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سالار (1) Ли Ren THE FIRST OF AUGUST READ THE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL 16 No. 52 PANAMA, SATURDAY AUGUST 4, 1928 PRICE CENTS Influenza Shooting Tragedy on Mon British King and sudden Outbreak of day Morning Last Thrilled by Hurricane Batting is Cause For Much Alarm of Constantine in Panama Garvey Urges His Followers To Vote For Al Smith Says Slogan of Party Must be Smith Better Than Hoocer.
21 Year old West Indian Shot London. July 11. The King The sudden rutbesk of Influand Queen were provided with aenza in and around Panama, Dead By Detective cricket thrill by Constan much alam. Quite soumber of during the past week has causert tine, the great all rounder of inersons love been attacked and the West Indies team, when although it is said to be of a mild In his customary Weekly Epistle to his followers in Residents on Central Avenue and continguous parts in the vicicity of 20th Street East, were greatly startled in the they paid a short visit to Treat nature every precaution is beng the United States Mr. Mareus Garvey writ ng from Lontaken to arrest its spread. don England, on July 8th urges Negroes to vote for the early hours of Monday morning last, by the discharge of Bridge cricket ground yesterAll puthe schools have been Democratic Ticket for Al Smith. Among other things several revolver shots which it is claimed were fired by day on their way back to Wel ordered closed for a week as a pres which he says are the following: detective Eustaquio Gomez beck from Nottingham. cautions measure. gainst ito spread Another Presidential Election is to be held in NovemAccording to the statement of Gomez, he was suddenThe King always makes a among the children.
ly awakened from sleep by the cries of thief coming from point of greeting representative Up to the presont time of writing ber. Already the two larger parties have placed their D) deaths have been record but respective candidates in the field. For Presidents, the a woman who resides on the same building where he touring teams from the Domina many office and business establish Republicans have Secretary Hoover, and the Democrats, lives at 120 Central Avenue on 20th Street. He had just tions and Colonies, but this meots have been operating short. Governor Al Smith. Between the two men, every member finished putting on his clothes when the door of his was the first time that the handed through the Flu which of the Universal Negro Improvement Association in AmeriSleeping room was rudely pushed opened and he was Queen had accompanied him to be prostrated a number of em ca with a vote must decide for Al Smith, not because ployees.
confronted by a colored man. He immediately drew his a first class cricket match.
the Democratic Party has been more kindly disposed gun and demanded the intruder to halt, but instead of Both teams were presented to toward the Negro than the Republican Party, but because stopping he jumped at him and grabbed him by the throat. the King, who shook hands with Sale of Liquor Banned. Hoover represents a gang of politicians who mean absoGomez said he struggled with his assailant until be suc each member of the elevens.
lutely nothing good to the black man in America, nor ceeded in forcing him from the room on to the balcony, BRIGHTER CRICKET. Owing to the Presipential elec anywhere else, for that matter. Therefore, if we have but he continued to tighten his grip on the detective tions in this Republie which takes to choose between the two men, it is better for us to decide throat. The latter feeling his strength leaving him and The game was in such a posi place tomorrow, the sale of liquo for Al Smith than Hoover fearing that his assailant would succeed in taking the gun, tion that a draw was inevitable, has been forbidden by the Govern Who is Mr. Hoover? Mr. Hoover is the candidate he pressed the trigger and fired but as the mau did not and the West Indies captain on vee seed ordered hele den frore of a system of republicanism that has exploited the mente and all saloon ani cantine lessen the grip on his throat he fired again.
therefore, sent in to bat his star Saturday noon the 5th inst to country for the past eight years the system that gave The noise from the shots and the yelling of the wo player, Constantine, who was Monday the 7th; this precaution us the Tea Pot Dome and the Alien Fraud cases in which man awakened the residents on the building and attracted accompanied by Francis, another is being taken to pace and safety of residents of Harry Daughterty, the late Attorney General, figured promSeveral policemen to the scene, where Gomez assailant black member of the side.
