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اس ریاست cathy mor Starting From The Bottom THE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN READ LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL 17 No. PANAMA, SATURDAY AUGUST 11, 1928 PRICE CENTS New Alien Policy dential Elections More About the Jamaicans De Last Sunday Presiported From Cuba Mr. Marcus Garvey Begins Mission in West London of Considered the Quietest Ex Will Permit Entry of Relaperienced in Panama tives Outside Quota Correspondent in Kingston Paper The Presidential election or WASHINGTON, July 18. For Puts Aims of Before Says it Was Big Frame Up Sunday last was the most peaceful four years the United States in the history of the Republic, restrictive immigration law has Section of the British Public and the day can very favourably been separating children from writer in the JAMAICA Mall of the 31st ulto. Throws be compared with a Sunday in parents and husbands from wives The West London Observer accordance with the rule that a ray of light on the deportation of Jamaicans from Cuba the West Indies.
with its strict quota Residents of the citv seemed to the vicar of the parish must preof July 6th says:proviin the following letter. Sir. Please grant me space in the columns of your the instruction sent nut from the have been bent in carrying out sions.
Mr. Marcus Garvey, President side at meetings in the hall, and valuable paper to make certain statements in regards to Alcalde office regarding the country will assume a new role, Improvement During the coming year this General of the Universal Negro that his chairmanship neither the recent deportations of Jamaicans from Cuba.
sale of liquor and the carrying Association is to expressed approval or disapTwo weeks before the detention of these, so called dangerzus weapons, and up to and will bring together again begin a West London mission at proval of any meeting or con undesirables, the leading Santiago newspaper Diario Monday morning theie were no many hundreds of these families St. Dionis Mission Hall, Parson cert. He hought it was imporreports of brawls or disputes it has broken up.
Green, on Monday next, to tant that he should make this de Cuba published articles stating that the Secretario de aterueing from the expected exHacienda at Havana hab signed a decree to expel over citement of the day, and sentiWithin the last two weeks a before the British public the ob clear especially as he had been of this informed that serious charges eighty Jamaicans and Haitians from Cuba, being unde ments in connection with hap new immigration policy has been jects and aims great han been made in certain newssirables. These undesirables the paper claims, were penings were rarely expressed. undertaken, under authority world wide organization then serving sentences in the different prisons and were Seonr Don Florencio Arosemena granted by the last Congress and negroes, which now numbers papers.
Mrs. Garvey, who introduced to be deported at the expiration of their sentences. It was elected with an overwhelming regulations issued by Secretary cleven million members. Mr.
however, turned out that those sent out. with the excep motiority according to election of State Kellogg. These provide, Garvey is known in America as her husband, said the Hon. Martion of a few) had never been in a Cuban prison or charged and after his inauguration in effect, that practically the the greatest Negro orator yet cus Garvey was born in Jamaica, with the commission of a crime.
October, next will occupy the posi entire quotas available to each produced. man of great learn in the West Indies, and was a The military supervisor and the others who form the tion of chief executive of the country during the coming year ing, holding a degree, he British subject. He had lived and travelled extensively shall be devoted to bringing to is now conducting a mission to in the big three, claim that such a step was taken to defend nation for the next four years.
the poor Jamaican and Haitian labourers from being exthe United States relatives of the white people of the world in United States of America for ten ploited by their country men. This statement sounds too Miss lona Barnes Back immigrants already here. This which he is putting what he years, as well as Central and good to be true. Seldom do we find in Cuba one who All reformers.
From Jamaica includes for the first time rela describes as the true case for South America.
will be ready to protect the interest of a poor negro tives of alien immigrants as well the negro. He says: We do not she said, whether they were labourer. Experience teaches wisdom. Cubi is famous Jas relatives of those who have demand that Africa shall be the black yellow or white, had the for grait. Sbe inherited all the vices of Spain, but none of her virtues. President Zayas during his Cabinet troubles rived irom Jamaica last Wednes to secure citizenship.
