
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 4, 1928 PAGE FIVE Az In the Tropic Sun You Toiling. As you work from Day to Day.
But your Task is always Pleasant With Your Glass of SILVER SPRAY (WITH THANKS TO SCUD EMERY. EVERYBODY LOVESI. E R OW On EwLWMI ZU YOU Paraiso Junior THEN AND NOW Observes Annivesary Under the above caption the Jamaica GLEANER of the 27th Distribution of Diplomas and ulto says: Religious Story Make EvenJamaica is to day the most progressive of all the British ing Interesting West Indian Colonies and Kingston is travelling at a terrific pace The Junior Endeavourers of in the West Indies, Montego Bay to take the lead as the finest city Paraiso made a very great impres the second city rion on their audience in the slumbered for some time as if un. reodition of the Sacred Cantata awa Mary and ber Bible. Mr. Theo, but having made a move she is aware of what was happening, Fuller and Miss Ivy Myers were certainly doing her best to follow responsible for this splendid pro, the premier city gram in which be children figured prozce and mprovement.
in point of prominently; aod judging from the acceptance and response of the To anyone who had left Jamaudience, it was evident that the aicu ten years ago both these faction was very much appre towas would now appear new ciated.
cities, while we venture to predict The distribution of diplomas by that ao five years time anyone the Rev. Cousins was also who is away for a similar periot another feature, appropriate of time will be an entire stranger marks being made on this occasion, to the new Kingston.
The Rev. told many witty aud It is a wonderful sigo of remarkweird stories in connect with able prosperity which is being ex.
Christian work, any of which hibited right down in Kingston, will never be forgotten; he also which like a mushroom is spring.
empbasized the benests be bim ing up over night. Th the. North, self has received from doing the east, the west. sbe is christian service; and made refer panding so rapidly as to to puzzle ence to the story of Mary and the onlooker and the whole of the her Pible as being a True Story. Liguanea plains will soon be one the information de added great vast city Kingston, in which ly to the enjoyment of the whole Half Way Tree and Cross Roads affair.
will be swallowed and two parish The program which was rendered es, Kingston and Saint Andrew, almost exclusely by children was will be one parish, St. Andrew oue worth bearing at anytime. with Kingston as its Capital. The Jamaics Critic.
Isthmian League Of If you have a Prescription to British West Indians be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Installs Officers For New Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.
Term PURITY At all our dealers or a phone call brings the goods to your door THE PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY exNO Company Formed in Death Sentence PassTrinidad Recently ed on Eleven in Russia private Company under the style of Columbia Ltd. was registerd by Messrs. Hamel Story of Dra palic Case Such Smith Co. says the Trinidad Lasted Month. Many Guardian of a recent date. The capital ir 300, 000 dollars divided Charged into 60, 000 shares of dollars and the Directors are Messrs.
Eugene Nivet Planter, Leon Moscow, July Eleven death Nivet Planter and Michael Bediences were handed down Hamel Smith, Solicitor, The to night by the court which registered office is situate at has been bearing the case o 109 Queen Street, Port of Spain ball bundred Russians and Among the objects for which bree Germans charged with the Company is establisbed are anti Gyvernment in to purcbase and otherwise ac the Doveiz coal mines. Six of leven however, were require the plantation and build the eleven ings known as the Columbia con mended for commutation.
Estate in the Ward of Cedros; The Germans were freed, two to grow and cultivate cocoan uts by acquittal and one on parole.
rubber, coffee, cotton, tobacco, etc. to manu were paruled, but most of them facture, buy and well cocoanuts, were sentenced to various terms cocoa and ibeir by products; to of imprisonment.
carry on the business of planters, The trial lasted many weeks dealers in agricultural products and the Court deliberated for and madures and importers tortyeight hours on its verdict of implements, goods, bags and trial since tog soviet material of every description came into power awakeued such used on tropical plantations. The wide interest as this one. For ability of the members is two days the court was besieged 11 mited.
by crowda awating the verdict The number of members of and to night the throng was so the Company for the time great that extra troops were being is not to exceed fifty called to control it.
and an Invitation to the public Two of the most conspicious to subscribe for any sbare or defendants, ranking with Rusdebentures is probibited. sia greatest engineers, were In the Articles of Associa. among those condemned tion the Company is given the Rabinovitch received right in general meeting from sentence of six years and time to time to increase the Kuzma one of three years.
capital by the creation of new Technical skill which may be sbares.
ugetul to the Soviet State Mr. Michael Hamel Smith bas in the future was the saving Case ot the six been nominated as the first actor in the Chairman of the Board to death but men sentenced of Directors for recomended clemencs.
These men were Matoif, Kassripoff, Bogarchioky, Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Sbadlum and Brantanovsky.
and English for sale at the The five for whom there is no Workman Printery.
bope doder the verdict are BudDey, Krisbanovsky, Gorlietsky, Yusewich and Bayarinoft. FLOWERS TRIAL MARKED BY TRAGEDY.
For more than. montb the Abogado. Attorney at Law Rrim class war trial held the centre of the stage in Moscow, OFFICB: No. 44 ST sod also the started interest of BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY Western and capitalist world.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 Prisoner after prisoner faced the Practicing before all the courts of savage sarcasms and withering the Republic since April 1914 (Continued on page 6)
PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 Manufacturers of CLEAN GOODS to prison Book Binding!
The installation of officers of the BOWEN above named Society took place on Saturday night last at pm TAILOR in the Geddes Hall Panama, Mr. MoCarthy was in. No. M Street San Miguel stalting master for the Panama City and this was very impressive obligations seriously, all the McFarquhar, President ocrasion was marked with much McFarlane, Fanny dignity. Reference was made by Gittens, 2nd P: A, Wilson many of tbe officers to the late Secretary, Lawes, Assistant Wilkinson who filled the office of President to the satisfac This sociery although, considered tion of all.
antique has lived down many of The following are the new offi. repute, and is still doing good cery work.
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can haue them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No. EAST 16 STREET Opposite the Wesleyan Churh

    Death SentenceSovietSpain

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