
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 11, 1928 THE WORKMAN PANAMA HARDWARE Polisi wirdys 21:13 fər 11:02) Bolta WALROND, 35 thoice 15 tou. Corran oa alla Stace! East Central Avenus Panama of publie iatarast invited.
All copy for pablieation must be PO Box 74, Paoans P.
written on one side of paper waly, and Rates of Subscription must be a. npsnied by thy nam of e Year 40 Cy the writer, at nusarily for publica Six Months 20 tioa bat as a nurk of goul faith.
Tarae 000 We do not undertake tortura rsOne Month 25. jested correspon lecce. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights UNUIS SATURDAY AUGUST 1928 STARTING FROM THE BOTTOM to The British Pharmacy COLON sise se Se Sex No Reșttriction On Im.
THE migration Into Canada.
Only Requirements of British are Health and Character, Says Minister ANSWER CRITICISMS. CARDOZE Jr. Dominions are compelled to Fix Standards of Immigrants NEWLY REMODELLED STORE Seeking Entrance.
Ottawa, July 24. Apart from the common sense requirements AT. CATHEDRAL PLAZA concerning health and character, there are no restrictions on Bri Offers a full assortment of Hardware at tishers coming to Canada to live.
Hon. Peter Heenan, Minister of convenienent prices.
Labour, said to day, when asked about complaints published in Great Britain, that Canada was GIVE US CALL too strict in its provisions for admitting people from Great Courteous, Treatment, Prompt Service Britain into this country.
For some time, the Minister added, both here and in England, BRANCH STORE Canadian immigration regulations have been subjected severe criticism in so far as the 125 CENTRAL AVENUE admission of Britishers is conSSSSSSSS cerned. It is claimed in England that people are not being encour aged to emigrate to Canada, while in this country, it is said that immigrants are being induced to come when no employment is available for them.
The Government only gives encouragement to farm workers for whem employment is readity available although tradesmen are permited to come on their own responsibility. It may therefore be seen that the stories being circulated have no foundation in fact, for on the one hand, while IS NOW LOCATED AT Britishers, who accept the re.
sponsibility may come forward they are only encouraged to do 11. 1154 11th STREET so for the classes of work, in which Canada can constantly ab.
Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK sorb them.
MEN WITH TRADES Where our customers will receive the usual The Minister emphasized that while men with trades must excourtesies nect to go on the land at first, hey frequently found opportuni.
ties later on, to get jobs at their particular line of work.
LOOK FOR THE SIGN There was no comparison, the Minister said, between conditions under which people from the other land were admitted to Can.
ada, and men from other coun tries to Europe. The continental had to have a passport, had to pay the full fare of 132 dollars and pass a rigid examination. On the other hand, a Britisher, if he was physically acceptable, had no restrictions at all if he paid his full fare and if he were going on to be on the land or in the case of women into domestic service, obtained a two pound passage.
In regard to the interview given by Sir William Maxwell of England on his arrival in St.
Tohn, that British miners be brought out to Canada, Mr.
No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue Heenan said that they were al.
most exclusively coal miners.
PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Labour Department records show that at present there is a surplus of coal miners in Canada.
DOMINION DEFENDED London, July 25. In the House OF THE HIGHEST ORDER of Commons last night Rt. Hon.
Sir Hamar Greenwood took up the cudgels on behalf of the Dominions making special referWork Done While You Wait ence to Canada. He showed how they are compelled to fix standards for immigrants seekind admittance. The Dominions he said were the only part of the Ailied World that was paying its debt to Britain.
Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana REID Propietor Plaza, where you will get cour.
teous and obliging service. multitude of individual and collective filures among men have a direct source in the failure of not pursuing the oldest but surest way to success starting from the bottom and working up.
With the constant supply of labor saving devices, product of science and inventions, a condition is forced upon the majority of mankind in civilized countries to more and more shirk both manual and mental efforts by trying to win success over night by means of schemes and chances.
Monopolies are children of the failure of the majority to excavate, lay proper foundation and build thereon sound structures. solid structure can only be made on ground properly prepared.
Exc in few isolated cases where there is result from legacies or veneered by scientific gambling or trickery, every case of success can be directly traced to some smali start. Success is therefore a small conscientious effort amplified by the result of hard work.
On the Isthmus of Panama where the greater percen tage of the coloured people are dependent upon the returns, from their labour on the Panama Canal, very few are able to remove themselves from the lowest economic stra a on account of the limitations placed upon the remuneration they receive for their work. Hence, there are comparative few of these people who are able to maintain a bank account of more than a couple hundred dollars, and in these few cases the savers must, more cften than not, resolve and actually live up to their resolution to be impecunious in the lowest sense.
Collectively, however, these people are unable to progress and make their presence felt as a factor of the population not to be taken slightly. They can achieve this status by accepting and following the most dependable way for its achievement start right, from the bottom, and work up.
There should be collective bargaining, first of all for their labour which is well known to be highly valued here: and then a turning to business with capable leaders in whom sufficient confidence, as well as organized backing, is placed.
An instance of the futility and consequent loss by tackling things at the wrong end might be cited in the poor support given the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association of the Canal Zone by the employees concerned. With approximately seven thousand West Indian employees on the rolls of that gigantic enterprise, they ought to be able by this time, to be supporting one of the most formidable organizations representing labour and community welfare work Central America.
But on account of their American employers receiving an overwhelming amout of pay more than them, they seem to conclude that the task of uniting themselves for the purpose of showing up the inadequacy of their pay in proportion to the amount of work they perform, is to hard, and apparently resolve: What the use of trying?
We are rated loo low to be ever able to recover anything. And yet many of the present coloured.
employess of that great money making undertaking, who gave to it their best diys, are now looking over into the winter of their lives never again to be able to improve their economic condition to any appreciable extent. But they should remember that it took the citizens of the United States a whole century to work their way from the bottom up to where they are today a position in which they are probably controlling the key of the world biggest money bag. Had their Pilgrim Fathers relaxed energy, folded their arms, sat by and concentrated on the glories and riches of England, quietly rebuking her for having grabbed and held the best, and waited on the day when might will triumch over right, these pioneers would soon lose their newly acquired United States and there would be no Panama Canal owned by natives of several countries who have handed themselves toge her as North Americans and maintaining a national position almost equal to that of the British Empire.
The very strong desire to attempt building from the top has been evidenced in our people here by their almost conspicuous absence form big business. But we can overcome this handicap by studyiny the history of the big businesses around and about us from which we will learn the little truths of how all of them originate from the efforts of small beginnings. how the originators adopted and stood on the platform of starting from the bottom and worķing up.
BRITISH PHARMACY The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING IRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED TAKE NOTICE House Rent Receipt Books IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH For Sale at the Workman Printery ADVERTISED IN THE WORMAN It will bring you good results The WORKMAN can te had at Mr. Sanchez place 24th street, No bu:lding Guachapali.


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