p. 1


mand my home.
o Cuban Sugar Companies May National Fire Insurance Panamanian Youth SuiCompany Accepted cides by Hanging as Bondsman Himself Father Escapes But Wife, Two Rioters Disregard Command of Sons and Two Daughters The Knotty problem of bonding licensed chauffeurs, which had been this week wnen Carlos Arguellos, sad tragedy way recorded Inspector Who Was Struck Buried Alive exercising mind of all concerned Panamanist, 18 years old, commi for the past month was happily ted suicide by hanging himsel With Missile solve during this week when the on Tuesday night lost, in the Natiooal Fire Insurance Comyaay The Port Antonio correspon its foundations.
of Conn, agreed to serve as bonds room of a friend at No. East The Jamaica Mail of the 11th and were wrenching broken bot.
dent to the Gleaner telegraphing Things happened quickly now. mao for bundreds of lisensed 17 Street in this city.
inst states that news has reach tles from the top of the mason to that paper on the 12th inst. Before he could awaken the rest chauffeurs operating cars plying From particulars gathered it Kingston this week of alry. These states that a terrible tragedy is of his family the house was being for hire io Panama was disclosed that Arguelios, who serious disturbance which ocreported from there. Due evident covered with earth tumbling willing to be of serviče in this This enterprising Company, over was a student at the National THEY HURLED iy the heavy rains a lanslide from the hillside above. Fortun community wh le at the same time monte, was reprimanded by bis Curred in the prison at Nassau, few days before the sad Capital of the Bahamas a few at prison officers.
has occurred and five persons ately he and his son Stanleybaving an eye on business readily occurrener, for nonattendance at weeks ago, and which resulted It was pandemonium in the have lost their lives. managed to escape but the re agreed to issue 100 policies to the school, this weemed to have affected in the death of one of the con prison. The riot was in full swing The slide, which is esitmated maining six members of the ſam ebauffeurs which will be accepted and be absented himself from bore Lin to the stage of despondeney viets.
when the police armed wish ri at two chains in length took it were buried beneath the sioo cash bond therefore dem und coming weariy disturbed went in sing three church parades each by the authorities in for a few ways. His motbər beIt has been the custom of holfles. arrived under Inspector place on the hillside by the main avalanche.
Pemberton. It was clear that ed road in the Comfort Castle dis search was made which re It has been generally conceded search of him and through the week in the Bahamas prison. On some of the trouble makers were trict.
sulted in the youngest son being that this arrangement in a spletu pf friends discovered him on the morning of Wednesday July bent upon making their escape; by this grim stroke of Nature. earth and crumbled dwelling and one that shonld be greatly be ed him to return home, but DF One of the convicts was spoken were stationed outside the com whole home was engulíed pulled out from the mass of did one from every point of view Tuesday aftero000 last. She ask and so some of the armed police 25th there was such a parade.
neficial to all parties concerned. replied that he was stopping at The name of the tragic family more dead than alive. Happily For each 100 policy the Chauf the bome of his Aunt. This co by an overseer and told to do pound to see that those who had number he is now stated to be recover feur pays so 00 per year and this somewhat believed the returiety something. He declined to obey did not go over the other sid: is Hamilton. Eight in to they went to bed last night at ing.
insures them against damages of bis mother and she returued he order with the result that the usual time. Very heavy rains The bodies of the five viciim andfire.
were then falling.
of the tragedy were not found are thoroughly satisfied with the the youth was still brooding over of impressing upon the convict The acting Administrator Hon, It is stated that the chauffeurs. It would however appear that the everseer pushed him by way and make a dash for liberty, Shortly before half past five until later. In each case medical new arrangement and willing that his mother reprimand and hud his authority. Burns. this morning, the father, Oscarnion could do no more than it goes into affect at once. made up his mind to be rid of Chairman of the Prison Com The prisoner retaliated by Hamiiton was awakened by a pronounce life to be extinct. Decice issued late this week all troubles. Late 1uesday night jarticulary loud clap of thunder Hamilton has lost his wife, his by the Mayor of this City extends he went to the bachelor room of striking the everseer. The for mittee, arrived along with the and almost immediately after two daughters, and two sons. Le period for licensing of Chauf a fellow student named Manuel mer was marched off the parade armed police. The rioters dis(Continued on Page 6) to Capt. Lancaster, acting Com regarded the repeated commands wards felt what has been des Needless to say great sympathy feurs ro the 15th September next.
mandant, who ordered him to be of the acting Commandant and cribed as a sensation as if the is felt for the bereaved man in locked away pending investi the police Inspector to surrender.
house was being pushed from the district.