Among the passengers who ar been in this country long enough object of an aggressive pilgrim same experience, and had to go mage on the part of all negroes through the stages of ridicule told General Crowder, the then American Ambassador, day on the S. Santa Maria, of the world, but we do ask that and persecution. Her husband to find honest Cubans and form a Cabinet as he (President was Miss Myrtle lona Barnes, Quotas Not Increased best Zayas) could not find any. There was an axe to grind. Mrs. Mulcare of La Boca As relax the restrictive policy, eventually be given a land of son in America, where his fol daughter of the Rev. T. and by peaceful means and constitu had, in fact, written his The amended law does not tional means the negroes shall articles when he hal been in priI will explain a few reasons that lead up to the deporta was recently announced in these adapted by Congress, and does their own where they can set up lowers had doubled and his white tions.
There is a young man among the deportees who had with honors from Westwood not increase the quota of any a free negro face and nation and sympathisers trebled their numSeboal never been accused of a crime. He always defended his as the leading student in her bloede done here country. It does. however. slight have their own government and berhe country men against abuses. He twice prosecuted Cubans of twenty seven pupils, and is they enlarge the number of im their own educational systems, The Hon. Marcus Garvey in of prominence. He was a strong factor in a case where humble possesser of three Certi migrants who may come under so that the race can develop as a lengthy address, said he reprethe Cuban was sentenced to over 14 years imprisonment. ficates from The Assaciuted Board non quota provisions, and it a race, integral and pure. sented the Universal Negro Im; He was then employed to a certain Shipping Company and The Royal College of Music, of The Royal Academy of Music changes the preference provisMEETING AT PARSONS provement Association, with Another for making propaganda in favour of the Loodon. Continued on page 6)
eleven inillion members, and also GREEN Trop cal beer. He was also employed to the same the interests of the negro races shipping company as the former, and holds a recommendaThe same paper of the 11th of America, the West Indies, tion from Mr. Ewen as a reliable person. Others for their SPARKLETS says: South and Central America and being connected with the Steamship Company which had The Hon. Marcus Garvey, Africa. He had been sent to lay begun to rival the other company. am sure the depor(By KING)
President General of the Univer their case before.
tation caused some big fish to smile. It was all a frame If you never had the displeasure The cther day friend Hector sal Negro Improvement Associa THE WHITE PEOPLE up. am apt to think Mr. Ewen was aware of what of a visit from the flu you will connor, the progressive young tion and the African Communi of Europe for adjustment, would happen. His actions showed this. think however, probably not ucderstand how man who directs the various he was unable to do better. He arrived and has tendered much of a mental and physical important functions the ties League, organisations repre real negro, he said, was in his report.
represented for the past United Negro Improvement As setning 280 million black peo known to the audience. He was am sure the public would like to hear his opinion. tally unstrung that Jump, the write for our enlightenment and appeal for an improvement in the a group of 28 million people, the hree weeks. So much was men. sociation of Colon, started to ples of the world made a strong a man with a future representing Even the deportees would.
politician, had trợuble in Could not the Government favour its publication?
convincing me on Monday morn 00 Leadership vs Mass Psychol. international status of the black majority of whom were domiciling last that his name did not ap ogy, but before had settled peoples at a meetting held at ed in Africa, and the rest in the pear on the list of prospective de down to receive and assimilate of St.
Dionis Mission Hall, western world. They a proWelcome Given Hon. pratade of paita underment President, ling was all over. rather pntados to sit under e adminis his rich outpourings, the whole Parson Green on Monday even gramme and a purpose, and the unDon. Florencio Harmodio Arose fitting climax to a start of, such ing.
object they were striving for was great promise, Hector.
