
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 1928 aanpamaian For Sale Cheap Good Assortment of West www wine www Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City Critics In English beseems safe to suggest that will ist die we wsint in the determined to wie The Difficult Problem the feats Sporting Paper 10 1874 bowever, W, in three consecutive games. made Of Communication Between 465 runs in four innings. 34, ard The West Indian Islands On Touring West Indies 121. 123, 127 and took 31 wickets Cricket Team Now in for 13. 22 rons each.
George Giffen, too for South England Australia against Victoria, at Com u enting on the problem of communication between the Adelaide, did some remarkable West Indian island, the Trinidad The following are extracts wick is in ore watch, an inthings, such as 102 runs and 17 Gaurdian of July 5th Says: from articles appearing in The es ential condition of sue Athletic News on the 2nd ist ning of 271 and 16 wickets in cesa in any moment for West dealing with the doings of the another, and scores of 81 atd 97 not out and 15 wickets in Irdia unity was empbasised by Indies Touring Team.
third. All these feats, bowever th Hor. Jackson, Colonial That England would win the jacked the bat trick, Secretary of Trinidad, in his Test at Lord was generally speech at the West Indian Club a asumed, but the margin in our Giffen was supposed to be a dinner in London on June 12, in favour an Innings and 58 rups more formidable player on his tbis terse se sentence: ter meg was perhaps larger than bad own wickets tban on ours, yet in gland be did some extraor The largest problem is that of been anticipated, especially as dinary things.
communication, Mr. Jackson Hobbs was unable to play.
pointed out bat it is the geoFor our total of 401 we owed krapbical difficulties which bau.
much to our early batsmen, and The most recent feat, bowever per cc operation and he referred particularly to Sutcliffe and of the nature of Constantine at to the Canada West Lodies Hallows. Our visitors fast box. Northampton seems to bave been sten msbip service as an importlers performed excellently, for Vullance Jupp at Colchester in ant step towards rellering those although the wicket was good Essex. be made 102 and 33 not 1921, when assisting Suss V.
didiculties and an excellent examthey were able to get some life ple of what can be done by the out of the pitch and to tie down put and took twelve for 139, inspirit of co operrtion. Mr. Jackour batsman. Bid one or two cluding a hat trick in the first son has confessed himself a great wickets fallen Dearly a rot might innings. believer in the future of aviation baye set in for the last bowling In minor games well known in the West Indies and if his was of very high standard in cricketers bave, of course, dove bait humorous suggestion that deed some of the best seen for some astonisbing things. Thus Appeal Judges might one day years, and in bis management Dr. Poldevin, the Autralian who fly to their courts to neighbourof it Nunes was very skilful. played for Lancasbire, carried ing islands and return home in Much has been suld in praise out his bat for 271 and took 19 of time for dinner could be fulfilled, of our visitors bielding. Much bis opponents 20 wickets in these color ies would have taken of it was certaialy brilliant they school game at the tender age of a long str de forward in the diare a wonderfully enthusiastic 11.
rection of easy and swift tracteam, but at times it appeared The late Dr. Grace, too, sport facilities without which it as though their extreme keenness at least once went in first and was will be impresible to remove dis.
caused then to fumble the ball. left not out with a hundred to trust and misunderstanding and This experience, bowever, may bis name without any of his com finally to achieve federation. Ucprove useful for the captain panions reacbing double figures, til there is an air service bow must bare noticed the fact men and then took all the wickets of Ever we must be content with tioned, and a word of caution the other side.
the steam ships, but unfortunatefrom bim should have good FIND FIELD WORK.
ly while serving the larger iseffect (By Impressionist. lards fairly well and furnishing CL venlent connections with En.
WHERE THE WEAKNESS LAY The West Indies cricketers rope and America, the steamers For their set back by an in went to Mancbester much in a nings the West Indies weak bat. serious mood they approach a wib few exceptions do pot proting must be held chiefly attri Test match. Next to beatlog vide communication among the butable No doubt nervousgess England their most cherisbed lesser Caribees or between them was partly responsible, for only wish to overcome the champion and their important neighbours.
Tbis is twice at the beginning of the county.
the more regrettable OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH sir ce in the smaller places the first inning, and late in the Unfortunately they had nothing inhabitants tend to acquire more secood was anything approacbinga deeply rooted prejudices and mastery over the attack in like the conditions belping them next door Nash Motors Carage evidence.
their need is greater for the to demonstrate their worth; a!
the same time they rose superior broadening influence of frequent Our visitors obviously prefer to cold and a dead slow wicket.
intercourse besides which the fast bowling to deal with, and There are three last bowlers in ኣጥፊጥጥጥጥብጥብጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ orening up of a new trade they gave the impression that the side, outlet would bring to them in they credited our spin bowlere with more gulle than pos The pair of most speed tried to creased prosperity. The CanBalbeir batting on do something with or in reducereDr. Fred Sterling adian steamers will perform an sessed important service but without in Ittle.