SPARKLETS gation of the case by the Prison The Administrator called upon Committee. The man refused to them to cease their riotous con (By KING)
go to the cell. An attempt was duct, but the reply to his order PARENTS WEAKNESS lead our sons and daughters by made to remove him by force; was a blow which he received following them.
but he showed fight and called from a missile.
Use Jamaican Labourers The estire thing rings genuinely to his assistance his comrades Capt. Lancaster was ordered (FROM THE PATHFINDER)
true, gentle reader. You too will who were still on parade. by the Administrator to detail There has been much discussion any way for a yong man to dilagree that there is now hardly As Haitians Government Forbids Migrating About thirty fellow convicts four of his policemen to fire. as to how youth got into the sad ferestinte between his lover of broke ranks and rushed about iesperate criminal named Storrs of Natives dle in these latter days and started sweet sixteen and his prospective the prison compound, smashing was killed. This had the effect runoire things The fact is hardly mother is law of two scores and every piece of furniture they of checking the riot as some of. is Under the above captions the Haitian kabour emmigration to question. Most elders ben: Van the more, which often leads to com could ay hands on including cell the prisoners surrendered and plications, aod Javien GLEANER of the 31st Cuba has been generally received situation onining that the country what not. In a Paimilare way the doors and padlocks on the doors were marched into confinement with satisfaction throughout the bus not only goue to the youth young thing whose soul is the rioters were hurling mis. Others however. remaret de From Santiago comes the news country, the news hus produced but also to the dogs. Some of the vibrauing with fiery love for her sites in all directions. They had fiant. They were not finally a great sugar mills in no small coacera among will own: to flattery of old that the resorted equally youthful bero, cannot be Eastern Cuba will probably have ers and planters, who consider it the supercilious, blamed in the rushes into the a miniature ammunition dump brought under control until the 10 turn to Jamaica for the tens scrious drawback for the success nobridled, autocratic youth in the parloed and he owerhente de in the shape of stones which following morning.
hope of thousands of labourers they ful harvesting of coming crops.
An inquest was held touching presumably, of being al kisses on the nude face of bis they had collected from the recently will need to cut canes for the lowed to pick up a few crumus venerable old man the Oriente from their fat tables.
sides of the prison walls Some the death of Storrs. The yerdiet coming crop which it is expected planters association in a lengthy will be an immense one.
The rea missive to the president expressed blame it on the war. where most both the whiskerless bachelors of But bow did it happen? Some seems to overlook, is the fner that climbed the wall of the compound the shooting was justified.
Bat one thing the Pathfinder of the rioters had by this time of the Coroner jury was that Fon for this is that the Haitiad the vital importance of not Goveroment has issued a decree restricting Antilliau immigration best blame for everything has three scores and tea and the semi prohibiting labourers from that until a suitable substitute been. appealing to La Boca Girls Win Sixteenth Anniversary those more are seriously bent on don want means that two companies alone also make the planters of that about thinking. But the cleverest Studyiog and applying all pos ible Athenaeum Contest Number the United and Atlantic which province claim were allowed by the Havana cheap labour their already im explanation ove full of philosophy member of rejuvenation, and psychology is tnat Prizes.
