
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 11, 1928 For Sale Cheap chased 10 Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums.
Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
was Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City taken out area Jamaica Most Progres Mid Year Horse Racing Prolonged Drought At sive of All The West at Barbados Jamaica.
Indian Colonies Trinidad Captures Seven May be Cause of Big Imout of Eight Events on SAYS CRITIC EDITOR portation of Foodstuffs.
First Day The Jamaica Gleaner of the Still, That Prosperity is Very The Barbados Weekly HERALD of July 7th says:28th ulto state that there is every Much Below What it reason to believe that the CusThe Mid year Race Meeting Should be toms Revenue will show a reheld at the Garrison Savannah markable. Increase during the was on the whole successful and present fiancial year. On enjɔyable. The two days, Tues8Ccount of the drougt there are The following is taken from day and Thursday passed with: many places in the island where the July issue of The Jamaica out accident or incident of any foodstuffs cannot be obtained Critic.
kind, and the weather, despite the provision fields having been Is Jamaica prosperous? We few showers on Tuesday was burnt out. The result bas been unhesitatiorly say yes. It is true kiud indeed, we do not rememthat quite a lot of floor; rice and that the prosperity is not as ber ever experienciog more othar provisions have to be purgreat as we would like to see beautifal day. The air was cool, or as we are hoping for, but as to the sun rays were not as ID previous issue of ber being prosperous the tecan unpleasantly warm as they have the be no mistake.
been, and the rain though it Gleaner we publisbed figures showing how the revenue has Jamaica is today the most appeared imminent kept behind the clouds been coming in, and even as far progressive of all the British On Tuesday the crowds were West Indian Colonies and King. bsck as April the Customs re.
ceipts for that month exceeded is travelling at a terrific nothing as large ag they usually those of the corresponding month pace to take the lead as the are, both the grounds aad the of last year by 20, 000. There finest city in the West Indies, stands exbibited a seeming in has been a steady Increase froun Montego Bay, the of the island. Slutconda for but on city difference to the Sport of Kirga, Thursday everybody month to month since.
It ime as if unaware of what appeared to be there, and the some time as is understood that during happening, but having holiday spirit was more fully the past conple of months there made bas move sbe is certainly in evidence. feature of recent been marked increase in the importation of flour, especidoing ber best to follow the years has been the steady de premler city in point of progress cline in individual wagering and ally from Canada, where there is and improvement. To anyone even in the a preferential tarift. Repreno less steady sentations have however been ago both these towas would growth of support for tba Field who had left Jamaica ten years Pari Mutuel and an age of the made to certain Government officers that if the importation of. while Stand. venture venture to predict that in tiwe which owes it origin, wo under flour both from the Uoited States and Canada keeps up, then steps years time, anyone wbo is away stand, to Mr. Bowring is per.
should be taken to carefully Infor similar period of time haps the most popular part of spect and report on certain will be an entire stranger to the the Sport today. brands of flour from the standNew Kingston. It is a wonderful On Thursday, at nearly every sigo of remarkable prosperity race the thousand tickets were point of wbether same should be which being exbibited right sold, and the first prize of allowed to come in and sold on 240 down in Kingston, which like a at each succeding race made the grounds of public health.
mushroom is glad the heart of some punter.
SPRINGING UP OVER NIGHT No doubt the finances of the Tort Club have benefited conOil Possibilities In To the north, the east, the west. she is expanding so rapidly siderably. It is estimated that British Guiana as to puzzle the onlooker and the percentage on Thursday and the whole of the Liguanea Sweeps alone was 200. Even F) ins will scon be one vast city after all expenses are. Kingston, in which Half Way the congratulate themselves.
OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH the Committee ought to be able The new Daily CHRONICLE of Demerars states that oil blocks Tree and Cross Roads will be next door Nash Motors Garage swallowed ard have been taken out on the two parishes, The first day Racing was right bank of the Cuyuol river Kingston and Saint Andrew, monopolised by Trinidad, seven will be one parish, St. Andrew out events being opposite Swarima Island, and captured by the horses from that aim and manananananananang mga mananamit is said that favourable fndiwith Kingston as its Capital.
Of course the pessimists will country. It the first race hud of the land have been noted wag their beads. that is the not been reserved for borses With the exception of a chief reason for which a bead is imported by the Barbados Turf around Karlabo point given them just as they would Club, Berbados would not hav Dr. Fred Sterling had a. these are the only oil concession, do if we tell them that ten Sie owned by the Rallant Triuidad time it will be the rule for taken out on the right bank THE NEW YORK DENTST of the river. Most of the land on to run over to New York by the sportsman, Mr Ralph Sammy, in 182, BOLIVAR STREET the other back is already beld dozens for night enjoyment de monstrated that she was in small lots by several people.