that Monday th y clarly forshadow pace, any way appearing to belittle its ed the result, 70 for no wicket Griffith, not so speedy as Copat lunch time, but all out for stantine and Francis, adapted THE NEW YOXK DENTST value, we may be permitted to point out tha this Rervice will by 177 and six down for 55 in the himselt quite well; yet What 182, BOLIVAR STREET no means remove the follow on the end of the day should io press itself on the visit by CLON, MAJOR DISABILITIES So far as our own players are ng captain in tbe fact that in under wbich the West Indies cancerred, Tyldesley, Hammond Browne and Martin be has two utilised Box 171, CRISTOBAL, Should be in every office to immediately suffer by reason of foaccquate and Jardire struck one as the bowlers who can be best batsmen, but the run ketting wicket without at first asking straight away on this type of TELI PUONE 247 Colon transportat on facilities An capabili ies of our last five meo rast men to delve into soothe any neuralgic pain caused by obvious example is to be found were distinctly pot impressive.
in the fact that the itinerary Jupp and Freeman bowled with In the Test match last weekexcessive mental work, of the Canadian Steamers will J. Small not permit certain classes of opponents, such as the Austral West Indies bowling and fielding produce to be shipped from one laps or the South Africans, they under perfect summer conditions DENTIST NEURALGINA island to another which lies would have met with stouter op and a hard wicket.
MASONIC TEMPLE within perhaps a night journey, but which does not happen to Dosiion. Several of the West On saturday at Old Trafford Office Hours: 8, am to 12 Indies, by mistaken methods, they tucked their bani inside Should be in every school to soothe bad be the next port of call as in 30 to 30 I)
played into their hands, and the sleeves of their sweaters, but the case of Tobago and Barbados; few hours practice against spin they came out in a flasb when the Sundays, by Special Appointment headaches and reduce the fever of and and so we read of Professor bowling if time could be found ball was eighted coming their Masonic Temple ilth St, Clark Powell, the citrus expert; would seem to be desirable. To way.
children. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL stating in the interview which do better lo the remaining Tests we published last month, that EFFECTIVE BOWLING the West Indies batemen must The pity is. Bo far as have PHONE: OFFICE 1664 bago planters will not find go out to meet the slow bowling NEURALGINA the schedule of the Canadian RESIDENCE 538 Natior al steamships favourable in their natural, care free way seen of it, that the West Indies are not anything so strong in for the shipment to Barbados Chapman like Nun s, proved batting as they are in bowling an able captain and it was no and fielding.
Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes of grapefruit (even if they can grow a sufficient quantity. Mr.
fault of his that our fielding, on Tbey bave yet to adapt themthe whole, lift something to be selves to slow bowling.
the heart, Jackson referred to the good desired. Our Outfielding was no that such bodies the West Lancashire were pegged down, India Committee, the West Test like, and it seems to be recognised generally that a mistak 40 much so by Browne, Martin For sale both Wholesale and Retail Indian Club and the Associated Chambers of Commerce bave was made in not including od Griffiths that only two fields done in spreading greater knon.
uren, who possessed the strong men were needed out.
AT THE ledge of the Caribbean, but it Roach in front of the pavilion, is est claims for selections.
Fernandes deep behind the perbape not yet realised by the THE COLOURED CATAPULT wicket, and Constantine like AMERICAN PHARMACY majority of people in England anywhere were that the existence of so many during tour, Constir difierent administrations in a tine will always be able to Inok effective.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor small area with all the accomupon bis trip to England in 1928 Panama.
Constantine at silly mid on panying drawbacks, is inevitable with considerable personal satis and Francis at a similar point btca 289 of the eflective separation faction, for both against Middle on the side of the wicket were a of these communities wbich lie in sex and Nortbants ha has played tribute to daring and the effec DROP IN AT such cloze geographical proxmatch winding cricket of the tiveness of the bowling.
imity to one another and that whirlwind order.
until tbis barrier is removed, So At Lord be hit up 86 out of runs for two wickets. It took Lancashire scored only 101 the West Indies will make only 107 (including 10 extras) ia 55 Watson and Hallows hour bapbazard progress. Happily the desire for co operation wbich minutes in his first lovings, and twenty minutes to raise 63.
inade 103 out of 133 at a critical the latter then being run out CALL IN AT is now manifest can be regarded as a favourable augury of time in an hòar in bis second, and by a superb piece of fielding You ill Find Them a united public opinion that will took eight wickets for 134 runs, 00 Fernades part.
accomplisb more in the removal the county, after seeming safe, a of these difficulties as its force Josing by three wickets. That yards from the long leg bound Moderately Priced.
grows stronger. Those who read was a great personal triumph.
ary from whence be threw the the signs will see in the forthNow he bas repeated the feat. wicket down when Hollows was coming West Indian Conference or something very like it.
going for a second run.
the beginning of a movement At Norbampton he scored 107 Watson some good destined largely to shape the out of 146 in his only indings in drives and forced the ball away No. 16 STREET EAST future of these colonies, and it an hour and a ball, and obtained well at times, going back on bis 13 wickets for 112 runs, can be taker for granted that Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
the right foot, but it took him two the delegates to the Conference latter feat including the bat. hours to muster 48 out of a realising clearly the vital imtrick.
total of precisely 100. GOOD SELECTION OF portance of intercolonial comHow do these performances When he was out leg before munications, will not fail to comp. re with the best of the the best batting of all bad NEW BIBLES discuss this subject in all its past?
begun for Ernest Tyldesley implications most thoroughly.
SIMILAR SLAUGHTER started more certainly than Advertise in the Workman Hymn Prayer Books Advertise in the Workman Taking into consideration the usual, as evidence of that form rate at which he ade his runs a etylish finished batsman is 10. it pays.
and get good results, NEURALCINA 1l does nothing else or more per le vished the all round NEED WATCH?
FULLER an The Workman BOOK STORE made


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