
from accepting auy Coo The British Ph Pharmacy COLON latter ord probably eats is the financial aspect which CS Kasse SWS says Funds Opened for THE (Continued from page 3)
manner as when we were deprived of the services of Ollivierre, PANAMA HARDWARE and in later year of Siduey Pablished on Saturdays by Rutas for Advartusa no 09 appllea Smith. But right here beg to WALROND, at the omice No. 16 tion. Carraspasa3e on all mattes differ from the view expressed Stacet East Central Avenue Panama of public interest invited. CARDOZE Jr. in some quarters that the West RP.
Indies would be pleased to have All copy for publication must be yet another of our brilliant playPO Box 74, Pagams written on one side of paper only, and ers attacbed to a county side in Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of NEWLY REMODELLED STORE England. By suying that Trioi 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for pablica)
dad loses would be old England tion but as a mark of good faith.
kaia were Six Months.
Constaotine to We do not undertake to ratara reAT CATHEDRAL PLAZA remain in the Mother Country One Month jouted correspon leacs.
would be rather a calamity to West Indies cricket, and Trinidad should do everything possible in The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights INUIS Offers a fuil assortment of Hardware at its power to dissuade Constantine any offer of the SATURDAY AUGUST 18, 1928 convenienent prices.
nature above referred to.
Now Mr. Editor, will proceed to place the onus upon you to CONFIDENCE IN LEADERSHIP GIVE US CALL devise ways and means to ensure Constantine return to us. This is the time when he is the man of Hector Connor has been reelected, for the fourth con.
Courteous Treatment, Prompt Service the hour to begin. suggest to secutive year, president of the United Negro Improveme. it you to open a list in your worthy Association of Colon, which position automatically places columos for subscriptions to what him as technical head of all the branches of that progresSTORE might be called The Leary BRANCH sive movement, including its bakeries and educational, social stantine Fund; You in your and real estate departments. In addition to Connor rediscretion, might limit the sub tu og shilling or to such other election, the members of the Association have shown 125 CENTRAL AVENUE There will be a couple of months as you tangible expression of approval of the conduct of the unay determine.
Association by re electing all the members of the execuSKSSSSSSSSSSSSS5353 before the team returns to these tive staff who expressed a desire to run again.
parts, and therefore plenty of time within which to collect The aforestated action of the members of the Uni ed a large sum.
Negro Improvement Association spells volumes of praise Constantine is certainly now a for its leadership. Honest minded West Indians and others greater idol than his very great who have been following the activities of this movement father, and there should be no doubts entertaiced to the sporting concur in such action; for no conscientious person who had the opportunity to look over, superficially or ready public response to a proposal whereby a substantial amount detailedly, the various improvements of that movement would be raised to ensure bis which is just three years old, can come to any other decision return, but that the position of the man at the head of its affairs is If the West Indies justify the in no way a sinecure, and that, in addition, the leader must distinction conferred upon them have had efficient help to have secured for the Association by being permitted to engage All England in Test Matches this year, the encouraging results of which well thinking colored it will mean that in the near poople on the Isthmus are well proud.
future we will find ourselves Confidence in leadership. The Reason for the grand engaging Australia and South Success of the United Negro Improvement Association is IS NOW LOCATED AT Africa if not aetually to those far off Dominios, certainly in pure and simple, confidence in its leadership.
England layers of the type Connor, three years ago, created the movement and of Constantine aod Challenor are 11. 1154 11th STREET not often fnuut, ani with the pointed out to the members possibilities of improvement if they would pledge themselves to stand by hlm. The tupe in international cricket. playing his last members saw with him and have stood by him. The Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK what would we do in the next two primary reason for having stood by him was because years or so without them botb.
they have implicit confidence in bim in his honesty, Where our customers will receive the usual It has to be considered, and if my integrity and business sense. And now Connor dreams as related to them are coming true. The members have courtesies suggestion finds favor with you, Sir, and your legioa of readers then seen this all the way through, and they have now see clearly the possibility of expressed this fact by continuing him at the head of their this gtext West Iodies ereket business for another year.
all rounder turoing down with thanks any offer made to stay To succeed in business, a businessman must possess LOOK FOR THE SIGN in England. What is good enough the ability to create and build up the confidence in himself for the Mother Country ought and his business, not only of his entire staff of helpers, but certainly to be better for us.