the city inenily: the same Daugherty under whose regime lay dying. Arrangements were at once made for transport Brighter cricket, was the The adherence to this order will the Universal Negro Improvement Association and its ing the dying man to the hospital where he died a few order of the day, and Carr, no doubt assist greatly in elimina auxiliary Corporation were hounded and its President minutes after arriving there and the detective was ordered the Notts captain, entered into ting many disputes that would pro framed up in the Federal District Court so as to dispose to report at the police station where he was placed the spirit of the occasion. He bably arise during this very es. of his power and influence which could not be used by under arrest pending investigation.
put on Whysall and Walker, citing time.
the gang to keep the Negro fooled in order to exploit him The woman whose room it is claimed the man en who are not regular bowlers.
The suppression of all attempts to serve big business interests. Isn Mr. Hoover the nt disorder has also been strongly tered later appeared at he police station and gave her name Constantine is a hurricane hit urger. and in view of these pre friend of Mr. Firestone, who also acted as foster father as Virginia Guillen. She stated that while asleep in her ter even in normal times, and he curious, there is no doubt the to the Firestone Scheme to rob black Libeira? Isn this room she was suddenly aroused by the presence of some (Continued on page lection will assumes most peace the Hoover who supported Firestone so as to corner one and on opening her eyes she saw a colored man fal solderly manner. Liberia and take away her independence, the indepenstanding before her dresse wherenpon she screamed and dence that was given her by former white Presidents the man bolted from her room, a little while, after she How National City Bank at self help.
and American philanthropists as an experiment in Negro heard struggling on the balcony and then the shots.
The dead man was later identified as Victor Jordan REPUBLICANS AND NEGRO NATIONALISM West Indian 21 years old who lived with his parents New York The Republican Party has throttled two independent in an apartment on the same building where he was black Republics. They have throttled Haiti so that the shot.
Helps Jamaicans to Get Their Families To National City Bank and other commercial interests can After the autopsy at the Santo Tomas Hospital the exploit the Black Republic of the West Indies. It is true body was taken over by the boy father and mother The States that it was under Woodrow Wilson regine that America Clarence and Ida Jurdan.
assumed control of Haiti. but Woodrow Wilson never It is state that the woman Virginia Guillen, the detec 214t Suly published an interview away does not help a man to con has done.
The Jamaics GLEANER of the one is getting along 1, 450 miles intended Haiti to be exploited as the Republican Party tive Gomez and the Jordan are all neighbours living on with Mrs. Davis Farrington, ce strate on his job. Certainly the same building.
an Associate Professor of English says the clerk. How much VOTE FOR OR AGAINST PARTY at Hunter College and occasional the fare?
The time has come for the Negro to unitedly vote contributor to American journals. Sometimes, says the Vice tor or against a party, either for or against an individual, 16th Anniversary of the Workman If from Jamaica, come first the National City Bark of New to borrow money as to save money Smith and for the Democratic Party so that we may President, it may be as important and it is now time for every Negro to vote for Ai York sounds like a friendly wal.
The 16th Anniversary number of the WORKMAN will come! And it is a genuine wel one ought to sacrifice his own expect something of service in return for the support health, neglecs bis family welfare. too! Day after The time has come for the all previous anniversary numbers. It is intended to have up the broad steps of the tall, a child education, for lack of do not expect any Negro voter to allow himself to appear this month. This publication promises to excel some women are ne Jamalex wok ignore an opportunity, fail to im given whole heartedly.
walk prove the value of a Coze, or limi: American Negro to have a policy in politics, therefore, same illustrated with pictures of West Indian business marble batik building at Forty, ready cash. sound loan may be be cajoled by Republican agents to get his vote for men in Panama and Colon and their business places also second Street, New York, cond just the thing to save the day. the Republican Party for a man like Hoover, who means pictures of prominent West Indians of both cities and take the elevator to the second floor.
