
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 11, 1928 PAGE FIVE In Dear Delightful Panama And Colon Too. They say The Very Best Drink for Every One Is the Good Old KU7 XXINIWALUATENULUVANr XULXIX225 SILVER SPRAY manera 232 ABSCH RM02ABYBUDSKAB EVERYBODY LOVES It.
Ըն nco. MO IMTM precated.
48V require that employees enj, At all our dealers or a phone call brings the goods to your door Course The Observance of disclosed generally that only work!
of a necessary nature was enSunday.
Kaged in. on Sunday and that atbletic meetings are arranged by the employees themselves, the companies pot under taking Committee representative to supervise or interfere in any of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, way with the Wisbes of indivi.
and Free churches of Trinidad duals taking part in Sports 80 has been lovestigating the ob long as they did not disturb servance of Sunday: The Re other employees pot taking part.
port publsbed states inter alia. 2) Ay to borse racing The Committee summed up: Sunday the Committee can find The Committee is of opinion no justification wbatever for ibls that Sunday sports of various The granting of kinds can be greatly curtailed liquor licence and the operating with great benefit to the conof a bar at races is to be dem he disconti ued, that Sunday that borse racing ought great cburcbes and Sunday Schools many dancing is a nuisance, that bazhold their meetings on Sundas wars. excursions and pilgimages afiernoon, the committee 1s opthat walk posed to such Deedless lovator iaces are unnecessed and Boone of the sancity of Sonday that skilled and unekilled labour marketing as that which is caused by Race tha Meeting; and in addition to this, on estates and oilfields can be It must be remembered that st Il father reduced to the lena the preparations necessary for much needed weekly day of rest.
the travelling to the race consume the greater part of and that all concerned may bave the morning as well. Th. Coun opportunity to attend to the cul mittee stroogly urges that thtare of their bigher life on 80gGovernment be asked to withold day.
a licence from any organisation wisbink to operate a bar at race meeting on Sunday, and also Death of Noted Greto refuse the nse of special trains or tbe time of any train nadian belog changed and all necessary extra Sunday labour of Gor.
ernment employege in connec Was Ex Soldier and Served tion with same (3) The practice of bo:ding in Ashastee War dances late Saturday night and continuning into Sunday mornlog cobs thates Berious invasion There died at the Grenada of the sancity of the Lord Gverament Hospital on the 23 Day. It is impossible to confine ultimo, writes the West INDIAN.
the music and the shouts of Joha Thomas Carter, aged 76 bilarity to the particular build one of the last knowo Grenaing to which the dance is taking West India Regiment that dians who enlisted in the old place, and consequently, the peace and quiet of the com part in the Asbah:ee War and munity are disturbed and inany other Wars in Africa persons are robbed of their reign of Queen Victoria. He was mucb needed rest. The circum. a man of splendid patriotic stances attending these dances spirit, proud of bis War service are in quently undesirable, for and always took a tremendous in most cases quors sold amount of pride in relating under an Occa tual Licence. anecdoes connected with his drinking. fighting, and act ve service on the West quarrelling ensue. More recen. Coast of Africa Carter ly dances bave been heid 00 lived at the Paddock, St.
Suoday afternoon and on Sun George day nigut. al. this actice 15 fitting tribale was paid The tiis old soldier by the local Committee calls upon the mem Goverom ot who gave him bers o the churchts to put quasi military funeral. The fortb an effort to redeem Sucday cof in was draped with the from this peril, Union Jack, and a squad of Querie were also addressed Police attended.
the large Dryan Estates and Oil: It was certainly very conCompanies, toe answers to which siderate of his Excellency the Wilfred Durham Charged Panama Wesleyan for Assault Society In the Alen District Court on Wedndsday last, Wilfred DurPresident.
ham West Indian was found guilty Rev. Wade, Judge Blackburn on a charge of Vice President 81 According to the testimony Mr. Harris. SYLLABUS a chiva driven by Durham collided for.
with two others driven by SEPTEMBER QUARTER Richard Bradshaw and Albert Pinder respectively Bradshaw and Secretary the borses were injured, the horses Mr. Grant being so badly damaged that they bad to be shot.
Durliam apparently was on Mr. Claude Guy, the wrong side of the road, and Aug. 15. AN EVENING WITH talking to the passengers. Dam. LONGFELLOW: Paper by Mr.
ages were alro done to a private car Kinnimouth. PURITY driven by Mrs. Sylil Cass, on acA Literary Program with Songs count of one of the cars being forced into ber.
and Recitations, Witness stated that the chiva Aug. 22. THE SONGS OF YESTEwas being going between 35 and DAY.
40 miles an hour.
Community singing of old songs, from the screen.
Two short papers or the Songs The City Council of Port of and Singers of Yesterday by THE Spaia bas adopted a resolution Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Swaby.
to the effect that it is of opinion Aug. 29. SPECIAL MISSION.
PANAMA COCA CO BOTTLING COMPANY that it is improper for legal practitioners who are members Sept. CONSECRATION MEETof the Council to accept retainers ING.
PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 94 from or undertake any legal Subject: Will the Golden Rule work for clients in any matters work in Business and Industry.
connected with or aflecting thPhil.
Manufacturers of work of the Council.
Sept. 12 GUEST EVENING. The CLEAN, GOODS Adult active members will receive If you have a Prescription to Invitation Cards for their friends.
be made up take it to the Sept. 19. LANTERN LECTURE.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Subject: BRITISH GUIANA ITS Plaza, where you will get cour PROSPECTS by the President. The Plaza, where you will get cour. Rev. Cousins will supplement teous and obliging service. the lecture with a talk on JAMAICA PROVERBS. The Chair will be taken by Mr. Cambridge of Colon, DENTIST HOWELL (Late of British Guiana. THE LECTURE WILL TAKE House No. 912 La Boca PLACE IN THE CHURCH. AdCanal Zone mission ONE DIME (10c. Sept. 26. SOCIAL EVENING.
OPPOSITE RESTAURANT PHONE 1941 BALBOA doubt interesting, books when you Members are requested to wear their Badges on Conseration Specialises in all Branches of Evenings. Collection is made for Dentistry Funds at the Consecration Moetings.
Governor to hare tsken police of his service to the Empire.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Wreaths were sent from. The and English for sale at the Honourable Ferguson, Colon Workman Printery.
ial Secretary, the Hon ble Major Turner. Chief of Police, the police and Ex Soldiers, and Mr Advertise in the Workman 996 John Richards.
it will bring good results. took in the Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no ad Mr.
can haue them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No. EAST 16 STREET Opposite the Wesleyan Churh


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