
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 4, 1928 The British Pharmacy COLON Societies.
monya syss SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS315:53 Sesso Try Again Friendly THE WORKMAN THE Society On Saturday night July 21st, PANAMA HARDWARE 1928, being the night set apart Pablishol o Sardsys by Butas for Advarasno applica tor tbe Installation of Otor.
WALROND, as the office No. 16 tio Correspos dos os all mattes July to December, term ending Stacel East Ceatral Avenue Panamı of public interest invited (M. CARDOZE Jr. 1928 of the atove named Suciety RP.
All copy for publication must be at its regular meeting place.
PO Box 74. Pasans RP.
written on one side of paper only, and Paraiso, wawe was carried out Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of in a successful cancer. Those the writer, not beessarily for pablica, NEWLY REMODELLED STORE who were elected to guide the Ose Year 40 Cy tioa but as a mark of good faith.
destiny for the Society were: Six Months 20 B:0. Houghton. President, Taree 6)
We do not uadertake to rabara re.
AT CATHEDRAL PLAZA re elected: Bro. L Birte, One Month 25 jected correspon leace.
Vice President, re ck ed: Bro. Howard, Secretars, Re lecie The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JTNUIS Offers a full assortment of Hardware at ed; Sis. Puckerine. Trensurer. Re elected; Sis, Chase, Assistant Secretary, Re appointSATURDAY AUGUST 4, 1928 convenienent prices.
ed; Bro. Black man, Marshall, Appointed; Sis. Blades THE FIRST OF AUGUST GIVE US CALL Sick Visitor, Rz appointed; Sis. Dauay, sck Visitor, appointed; Sis. Lyuise Hurdie, Courteous Treatment, Prompt Service Chaplain, Appoioted; Bro.
Gilkes, Trustees; Bro. GigOn the first of August anno domini 1834, under the got, Trustee; sis. Pona.
reign of Queen Victoria of England. chattel slavery was Trustee.
totally abolished in the British West Indian Islands. Hence, BRANCH STORE Meeting begin at the usual the first day of August of each year since has been comhour, after the most important business had been concluded. the memorated in those islands as Emancipation Day.
125 CENTRAL AVENUE President called on the Secretary few days ago, following a long established custom, tor the purpose of the meeting, for the the Governor of the Panama Canal issued a circular YSSXSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS to. evenitg, who replied that the purpose was for the memorandum authorizing the heads of the various departlostallation of Odcers. As this ments of the Canal to grant to their silver employees stagetime the meeting was tu.
who could be spared from work, leave of absence without ed over to Bro. Gilkes, pay during the afternoon of the first of this monthO kan zir. ter a few brief Emancipation Day. While the contents of the Governor rewarks, Bro. James Headley of the Life and Live Becevoluut circular apparently covered all silver emplovees it is sctety was appointed Grand known, however, that it was meant specifically for the lasier for th: evecing, walls colouured employees of the Panama Canal who are natives che various otcers were taken of the West Indian islands, to allow them some amount care of by the many brotbers of freedom to celebrate in their own or customary way fruun the Panada Capital, Sojourners, Director tar Moat.
the day, ninety four years ago, when chattel slaves in serral, Edith Cavel Friendiy their respective islands were freed; when the despicable African Slave Trade which smears history as one of the After the Installation caremost cruel acts of man, staggered and fell before the which was so abiy pergallant march of civilization.
ormed being con. pleted, the For the past twenty years, more or less, response meeting was brought to a close with the singing of the Doxology by the employees concerned to the offers of Governors IS NOW LOCATED AT and prayer by tho Chaplate.
of the Panama Canal has been insignificant, if at all, As Pne members and all present far as we are aware, this year it is nil In fact the only redred to the banquer room, attention of note that was ever paid by West Indians where the STREET 11. 1154 11th Ba queung Com.
to Emancipation Duy on the Isthmus of Panama were mitte did all lu their power to make tben feel joyful, wbo weak efforts, stretching over a few years, of the late Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK expressed themselves of a happy Attorney Thompsom, who used to solicit indiscrimiaud glorious time spent.
nately cash subscriptions from which he would treat those West Indian children whom he could get together. Where our customers will receive the usual At such functions he would invite and, more often than Radiant Flower Juvenot, get representatives from the British Legation or the courtesies nile Lodge.
Government of Panama to address the children and the sparcely attendance of adults composing mainly of guardians of those children.