The Rev. Carter, vicar nationalisation. The negro oband in Be that as it mny; now that the so as to be the first to pass of St. Dionis Church, who preject was to be a free Royally Entertained By Members of election for Pre ideul, Deputies and on to you live news, gentle reader, sided, pointed out that he only dependent man, capable of ad and their respective substitutes is am violating a decision of the occupied the chair exofficio in (Continued on page 6)
all over, assuring peace, harmony dignified La Boca Athenaeum by The Press and tranquility over our village, telling you that Essay Number am ready to accept an invitation five has won first prize in the as representative of a party from recent Juniors Essay contest held Spectacular Rainbow Panama Wesley A Direct West India cable honoured guest, Mr.
Webber the Panama Brewing and Refriger under the auspices of that society Garden Party.
despatch from Georgetown, said that in doing so, he felt ating Company for a Sandwich and closed on the 30th of June and Silver Spray party. can last The Judges were the young Activities British Guiana, dated August 3, that he was toasting the whole eaeily fit out a grore of boys and and learned barrister, D: States that the Hon. Albert West Indian Press. They were girls for such little oild time. Souza, LL. Me. Walker, Coming off at La Boca.
afarryshow, Member of the having a holiday from these dis. Walrond, Editor proprietor and teacher La Boca Coloured School what of The Subjeot Literty was preLegislative Council of Grenada, turbing factors, that sent so the Workman, can be Panama Baptist School. These indispeusable and H, Russell Philips, teacher, sented on Wedoesday Evening last Preparation for the most spec under the auspices of the abovewas entertained at a luncheon public platforms, at each other A. Young, late Editor of sorts Eseay number Four takes second tacular Garden Party ever held at named society at the Geddes Hall, yesterday, by members of the throats but the free masonry of of the Panama American, whos2 place, and made special mention of La Boca, is being made by the so by the Rev. Wade, and new book, soon to appear on another which number do not now cial Com inittee of St. Peter Bywas used as a continuation of local press, Mayor the Hon. the Press, brought them together the rew stands, includes an article remember. The first and second the Sea. Ia ad lition to dancing, discussed last week.
the which was Wight, presiding. Among and bade them forget everything of mine on Words, will deliver prize wingers will draw five dollars quite a number of attractive diverthose present were: Hon. but the fact that they were the oration for the occasion: the and twą, dollars, United States sons will be in evidence on According to illustrations out Cannon. Crane, LLB R pressmen. You are a distin: 09 cate invited to Dresdu currency respectively. The names eventful evening, Tuesday the title lineda kehifor teromethi very cleoften New guished ornament the be stand of the winners will be mistaken Daily Chronicle, Phillips, he went on to stay and there and get first band information strict secrecy by Mr. G. Neely. honored atend, and the Nethman in the case of the teren licence in case any legal matters Pot Secretary of the La Boca Club Syncopators will have the distinc. Continued on Page 6)
Editor of the Daily Chronicle, fore, we welcome you very mixed in the afterinath; while house and Treasurer of the tion to rejuvenate all who intend. Britton, Editor of the Tribune, wholeheartedly to day.
the Jobony Ferreira, sharing imposing Raiabow disH. Lloyd Smith, local Superinpanyi have to rein state, will detach them from the Essays Wield The Pen play.
will place themselves at the disposwrite verses on the affair to before they were turned over tendent of the Pacific Cable At o clock, promptly, seven al pretty ladies ready for the epin.
As pressmen, perhaps we can be set to appropriate music by to the Judges so as to guarantee little girls will press the electric The Party of your life, can you alBoard, Marshall and Dr. take as our greatest motto, Professor Garfield Murray of ths mosl disinterested judgment batton and illuminate the hall ford to miss it? Surely not. Then Fjtz Johnson.
Voltaires immortal words, the Panama Symphony Orchestra, It is hoped thatſthe names will with a thrilling drill coupled with get your ticket on time, and be Toasts and chorusdes can be amply, be given out at the society meet a foot itching chorus, after which prepared pbysically for the impea.
Proposing the toast to (Continued on page 6)
taken care of.
ing next Tuesday eenivng. John Jones and lis eleven brother, ding thrill.
The not of wreck Marryshow at British Guiana Dena.
ER the


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