Things, it must be frankly the authorities to bring in 14. 000 pared interest will suffer heavily.
admitted, are drifting to a hellWill Appear Soon Haitians between them to harvest Next Wednesday a mature generations have digeed uvah stage, and there no telling special meettheir crops, will have to turn some. ing of the sugar mill owners Asso ubeir own pittalt with safety razor whers we all are destined to land.
where else for manual help, and eintion will be held, carefully to they lost their influence by dis!
and scissors. To be more specific, Three little girls, all residents of The Special 16th Anniverary La Boca, carried off the honors is Number of the Workman Jamaica is being mentioned. The ro over the consequences of the carding whiskers and wearing shrot thousands of Haitians were taken decision of the Haitian Govern kr Grandson of Camp promoted by the La Poca Athe wil appear in a few days. This recent Junior Essay to Cuba under the contract being ment and to study the best ways returned to their native land at and means of keeping the sugar good set of whiskers gives a Bierd Residents naeum. The contest was open to is expected to be a big isthe close of the all juniors under seventeen yenrs sue and will be well illustraindustry from being handicapped man a look of authority and veneof age residing on the Pacific side, ted. The Public is hereby make a great eifort to get the invitation will be made to the blinton Georged Solomony and The mill owners are going to by lack of cheap workers. An ration. It is reminiscent of Abraof the Isthmus as for north as asked to bear same in mind, ham and Moses and Score Success in England Gamboa, The Tubour they want, but powerful prowacial plantered also to cooperate grown up man can have one, so, in subject for the e.
say was What has caused the and intending advertisers are interests get the towards solution Lack of Ambition among the Ma asked to send in copy for ads Cuban Goveroment to ban all problem.
in a way, it used to be the badge of immipration from the West Indian AGAINST WEST INDIANS.
manliness. Whiskers have the Little Anthony Sylvester, years jority of our youths. The contest, not later than Tuesday next: further advantage of hiding little is one of two juvenile talents to closed on June 30th.
contributors of articles are Island, Havana, July 24. El Mundo defects and evidences of weakness secure flim contracts with British Essay number five, written by also asked to forward their THE NEW writes under the caption Prob. Just think, could the kaiser of 20 Screen Production, England, Misa Edna Smith, 15, daug contributions in due time.
Santiago, July 23. News that let Less as follows.
the Haitian Goveroment has bar Just after we had written our years ago bave been the kaiser that appear in a series of British ilm ter of Mr. Mrs. Gordon Smith red emigratico of cane cutters to last editoral several days ago on ache?
De was without that bristling must comedies ralled Hooray Kiddies. of La Boca, won first prize and Cuba has been received here with the migration problem, we received The terms of the contract are Miss Smith will receive five dollars And how can a mother retain 10 per week and provision for from the Athenaeum.
of epidemics spread in the province oforming us that his government that hardly covers the knees? Her by their aimation, which was signed The second prize of two dollars went to Miss Aminta Jump, 13, were brought by Haitian workers, had definitely decided to prohibit dignity is abbreviated. She tries Anthony Sylvester is the dwughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will who also in many cases turned out Haitiao emigration of Cuba.
to make the same show as ber grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred liam Jump of be. comes to us daughter she gets shown up Sylvester, native Bocs. This con By Members of Etude Club prohibition entails a serious prob from abroad it is nevertheles wel daar teste deliberately pures the periding at house no 4009 Camp The second prize we, donated of St. Lucis, testant submitted Essay number Ne:ly and The members of the Etude Club have planned a musical evening which will probably be solved by have been preferable for our au daughter is the one who is being who also secured a contract were William Menticn of Eisay No. for tonight 30 pm at the miscans for crop barvesting work.
sary measures to keep undesirable so is it any wonder that she should who took part in a test, written by Miss Guillermina Jump. Some very interesting items are on ses Wright Aacoo Reservior Road.
FEAR LABOUR SHORTAGE immigratioa from entering our be a little anxious about what ber Havana, July 23. While the de. couatry, bat at any rate the decis mother sees, hears and reads?
dance Charleston and Black Dot port, subm. tea Ly their chairman urged to be on time to enjoy what inite prohibition made by the (Continued on Page The moral is that we cannot tom wonderfully well. Continued on pgne 6) has been arredged.
Only ris.
FROM CUBA Musical Evening


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