that of a maximum of the members of the community or SUGGESTION ADOPTED.
communities over which his business extends or in which The following appears in the same journal of a later issue: it operates. It is very apparent that the leader of the Alrev dy efforts have been started United Negro Improvement Association possesses that in other directions in respect of ability, and that its execution has been the end consistently the collection of funds for making striven after by him; hence his success.
of u suitable preseutation to Leary Constantine by way of appreciation We congratulate Mr. Connor and his staff of officers of the fine services he is rendering upon their re election to carry on what is giving healthy as a member of the West Indies signs of continuing to be one of our leading business efforts team now on tour in England; but in Panama. We also congratulate the membership for the this wili in no way deter us from mukiog a move in the same direcgood judgement they exercise at this period of the young life of their movement, when leadership is so vital. of such As the result of the communitranscendental importance to its success.
Of every description cation which appeared last week The importance of thorough confidence in leadership in our colums, and on which we by followers cannot be overestimated. The necessity for invited correspondence, The such confidence cannot be over stressed. It makes for DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Sporting Chronicle has decided on a novel drive which will be thoroughness of leadership. It creates, prɔmotes and begun at the end of the presens strengthens a desire in leadership not only to serve honorDESPATCH month. Votul actually started, ably, but also to sacrifice, if necessary.
we shall not disclose our plans; but bope to be able, when the time AT THE arrives, to show a record colleution. All we ask is that when the THE RISING NEGRO drive is launched ready and willing, will be abun.
support forthcoming from the sour. FROM THE EMPORIA GAZETTE)
ces which we propose to tap. Tri nidad is fainous for possessing real The Negro professional men in America, outside the and true sportmen who are ever larger cities, labor under tremendous handicaps. Considerprepared to support any deserving ing the obstacles imposed on them, it is amazing that so causes. Here, now, is an opportuoity extraordinary and we look many have been able to succed.
In the larger cities, brillant Negro lawyers and singers, British King on Secre forward. poes spontaneous response to ADVERTISE successful Negro surgeons and actors, are no longer a appeal.
curiosity. But the Negro professional man has to contend tary Kellogg War If you have a Prescription to with the perjudices of his own race, as well as those of Pact be made up take it to the the white people.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour Many Negroes, accustomed to take the white man at his face value, unconsciously accept his assumption of IT PAYS In proroguing the British Par teous and obliging service.
liament on the 3rd inst, His superiority in the professions, and when they are sick or Majesty King George of England, when they need a lawyer, they prefer entrust themin referring to Secretary Kellogg and English for sale at the Rent Receipt Books in Spanish selves to a white doctor or lawyer, although there may pact to out law war said: be Negro professional men who are much more highly My Government has been Workman Printery.
bappy to accept the proposed skilled. These prejudices are as deeply ingrained in the sional men. its many brilliant teachers, actors lawyers, Negro race as they are in the white race. It is com doctors and ministers.
treaty for the renunciation of monly observed, in states which permit traveling Negroes Negroes should be proud of the success of Roland war in the foren in which iy was RYCE to eat in the dining cars, that the Negro waiters Hayes, Charles Gilpin, Florence Mills and others who finally proposed to them by the RENOVATOR frequently take occasion to slight and to insult in small already have commanded the respect and admiration of Government of the United States.
DYEING PRESSING ways the Negroes who venture in. The Negro waiters feel the white people. Furthermore Negroes should assist in been accepted by my Government that the Negro diner is putting on airs by eating every way members of their own race, at present in the Dominions and my GovernLADIES SKIRTS ment in India. It is my confident in the dining car, and take occasion to show their unknown, who are struggling for similiar eminence.
ESPCIALLY ATTENDED TO prejudices, For if these Negro professional men do not have it will constitute a new and imHOUSE 19 21st STREET The Negro race, if it is to gain equality in the profes the respect of their own race, they cannot hope to portant guarantee of the world GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY sions with the white race, must respect its own profes gain that of the white.
BRITISH PHARMACY JOB. PRINTING tion that WORKMAN PRINTERY dautly In the Workman peace,


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