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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY ACGUST 1928 The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue gives a DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING Wait all races Books IRON ELECTRICALLY Annual Sale of Completed annat fluatehen ja marsit tot African, is to call upon him How National City Dies After Boxing Some Plain Talk to the Bank at New York Bout With Pal.
Intruder in Black (Continued from page 1)
Africa While Engaged in Friendly EnNational City Bank will protect counter.
his co makers, and the family European Official Empire Day of the maker, against lost. The Bank, with out charge, provides Exhortation Brings Sharp Re.
insurance, which cancels the entire The Jamaica Gleaner of the joinder from African Newspaliability outstanding if the maker 27th ulto says: per Awakened Africa Will dies. This assures co makers that At the end of the 3rd round in Regain Her Birthright.
they reed not worry about such hazard. It enables the maker to a four round contest at his home ask his friends to become co at 124 King St. on Wednesday (From the Gold Coast Spectator)
makers with confidence. And it night last, with his colleague, feeling of security Jocelyn Williams, Ivan Miles beWe have an exclusive and abto a borrower family.
PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 sorbing interest in the news But the purpose of the came exhausted, was taken to the which reaches us from Obuasi, Personal Loan Department does public hospital and died yesterwhere it is alleged that a certain not end when a lo o has been ap day forenoon.
European, in delivering an ad proved. Its purpose is to belp Williams was taken in custody customers towards financial indress on Empire Day, exhorted dependence. It shows how to pay on a charge of manslaughter and the natives to remember that off a debt rapidly, how to become was granted bail in the sum of OF THE HIGHEST ORDER sa investor instead of borrower 50 to appear before the King whatever Africans will achieve in and how to build up cysh resources. ston Court.
intellectual capacities or in other It even provides a simplified fields of knowledge, they will budget suited for the family from that what can be gather Work Done While You Wait never be able to become equalls purse, so that each week end sees ed, the deceased and accused of the white man, and that Afri.
some money saved.
were employed at Mr. Fa No wonder, then, that scarcely cey, Commission Agent at Har.
cans should always remember a day passes without the Na bour St. and Matthews Lane, that they are black. It must be tional City Bank helping someTRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED marked that this address was de one from Jamaica!
On Wednesday night Miles inlivered on a day when a glorious vited a few of his friends to his rapproachement was being feted Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices PANAMA WESLEY home where he was having a for a better cohesion of the difsmall moving picture show and ferent limbs of the British Em. Continued from Page 1) a boxing contest between himself Ladies Garments carefully handled pire. At a time, too, when parents both interesting and educational, and Williams, had gone to some expense in Toussaint Louverture, the Freach Towards o clock a number of stateman and Martyr is indeed an young women and men went to REID Propietor accounting their children to ap, a pear respectable at the fete specimen of humanity and will long his home to see the show and to and when the natives are empty by witness the contest. It was de ing every penny from their er. Washington the Negro educided that the bout should take cator who had to strive so hard for place before the moving picture purses to meet taxation direct an education and finally won his show.
and indirect to pay the salary way to fame is also a very exempleary character. William Wilber, little ring was roped off and for fuller particulars from Ja. of this gentleman. For hi mto be force who also fought hard for the Mr. Hewitt was appointed re.
maica as to the part the Executive so sneering as a Voltaire at the abolition of slavery and who was feree. It was also decided that of that island would be willing to African, and to have the face of born at Hull Yorkshire was referred each round should be of two min.
take in any formulated immigra an army to speak thus to his to by Rev. Wade as having utes duration with three mintion scheme.
auditors, when his livelihood de.
been born in the same country in which he was privileged to have us to rest. Both young men been born. recitation on Tous were gloved and the contest We are in position upon the saints by miss Hilda Forthe rod a started.
public indignation.
ernment has replied to that com song by tniss Ivy Wright completed an evening of colored accomplish The fight was fairly even from ELECTRIC IRONING AND munication stating that a repre Let us suppose that the state ment.
the start but at the end of the sentative of the island Government has some truth in it: was third round Miles showed some LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS ment will shortly visit British it not glaringly out of tune to SHORTAGE OF CHAFsigns of exhautation and sat on Guiana and would take the op. have delivered it on this partiFEURS.
a chair.
Only. Until August 15th.
portunity to discuss all the elecular occasion?
The referee came forward and ments of the situation with the (Continued from page 1)
local Executive. That represen.
We do not pretend to know questions, it is hoped that these raised him up. This however did WE WILL MAKE AN ELECTRIC INSTALLATION tative we have reason to believe what this gentleman is or is not, problems will be easily solved, and not seem to have much effect on in the event of the parties not Miles and within a minute or will arrive in the Colony on or and what are his particular atFOR YOU FOR ONLY about the 11th proximo.
tainments. He wants yet to learn being able to make a renewal of two he went across to his op their licenses the authorities might ponent and shook hands. minthat his present office can be ap find it possible to make their path ute or so after he did so he besmooth, so that they may be able ACTION OF LOCAL GOVERN. propriately discharged by an African with MENT to get a decent an honest liviog.
came unconscious. The audience ordinary first aid but ligence. Say present rendered In connection with the above keep quiet is one of the rules better things or Death Sentence Pass. without success. The deceased First Payment cablegram, a representative of was rushed off to the public hosthe Gleaner called at the Colonial of discourse in good society.
ed on Eleven, pital where he was admitted WITH FOUR SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS.
