
IN THE REPUBLIC Always Fresh Quality Unsurpassable DATOKBABAKADABREXDANYMWSEBENARANSEBANABANADA Enterprise in Trinidad de vida ய ம ய யம DIRL United Fruit Company TO IMPROVE STEAMSHIP SERVICE The ACE of TEAS biddin Additional Steamers to be Placed on Route Between New York, Jamaica, Cristobal and Colombia 1892 1927 conduct in SALADA TEA SALADA TEA ORTANCE PEKOE SAHAA TEA Writing editorially, under th: above caption the Barbador WEEKLY HERALD says: Tbe claim of Trinidad to be the most progressive colony in the West Indies is often disputed Yet it would be hard to prove that the natives of the Land of the Humming Bird are not the most enterprising in these Dart. if a recent investigation the Police Courts there, furnishes any grounds for an opinion.
an opinto.
The exploits of Constantine bave been of so outstanding a character that bis fellow couotrymen have naturally set about to do blm bonour. To this end, some of the newspapers of the colony bave started the collection of funds. Not many days ago, an enterprising gentleman appeared before a Police Maristrate to obtiap 80 occasional licence to seil strong driok.
on the grounds that he was bolding a Dance in ald of the Constantine Fond The Magistraie was doubtful about his bonades and asked the man to produce some sponsor. He turned up a few days after with Mr. Llud Smith, the Editor of the Sacrti ng Chronicle Mr. Smith was winog his Dame could be used. He would not be able to supervise the dance but Some of the men in bis emplos would be present and it would be alright.
At this stage. Inspector Power of the Police Force put his foot in. He insinuated to Mr. Smitb that the gentleman who was making use of the had no such Intention when first he started six weeks before. The questiocings be bad undergone by the Police bad made bim fall back upon that conveclent excuse. Further, was Mr. Smith acquainted with the applicant brother whose name appeared on the tickets, and who Washis partner in organizing the Dance? Mr. Smith said bo would know. bis photogra: Whereupon the Inspector pro 03:09. og and group adalang mas masan. Dagagogogoa mptly produced the photograph from the Crimital Brgister of Trinidad. After that the deluge.
was effortF. BOWEN the Magistrate bad no besitation well that the Magistrate did put ADVERTISE about refusing the licence. It his foot upon the neck of the was disbeartening that these two thing. Who knows but that Mr. TAILOR enterprising gentleman should Constantine might have objaeted be deprived of the opportunity to being associated with a con No. M Street San Miguel of contributing their quota of victed larcenist? One more proapplausu to Mr. Constantine fitable good idea has gone West. Panama City IT PAYS The Jamaica Mail of the 24th ulto states it bas it on reliable authority that the United Fruit Company has decided to improve its steamship service between New York. Jamaica, Cristobal and Columbia The Di Giorgio Fruit Corporation has made important additions to its fleet of passenger and cargo steamers that ply between New York and Jamaica, Larger and faster vessels, the Ama pala and Atlaotida, have been added to the service. Not to be outdone in the carrying department of the trade and especially as two 5, 000 ton fast passenger and cargo steamers will be placed on this route early next year by the Canadian National Steamships, Ltd. for the development of trade between the section of the Caribbean and Ca.
nada, the United Fruit Company will improve its White Fleet of ships that call at Jamaica.
It is underetand that the Carrillo Santa Marta, Tivives, Zacapa, Metapan and Sixaola, are to be withdrawn from the New YorkJamaica service. Their places will be taken by the Pastores, Calamare, Uloa, and Tolos. These New York South and Central Amlatter vessels are onnaged in the erican trade. During the winter months they make special cruises with touring parties. On such oe.
casions they are seen in Jamaicaa waters.
The smaller vessels are to be placed on other routes. Some will go on the fruit and passenger trade between Cristobal and Los AQgeles. It is learnt that the with.
drawal of the four steamers from their present route, and their transference to the trade between egala cessitate the building of four other Jamaica and other ports will neVessels for cruising and other services. Each of the vegsels to be constructed will be provided with accommodation for 300 first class passengers. M0 gagogogogogo pogaangaagaagigaging FOR SALE EVERYWHERE In the Workman Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery, de


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