Independent Order of GalliIt will be remembered that the Attorney was subjected LOOK FOR THE SIGN lean Fishermen to severe criticisms in the Press and otherwise, for the metbods he employed in collecting the funds as well as for his alleged shady methods of disbursing them The (BY BLADES)
BRITISH PHARMACY appropriateness of celebrating the Day then came in Sunday afternoon the 29. of July 1928 was a day to be simultaneously for a lion share of newspaper comment corded among the Lodges of and controversy by those holding opposite views on the Gallilean Fishermea wuen twenquestion, ty six Juveniles were made memIn the British West Indies August first is regarded as bers of this aziable order. At not merely a holiday set aside for descendents of African three o clock precisely, Brother OL Saunders Worthy Council slaves who are expected to make merry from the sole Mastar, Brother Artbur Daviswiewpoint that it is the anniversary of the freedom of their Wortby recording Seride accom forefathers from chattel slavery. No August first is pavied with other officers and recognized as a government holiday when, like other members of the order, ascended the Rustrum. Brother government holidays, all government offices are closed and, Blades opened the meeting in young and old, men and women, Englishmen and West Of every description prayers in an interestiug manner Indians, go forth and rejoice on the anniversary of the beseeching the Ald of the great day when England took that grand and glorious step Omnipotent to guide their sters away from barbarism into the threshold of civization.
DONE WITH NEATNESS AND singht in this their undertakin tae Initiation although for JuuWe were never of the opinion that West Indians Drs was to an ettent very in should go out on Emancipation Day and make merry DESPATCH Psive Wortly Council Master, from the mere fact that nearly a century ago their left no gap open, his lostunctions foreparents were freed from slavery. For the abolition were adminisbiag boto for the of chattel slavery was inevitable. That dreaded disease Juniors and also to Seniors, an AT THE in this order Devar to be could nor live for any time in any from in the sunshine forgotten, we therefore beg to of civilization. But we are of the firmest opinion that recommend our diant Flower Emancipation Day marks a most significant turning point Juvenile to the Community at in the history of Great Britain, the empire to which we large of the Independent Order ot Gallilean. It was on Febuary belong. We should celebrate for that. Yet that is not 17. 1928 when Brother all, for which we should celebrate. On Emancipation Day Blades Secretary Guardian rewe should meet at our various religious and community corded the first name and incenters to give God thanks and to take stock of ourselves; voked the blessings of the most to give account to ourselves of our stewardship for nearly ed the freedom of slaves in the United States of America. Dr. Nathan Rowe nigb on behalf of tbese little ones. We are here for the cause a century: to check up our accomplishments as a com In the West Indies the slave owners were recompensed munity of a race at the cross roads of the new world. by the Bri ish Government; those in Jamaica alone receiv. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON which needs resistance and for that which lacks assistance and To what extent we, while still in slavery, helped the ing nearly thirty million dollars for their quarter of a 11th and Bolivar Sts.
for the future in the distance, white race to perfect its civilization; how much the million slaves; while northern United Stotes were comCOLON.
a. the good that we can do.
millions it received from our freedom have benefited pelled to march on the south behind cold steel with hot BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE n; the extent to which the cheapness of our labour since bullets clearing the way to accomplish one of the greatest Chase National Bank Cricket in England the abolition of slavery has helped it to build up and blessings of that great country. While it is quite true Office Hours: 9a. to 12m around itself with wordly goods; strike a balance to that our forefathers did not fight to win their freedom, yet p. to pm.
determine how much that race has done for us in return in no way was their freedom lightly got and must, OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 During this week, the report for, and in proportion with, all which it gained from us. therefore, be little valued.
of England showed We should reflect on and analyze these things. We should In Panama we boast do originality as far as holidays! Drug STORE TELEPHONE 154 Challenor and Constantine linked first inning against Leicester)
on this day consider our status in the great scheme of are concerned. We are, pure and simple, chameleon like If you have a Prescription to Enthusiasm is still at a high rate making things and determine for ourselves whether we have been in this respect, flitting about with the others when their aumbers afty fifty.
justifying our presence here as free men entitled to come along. Hundreds of miles from the influence ot be made up take is to the and if it continues as it is at demand and receive a fair share of the profits which many of our most sacred institutions we tend to carelessly National Pharmacy, Santa Ana present, the boys from the West accrue from our honest toil. Yes; each Emancipation Day arift into nowhere, where we have no standards to work Plaza, where you will get cour will feel they have done their best, and should draw these and other pertinet questions from irom, no means by which to check up our losses and gains, teous and obliging service. o cricketiog ia th: mother country the lips of our leaders. We should never forget the Day. no standards to strive for simply pinning our faith and üill not have beea lost, Of course the conditions which surrounded the aboli hopes, for the most part, to luck and chance. But Rent Receipt Books in Spanish tion of slavery in the Bri ish West Indies is very signifi civilization discountenance such indifference and the guilty and English for sale at the Advertise in the Workman cant on account of its dissimilarity with those which attend lonce cannot escape the penalty. Workman Printery.
and get good results, JOB. PRINTING evening WORKMAN PRINTERY.


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