Secretary Office and was We have taken particular note about 15 o clock by Dr.
informed that the Govern of this profoundly significant (Continued from page 4)
Clark ment did have under considera pronouncement because it is resubtletics of the public prosecutor Miles condition gradually betion a proposal to send a depu curring to our mind that this has Nikulat Kyrleuko. talked came worse and he died at about FUERZA LUZ bim dcwc.
tation to British Guiana to in been the universal belief of the The story of the trial was one 10. 15 o clock yesterday vestigate the possibility of Ja. western world. But whether they of mingled comedy and tragedy, noon.
At Your Service maican labourers going to that believe it or not it is nevertheless the latter predominating.
The deseased was about 20 colony, but before anything true that the brain of the African On one day, May 27, the old years of age, while his compan PANAMA COLON could be done the sanction of the has equal retentive power, if not drama of Cain and Abel was re ion was about 18 summers and told in terms of twentieth cepLegislative Council would have more, as that of the white man.
tury Russia, when Audrey Kol they had been friends for some to be obtained. In the meantime Given equal opportunities, the odoob, stubborn Ukrainian time.
IRONING BOARDS 6, 00 ASK FOR DETAILS OF THE Brigadier Mudge, the Inspector African can hold his own in the peasant wbo had parried all of THERMAX IRONS 75 General of the West Indian For world of achievements. To him.
Kylenko thrusts, wis betrayed Jamaica Labourers For CO. IBINATION RATE inventions and by Cain bis brother Emilian. UNIVERSAL TRONS ces will be visiting British these constant 00 Another day, June 14, sawa British Guiana.
Guiana during next month and he discoveries have no fatal fascina HOTPOINT IRONS 00 FOR IRONING AND LIGTHING Russian fatalist walks out of the has been asked to explain to the tion and dread. What depth of pages of Dostoievski into the WESTINGHOUSE Government of that colony the thought is used to materialize House of Columns where the Deputation to be sent to DemerIRONS 8:50 It is the Lowest attitude of the Jamaican author. these inventions, is by no means taial was proceeding. The Dos ara to View Situation deeper than that of the African toievski old styfe fatalist, one Braianofski. cainly admitted his Time Payments Rate for Current and the most intricate machinery.
part in the plans of a conspir! Georgetown, July 25.
If you have a Prescription to inasmuch as it is brought forth rative, sabotage organization. The following appeared in toMade To All Ever Offerred in be made up take it to the by a human brain, will not be He amazed the prosecutor by day New Daily Chronicle with sayiog: Customers.
reference to the paragraph apPanama National Pharmacy, Santa Ana insuperable to the Africa when he Well, you know might bave pearing in these columns on SunPlaza, where you will get cour has been given the same opStayed abroad. But this is my teous and obliging service. portunity as the white inventor, country and so well, came day embodying the text of a teleIf political officers wish to back.
gram received through the Paci.
Another man, an industrious: fic Cable Boards Station that the Garvey Urges His Followers McClymont foster good will between the govson of. Jamaica ernment and the people, they MODERN TAILOR by the name of Brezoffski, who should speak by the card to the had won for himsel: a respected that Sir Edward Stubbs had (Continued from page 1)
CALIDONIA NO. 16 African, because he is no less a position before the revolution conmunicated with the British betrayed bis comrades with ap Guiana Government as to the liSMITH BETTER THAN HOOVER See us for up to date Work man than the white man.
parent callousness. Spectators kelihood of this Colony absorbing Perhaps there was a time when saw in Bertzoffski a twentieth The slogan of the Universal Negro Improvement msnship at Moder te Prices, the ignorance of the African was century Judas. He seem to take some of the surplus of the Ja Association during the Presidential campaign must be Advertise in the Workman sacrified to such jingle of words.
pleasure in putting others in pe maica population and that the lo SMITH BATTER THAN HOOVER, and vote your and get good results.
ril of the death sentence. cal Government had not yet re conviction through the ballot box so that the next PresiToday, the African looks at plied, the New Daily Chronicle dent of the United States will be a man of high principles, those days with the same air as House rent receipt books in British King And Quaeu is in a position to announce that who will not allow himself to be influenced by his! Spanish and English for sale at one cogitates over the biblical our Island contemporary was in capitalistic friends to act in a way to exploit Negroes for she Workman Printery expression. And there were (Continued from page 1) sufficiently informed. personal gain.
giants in those days.
gave the King and Oveen a won On receipt of the communica Trusting that every loyal member of the Universal TAKE NOTICE Today, the African is conscious derful display of his powers. He tion above mentioned we have Negro Improvement Association will campaign and vote of his manhood, and of his birthhit four s and nine s, and reason to know that the local for Al Smith, with very best wishes, have the honor to right; a birthright which must scored 67 out of 85 runs in twen Executive immediately replied to The WORKMAN can be and will be reinstated, be it ever be, had at Mr. Sanchez place sc late in the face of the strength ty minuts.
Your obedient servant, the inquiry stating that openings The King thoroughly enjoyed could be found for certain numMARCUS GARVEY 24th Street, No building of all legislation to resist the the entertainment, and said sobers of agriculturists and asking President General Universal Negro Improvement Ass Guachapali.
growth of the African.
TWO DOLLARS intelfore.

    Death Sentence

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