor the grenter portion of the first met again until the second Test, the cablegrams have not revealed who keeper. The bats and the bowlers innings, but he was not available at matches against their respective was the West Indies wicket keeper may all strike a bad day, but the all in the second innings. It is not at counties, Kent and Sussex, not taking perts, have a fatal facility in shutin the match, but at any rate 27 alliounder rarely fails all around.
all unlikely that this second failure place till after the third Test Match. ting their eyes to facts and pro DENTIST HOWELL unfavourably with 19 out of 177. in Hammond development as a extras out of 401 compares not There is some bope for the future of a strained thigh muscle will keep As an offset, Suteliffe, Hallows, babilities. There was never any real Larwood out of the team to go (at the end of May top of the batting reason to expect that our team House No. 912 La Boca Much depends on the form of the bowler and if he goes on as he bas Australia. At any rate he is scarcely average. Tyldesley and Jupp will would win. There were strong reasons Canal Zone players in the intervening matches. been going he may supply the likely to figure in the other two have had a further opportunity of for believing that they would be And when all is said and done, a man backbone that we lack. But apart Tests, in which the English selectors familiarising themselves in county beaten by an innings. Personally, if OPPOSITE RESTAURANT may be really a good criketer, and from him and Mr. Jupp, the will doubtless make an attempt to matches with the West Indian bowi the English victory had been only by stil not up to Test Match form.
rounders in the twenty two Phone 1941 BALBOA who are to meet today are, good find another fast bowler to go to ing before the next Test.
seven wickets or so, should haye bats and etul bowlərs or good Australia English batsmen, nowadays, get considered that the West Indians had House rent receinte halen in men to have in a country term bowlers and useful bats sound The showery weather yesterday few chances of becoming accustomed done quite well, as well as could be Spreialises in all Branches of Spanish and English for sale at but not impressive for internationmorning was another point in favour to fast bowling.
expected by anybody with experience Dentistry: the Workman Printery.
Thus, on the face of it, the pros of the game in other countries. Even al occasions.
of our men. It meant that the ball would be slippery and difficult to pect for the next Test are not so a defeat by ten wickets would, in my hold either by the bowlers or fields bright as those for the first one. view, have meant respectable TAKE NOTICE FLOWERS Mrs. Henrieta Davis men, though on the other hand, the Cricket fans in this part of the showing, and am not at all inclined to wet grass would slow down the pace world are distinctly numerical in tem to decry the team because they have The WORKMAN can be of the travelling ball and make it perament. They are either up or they not done so well even as that. had at Mr. Sanchez place Abogado. Attorney at Law Sends Condolence one more difficult for the batsmen to are down. There seems to be no midreach the boundary with their strokes, dle course. Perhaps one reason is themselves, as well as the local cricI have a suspicion that the team 24th Street, Nc6 building OFFICE: No. 44. ST That was not found a great drawback that many of the most enthusiastic ket fans. build their hopes too Guachapali. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY On Sunday afternoon last, the Colon division No. 877 of the by Snuffy Browne, however, who have excedingly little knowledge of largely upon one or two players. The TELEPHONE No. 1377 NI. was the scene of much nntched one six and five fours in his the game, and even those who have emergency of Constantine as one of Advertise in the Workman Practicing before all the courts of of the association activities, score of 44.
some, clain to be recognized as ex the very finest all round players in it pays, the Republic since April 1914 (Continued on page 6)


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