p. 6


Tomorrow Races Attractions at the Theatres AMADOR ELDORADO You can 98 IRON ELECTRICALLY (Tibia 126 (Continued from page 1)
The following is the Prowield no scepter but wield a gram for tomorrow races: pen. What an immense heritage FIRST RACE or instrument or engine for Furlongs Parse 100 god or for evil? therefore it beHarold 101 hoves those who CECILIA wield that Felmeno 125 mighty instrument to look (PANAMA)
May (PANAMA. PANAMA 95 where they dip their pen.
Barba Roja 120 Today Saturday August 11th Sunday August 12th can dip it in gall, you can dip Infimo Sunday August 12th 126 it in blood (Mr. Crane, sotto Tomorrow Sunday Avguts 12th Lilian Davies in Norman Kerry in SECOND RACE voce, virus. you can dip it in Maria Corda in ROSES OF PICARDY LOVE ME AND THE WORLD Furlongs Purse 100 virus, as my friend suggests. THE PRIVATE LIFE OF IS MINE Zapo 108 You can dip it in honey, and you HELENE OF TROY Monday August 13th Honey Daw 126 Charles Ray in Dieciseis Monday August 13th even dip it in red wine 115 Pistol 109 (hear, hear. but perhaps the Monday Auglist 13th COUNT OF TEN Sally Neill in Chiqui 118 best thing to do, is to dip it in Emil Jannings in THE LOVELORN lver Spray 116 sunshine, to dip it in joy is not THE LAST COMMAND Tuesday August 14h THIRD RACE dry. If it is dry, and there is Bebe Daniels in Tuesday August 14th Furlungs Parse 125 no other means of getting milk, Tuesday August 14th THE FIFTY FIFTY GIRL Dolores Costello in Gaizda 119 you must take means of getting Colleen Moore in OLD SAN FRANCISCO Ls Nepa 101 milk, you must take your jug to Wednesday August 15 HER WILD OAT Chiquilla 104 some fount, where you can get Maria Corda in Weduesday August 15th Marcela 12B it re filled with the milk of huWednesday August 15th THE PRIVATE LIFE OF Warner in Tibia 112 Mischiet 110 man kidness, without which the DOUBLE PROGRAM HELENE TROY FRENCH DRESSING socia human race cannot exist.
Charles Ray in Conference.
FOURTA RACE COUNT OF TEN Thursday, August 16th Thursday August 16th In his reply, Mr. Marryshow Farlonga Purse 100 Sally Noill in Bebe Daniels in Colleen Moore in Excuse Me said that the function would be 138 THE LOVELORN HER WILD OAT THE FIFTY FIFTY GIRL Dardanela 105 regarded by him, as the very El Chicht 100 peak of all demonstrations of Friday August 17th Friday August 17th Thursday August 16th Cococha 115 appreciation of him in the several H, Warner in Charles Ray in Lilian Davies in)
FIFTH RACE phases of his service to the ROSES OF PICARDY FRENCH DRESSING COUNT. OF TEN Furlongs Purse 100 peoples of these parts, because Pistol 109 he was essentally a newspaper Friday August 17th Saturday August 18t5 Saturday August 18th Silver Spray 116 man. This is a proper occasion Bebe Daniels in Sally Neill in Colleen Moore in Barba Raja 97 for me to touch on the question Harold 90 THE FIFTY FIFTY GIRL. THE LOVELORN HER WILD OAT of West Indian Conference, as Ch qul 118 Dieciseis 115 Tevived recently by Mr. WebPARENTASCVADSCHAPANAXMALAY STABXANAX Zapo 108 ber, he said. If West Indian Honey. Dew 126 Federation is ever to come as an Fenomeno 96 act of politics, it must be pre NEW ALIEN SIXTH RACE ceded by a heal:hy and practical Mr. Marcus Garvey 672 Furlongs Purse 125 federation of mind and at the in(Continued from page 1)
Begins Mission.
La Chiqailla 104 cidence of a workable degree of Marcela 126 Inter Colonial social understand ions of the quota in order to efSocia 98 ing. One of the keys to West In fect the humane plan of reunit(Continued from page 1)
113 Miscbiet ing kinfolk.
100 dian Federation therefore, is vancing his own cause and con It will perhaps take several 88 zona 119 clearly something like a West Annual Sale of Complete tributing his own portion to (La Nena 101 Indian Press Conference.
years to bring to this country civilization and to constitute under the quota all the relatives Frontal Attack SEVENTH RACE of citizens and aliens wishing to ELECTRIC IRONING himself one of the political enAND cities of civilization, Today, peo. Furlongs. Porse 125 Those interested opponents of come, and during this time they Federation, will certainly LIGHTING. ple would realise it was incumtrein will have preference over all but INSTALLATIONS Dixie 108 ble when they see Editors of skilled agriculturists and their Dent upon the negro to lead him (Billy Dentis Bit Or Miss 109 the West Indies, sitting around families. After that the quota self towards a state of civiliza Popo Only Until August 15th.
112 a table in a sympathetic and will be availabe for all applying, ion that would compel other Capitan 95 and generous mind, to discover without further change in the nations to regard and respect means for alabilization of. im as a man. After 250 years WE WILL MAKE AN ELÉCTRIC INSTALLATION law.
of slavery, the negroes forces for massa natal attack were CHURCH SERVICES Three Classes Affected in the cause West Indian FOR YOU FOR ONLY emancipated in the United States unity. take this as an honour.