COLON, after work, returning next morn. the wrong class and Marzania. inue to make up their duties. They 0, gave convincing display. Box 171, CRISTOBAL, Mr. Healy, who located Should be in every office to immediately will wag their heads just as they In the Turf Club Stakes these oil clalms, has gone to will do it we tell them that in there was some lost to punters TELEPHONE 247 COLON England. It is understood that ten year time the vast space and considerable speculation soothe any neuralgic pain caused by he intends to raise capital or above will be as cd in pletly chart over Filbert easy win over form a company to exploit the ed as the ocean is and will be Caima, and this speculation was excessive mental work, possibilities. representative will on its way to become what lessened when Caima beat Full of the New DAILY CHRONICLE it will be, tte roadway of the bert easily in the Merchant J. Small was told ihat Mr. Healy carried NEURALGINA Stakes, Filbert iadeed finisning future.
away samples of oil taken from DENTIST bis concessions.
Bot to return to Jamalca third.
MASONIC TEMPLE prosperity even the one eyed The second day sport Should be in every school to soothe bad man can see it h6 provided far greatºr amu 19.
Office Hours: 8, am to 12 If you have a Prescription to ment CANNOT HELP DOING SO.
and speculation, Tbe 30 to 30 headaches and reduce the fever of be made up take it to the handicaping brought the various Sundays, by Special Appointment as it is forced on him.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana animals closer together. But no Ob, what about this drought amount of bandicaping could Masonic Temple uth St, children.
Plaza, where you will get courwhich has ruined spring crops in alter the fact Easter that Mald 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL teous and obliging service.
po many places, what about the and Marzanita were out of their large number of unemployed in clase, Manzanlta in the Stewards PHONE: OFFICE 1664 NEURALGINA the country, we can hear the Handicap with 147 pounds won RESIDENCE 538 Census Shows pessimists ask? Well, what about easily after having beaten the Them? It is very unfortunate same borses, Lady Clare and Buck Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes Decrease that we had such a drought; it Roy in the Juvenile Handicap.
has certainly brought about some Easter Maid in the St. Anos the heart, amount of bardship among the Handicap also ran in first with In Younger Generation poor of South Manchester and 147 pounds on her back, the Pedro Plains of St Elzabeth Barbados fared a little better For sale both Wholesale and Retail But droughts are not infrequent on Thursday securing four out press despatch from New or unusal in these places; the of the eight events. The result AT THE York states that the younger people are quite accustomed to of the Racing was a great generation is on the declinethem and have in spite of 09 for triumph tbe Tripidid numerically, according to a study won to a falr amount of pro AMERICAN PHARMACY of age grouping based upon of prosper, owners and trainers, a triumph 1y. They now make deserved.
Federal census statistics which the experiences gained by the which they richly They have a Dr. Ira Wiles, formerly New fine of JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor frequent drougbts in York Commissioner of Education, and do just the correct things to them. The Barbidos July Race Panama. just completed. He found there speedy are today relatively fewer persons returns and more than makeed Meeting will no doubt further telow thirty and an appreciably encourage th910. We hope Bar WATCH?
bave lost.
for what they bados too, will be stimulated to proportionate increase of persons As for of thirty and over the unemployed It is cer uphold the bonour of the colony DROP IN AT tainly distressing, but if we on the Turt and to restore In 1870, Dr. Wile says, they had no onemployed we would be our racing prestige to the were 7, 700, 000 persons between the most prosperous country proud position which it once the ages of fifteen and twentyin the whole world. Because held.
fire, as compared with 2, 000000 persons fifty to fifty nine we want to reach that state of prosperity, because we want to 122 CENTRAL AVE, CALL IN AT years of age. But in 1920 there were only 18, 600, 000 persons in see all our young people divorc the banks, realize how difficult ed from idleness which leads to it is to zet ordinary labourers; the younger group and 8, 200, vice we are concerned about have more than all so into the You ill Find Them 000 in the older. In other words, ing so many unemployed; it robs homes of masses and open your there was an 18 percent decrease much of our prosperity but does eyes, you will see enough and Moderately Priced.
of individuals under twenty not mean that we hear enough to convince you between 1870 and 1920, while that Jamaica is prosperous.
there was a 36 percent increase ARE NOT PROSPEROUS But her prosperity is yet far in the fifty to fifty nine yearWatch our working people going below what we would like it to old group and 48 percent to market, see the children in be, and not sufficiently secureNo. 16 STREET EAST Increase in individuals of sixty the elementary schools; notice we want to see her so prosperous over.
the parents on Sundays, enquire that all will share it, that it Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
strong and deep rooted The shift to population, Dr.
to the growth in the importation enough to withstand the Wile says, is due to a redudedeyasof those things used largely tating effects of any of the perio. GOOD SELECTION OF tjon in infant mortality, a diminished birth rate and a only by prosperous people silk dlcal West Indian calamitles.
goods, boots, motor cars, gas iTherefore we say press forward, NEW BIBLES general improvement insanltation and personal bygine.
oline, whisky and beer let there be no resting of the travel the country and see the oars but pull together; speak also Hymn Prayer Books Advertise in the Workman Advertise in the Workman neat cottages replacing the huts, to the people that they go learn it will bring good results.
of the transactions of forward it pays.
NEURALGINA them will these areas higala vand are linnas rinding NEED FULLER The Workman BOOK STORE or


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