
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable 105xxx Sooyectos SS SS 31 Installation Ceremony As cooling as a plunge formed by Brother RAID Weekly London son, a member of the Indian Civil Service, to celebrate his complet Letter.
tion of a general Linguistic Sur vey of India. The immensity of this task may be estimated when Getlemen Warriors.
we consider that the population One of the most effective of India is 320 millions, the area speakers among British states is nearly two million square men today is the Earl of Birken miles, and there are 179 langua.
bead. He is witty, pungent, sati. ges and 544 dialects. The results rical, and in argument most de of Sir George Grierson labours vastating to his opponents. Con are contained in eeleven bulky sequently his speches are always volumes that have just come froin widely quoted in the press and the press representing nearly 60 cagerly read by the public. years of his own research, and short time ago he addressed the the classification of the work of members of the British section of a host of other investigators.
he International Association of To review adequately this vast Journalists. His remarks on the monument of learning a book functions, duties, and power of would be necessary. One can only the press were interesting. The mention its significance in the collective influence of the Press history of human progress. The of the world, he said, Linguistic Survey not only lights fortified and instructed by the up the dark places of India experiences of the World War, past, but suggests innumerable affords a better hope than any or ways of approach to the complex ganisation which at this moment Indian mind. Perhaps more than exists for preventing the out anything else it will help to break of another struggle, per bring India closer to England.
haps more destructive and more for it is the most cogent proof terrible even thn the last.
existing that the English are This insistence on the duty trying to understand the psycholand power of the Press is worth ogy of the peoples in the Indian nothing in view of the many dif Empire. Sir George Grieson ficult international problems work is, in fact anything but a which still face the statesmen of dry as dust collection of gram.
the world. But another state riars and vocabularies: it is a re.
ment made by Lord Birkenhead markable study in the comples specially pleased his hearers and psychology of many races. As the.
gave them what everyone will Secretary of State for India said admit was legitimate grounds for in the speech complimenting the a feeling of pride of race. Com author for his work, it is comparmenting on his recent visitable not only to the work of the to Germany, he quoted a stategreat historin Gibbon.
but to ment made to him by the distin hat of Dr. Johnson, the father guished and venerable German of English lexicography, and Teader. President von Hinden vurg, While fought for years. Iso to the work of the Scotsman as was my duty, in the Great Dr. Murray, who planned the War. said Filed Marshal von sew Oxford Dictionary, which is Hindenburg, the Englishmen by far the best in any language.
fought throughout like gentle.
men. War is a brutal business at hest, but there is some satisfac DENTIST HOWELL tion in having played the game. House No. 912 La Boca in such a death struggle.
Canal Zone OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Linguistic Survey of India Phone 1941 BALBOA The Royal Asiatic Society of London recently gave a luncheon Specialises in all Branches of in honour of Sir George GrierDentistry MESES. CUS. SEKSS ES ES VEU ass Try this Banana Sherbet Colon, July 26. On Friday Dight tae 20th Inst. the Flower of tbb Istbans odge hall in this city was the scene of another very impressive fra ternal meeting, the occasion was, the installation of officers of the Royal King George Lodge No.
31 OF. and OF large number of members of the order were present to witness tne affair when Bro.
Alexander Andrews, one of the many popular fraternal workers in this city took the oath of office as Worthy Cuiet of his lodge. The ceremony was perw. James, Deputy of the order here, who in his customary Impressive manner told the officers elect of the importance of their trust upon wbich depends tbe success of thei: lodge. The following formed the Grand Lodge: Bro. Barke, Conductor; Sister Mitebel, Conductres Bro Davi, of Bro. Herdman, Sis. Franca, of B; Bro. Berry: 8: Sis. Cum mings, T; Sis Good ne, of Bro. Castilow, P; sis.
Nurse, of L; Bro. Grant, S; Sig. Williamson, of K; Bro. Baxter, S; Sis. Thorne, of Those who took the oath of office to serve with zeal until the termination of their term were: Brothers: Andrew, Ferguson. C; Frau cle, Rec. Sec y (re elected.
Campbell, T; Stewart Fin. Sec y; Dutas, P; Collins, Cond. re elected) Esering. S; Thomasseau, S; Billett, Sieters: Padmore. D; Billett, of. F; E, Francis, of R; Burrell, of T; Plummer, of T; Pyne, of L; Williams. of Cond (re elected) Henry, of K; Parchment, D, of P; Stewart, D; After the installation of officers very entertaioing program was rendered by several members which consisted of songs, recitations, addresses, solos, etc.
The grenbers then repaired to the banquet hall where banner spread was enjoyed while the members again ombraced the opportunity to extend fraternal greetings and good wishes to the newly installed officers. ELICIOUS tempting frozen desserts made richer and smoother. They have that butter creamy flavor that is so much appreciated.
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Just keep a few tins handy, and you will have a supply of pure, clean milk at all times available, ready, convenient and economical.
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Peel and setape six thoroughly ripe bananas. Throw away the scraped past. Mash the bananas and press them through a coarse sieve. Mix in thoroughly ille cups of white sugar, a ld cups of St. Charles Evaporated Milk and Cup of orange juice and stir all well together. Cool in ice box for half hour to chill and then place in freezer. Use a freezing mixture of one part salt to six parts of ice.
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