Under the new regulations the of America in 1865 by Abraham St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca conferred okury Island home, following are entitled to come Lincoln and in the West Indies CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE and assure you that many of to this country outside the quo by Queen Victoria in 1838. Since TENTH SUNDAY AFTER the people there will feel drawn taschen, however, the speaker said TRINITY more closely to the people of Children under 21, of citizens.
Africa had been stolen from First Payment British Guiana, sonsequent on Fošmerly the age limit had them, and European countries Holy Communion, 6, a. The your lavish kidness to me. been 18.
bad acquired the right of parti Rector WITH FOUR SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS.
promise to do all in my power, Husbands as well as wives tioning Africa so that today only 7:30 pm Holy Baptism, assure you, to hasten the day of citizens.
two sections of Africa Liberia The Litany, 10. 45, a. Holv when the Press of these Colonies and Abyssynia had been left in Eucharist and sermon 11 30 a.
Women who were citizens of should find it necessary to re the United States and lost citidependently in the hands of the The Restor gard itself as one body with zenship by marriage to aliens negroes. The world did not end p. burch School various members and functions but are now unmarried.
At Your Service with the twentieth century civili Choral Evensong, 30, in separate ways, but all to the zation, and the President said he The Rector completeness of service of the visions reserve 50 per The new quota preference proPANAVA wanted to point out that it was COLON cent of MULCARE, whole, not possible for a race of over the quota of each country for Rector.
60 million people to everlastingMr, Marshall proposed the fathers and mothers and hubIRONING BOARDS 00 (ASK FOR DETAILS OF THE ly dominate 900 millions dissaSt. Barthelomew s, Lashealth of the Mayor, who, in his bands of citizens by marriage Cascades.
reply, paid tribute to the memory dated after May 31, 1928, and THERMAX IRONS tisfied people. The Negro Im3. 75 COMBINATION RATE St. Simon s, Gamboa of the late Mr. Chenery of the for skilled agriculturists and provement Association demanded UNIVERSAL IRONS 00 Africa for the Africans, but they sehool and Confirmation Class Matius and addres, Chuhre Barbados Advocate. He thought their families. HOTPOINT IRONS 00 FOR IRONING AND LIGTHING wanted eternal peace.
that Mr. Martyshow could asThey The remainder of each quota meeting.
sist British Guiana in clearing and any balance not used by the WESTINGHOUSE wanted to build up a spirit of Evening Prayer and address, its pame of the villification that first preference comradeship, so that whether by the Lay Readers at the usual It is the Lowest IRONS classes is set 50 was being thrown on it in the aside for unmarried children unpeople were black or white, they time.
Rate for Current could understand one Islands. Dr. Johnson and Messrs. der 21 and wives of aliens who another.
Time Payments (Applause. Seventh Day Adventist Marshall and Britton, also ex have been legally admitted to pressed their appreciation of the the United States for permanent Made To All Ever Offerred in STREET CALIDONIA ocasion residence.
Panama FLOWERS ROAD near Isthmian Park Papa Until this tine aliens coming ma Abogado. Attorney at Law If you have a Prescription to to this country have been unable Sabbatb (Saturday) 45 a.
OFFICE: No. 44 ST Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Genbe made up take it to the to secure any preference status BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY eral Worship Spanish National Pharmacy, Santa Ana for their families until they have TELEPHONE No. 1377 Class: 480p. Society, teous and obliging service. years necessary to secure citiPracticing before all the courts of RENOVATOR PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON meeting 30 Junior and zenship the Republic since April 1914 Senior Standard of attainment 11th and Bolivar Sts. DYEING PRESSING The State Department has Class, p. Vespers.
PANAMA WESLEY endeavored to put these new COLON, R, LADIES SKIRTS DENTIST HOWELL Come early to the song service provisions into effect with a BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE ESPCIALLY ATTENDED TO BRING YOUR BIBLES Chase National Bank House No. 912 La Boca (Continued from page 1) minimum of red tape in instrucOffice Hours: a. to 12m HOUSE 19 21st STREET Canal Zone GRIZZLE Pastor, which is altozet her ifferent, nad tions wired to all consuls. So far p. to pm. GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY OPPOSITE RESTAURANT the misuse of one for the other no reports have been received as If you have a Prescription to very often leads to serious com to the operation of the new plan, OFFICE TELEPHONE 320 PHONE 1941 BALBOA be made up take it to the plientions; the rsplacation even but applications already on file Drue STORE TELEPHONE 154 TAKE NOTICE was quite satisfactory and received Specialises in all Branches of Plaza, where you will get cour National Pharmacy, Santa Ana the attention of the entire by would be immigrants, not until this time audienre, entitled to pre The WORKMAN can be Dentistry teous and obliging service.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish had at Mr. Sanchez place These Subjects are rather ference, make it certain that the instructive and interesting and new privileges granted will be and English for sale at the 24th street, No building Advertise in the Workman All roads lead to Juan Franco tend to in prove the mental capa eagerly received. Workman Printery.
it will bring good results.
race track tomorrow.
city of the endeavourers.
TWO DOLLARS FUERZA LUZ Plaza, where you will get cour been in the United States the five Dr. Nathan Rowe RYCE


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