When is a loan sound? The nothing to us as a people.
others who will send us their blocks with particulars of City Bank thicks it sound when themselves. Copies of this number will be given free (Continued on page 6)
There at rows of Mahogany the applicat is at least 21 desks in a tall windowed room eit old, bas a steady job, and two friend to all our patrons.
This number will not in anyway interfere with our welcome the stratger to a seat, comakers in making out the applifriendly men, who smile as they or acquaintances who will serve as Laborer Loses Life Shortage of Chaffeurs regular Saturday issue, bat will be published in mid week It is the Personal Loan Depart cation for the loin. Suppose on or about the middle of August.
ment of the National City Bank. man needs 108 dollars. The bank, Here anyone may borrow 50 to discounting the interest at per cent As a Result Of Land Up to Tuesday last July 31.
without. It cents, sliding only 250 out of 1500 licensed jitPanama Wesley Cricket In The States sounds like a fairy tale? Lo New borrower 101 dollars 32 cents ney drivers have renewed their York, it is sound business, though every month for a year he returos It might probably be thought licenses, in view of this fact, the Activities business with a heart. Even Wall dollars to the Compound interest of the long past, but not later of time up to August 15th so as that landslides are occurrenees only Alcalde bas allowed an extension West Indiansseems to be some ley, in charge of the Personal months, he will have paid back than Welnesday of this week the to give others an opportunity to. wout fortunate in the game of San work of all branches, has exactly 108 dollars. At The subject of Emancipation is crieket in the United States; as his office, even Wall Street occa bis deposits at per cent. in Com. was thrown into consternation by time the neighboring town of Pacora make good their renewal.
It is assumed that the bond no doubt very interesting and im yetebore en mes bagebeta, drawe. sionally hears the Bible read from pound Interest have netted for him the death of Aquilino Rivera, fixed on it affeurs is the bindrance portant, but when taking into Reports of the 3rd inst, shows a Trinity Church at its head, and exactly dollar 48 cents, which is Panamanian consideration that it was discussed sameiled wnish plus West Indians knows that from the heart pro returued to him. Subtracting this landaide which occurred while be that the bondsmen have been us road worker who in this particular case, as it has lost his life as a result of a terrible been discovered in many cases by members of the above named compiled 143 ruus society, it assumed a somewhat Antiguans 64, Philips of the West ceedeth the issues of life.
different atmosphere than it would Indixo team having made a score be paid in advance, his loan had was discharging his duty, and able to respond tor damages when cost under other circumstances. The of 52 aud. Noore 21; this enthusi My wife my child iny mother Pabo Vives who was seriously called before the authorities. astie ereket spirit in the New is down in Jamaica. should like FAMILY BUDGET.
injured at the same time and had questions of the moment are these. Booker, Washington, and William World seems to be less than in money to bring her to New York.
to be to the Tomas But Wilber force were represented by other places which have ling That is the usual preliminary. should die before the loan is reto make good their renewal? or borrower Hospital for medical treatment.
The messrs Dottin, Grant, and Har. adopted this aplendid recreation, Sound sense.
thinks the bank paid what happens to the co to his home in Pacora for burial, responsible persons to back them?
of Rivera was sent will their be successful in getting respectively in conection with and it is hoped that the fires will clerk. Any man can work bet, er ins kers? If a borrower should it was very fortunate however Failing to do so, will the 250 who shadow of doubt, the evening was just as in any other place in the welfare or each member of his fam. says the the comancipation, and without a be kept buraing in this country if be can watch directly over the die before bis 1oo is repaid. ibat several other laborers work have alreadyeteken out meet the Vice President, ing the of. Continued on Page 6) old Hemisphere.
ily. An aching, wonder bow a dear (Continued on Page 6)
accident oceurred as fate nwold might be the answer to these have it, escaped unhurt. Continued on page 6)
SOUND SENSE suppose the


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