
IN THE REPUBLIC 他說 Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable XXXXBEMEMBENCIANA The ACE of TEAS 1092 1927 ZADA SARAN SALAMA TEA naman ORANGE BLEND PEKOE had in British Guiana Needs Words out and down Die wios Rigid enconomy Funds Opened For Constantine Says President of Chamber of Commerce in Important To Prevent Him From AcSpeech at Meeting cepting Offer to Remain in England direct West Indian cable despatch fron. Georgetow, c: The following letter from a cordated July 28 says. respondent signing himself Moving the adoption of the appears in a recent issue of report of Council of the Georg.
SPORTING CHRONICLE of Tritown Chamber of Commerce at nidad :be annual general meeting yesterday said inter alia. The Mr. Austin, Sir. The thanks of the West Indians in general, and of this change in the constitution has colony in particular, are largely due to your efforts for the now taken place and it is reasot.
tele, sphic advices daily able to expect that as the Govreceived ernment bave acquired the great Bthe doings of the West Indies Tanent control over matters financial, team, now touring the Mother which they desired, they will ES Country. Consequently, think also accept the greater responisuggestion now have in mind should best be addressed to you.
bility which naturally follows and that in due course wise The West Indies team tour is hardly half way through, yet all measures will be taken for the progress and development of enthusiasts of the great national the colony.
outdoor Rume, are at one in the opinion that Leary Constantine It is almost unnecessary for has been mainly responsible for me to say that the Government the success so far achieved.
will have in the future, as it bas in the past, the hearty co opIt was truly stated during and eration of this Chamber in all subsequent to the 1923 visit of proposals tending to benefit in our boys.
to Englaud that George Challenor, the then prince dustry. It only remains to refer of West Indies batsmen, carried bultfly to the economic the team on his shoulders.
ion which leaves much to be deFar be it from me to suggest any sired. We have of course to ba thankful for the all around inopinion which might be calculated to atract from the past performcreased export of agricultural ances of that great cricketer, but products as this should mean a om sire that we are all agreeil fairly widespread improvement of the conditions of industrial that Constantine is equally eotitled, if not agriculturists.
This increase is partly offset described as carrying the side moreso, to be today by the decrease in the diamond only on his shoulders, but in not production and the practical ceshis hands. It is dißi. ult to single of Balata Bleeding. Where out any one performance of this again though possibly to a lesser tour for as the matches pro.
extent, the proceeds of the ceed, so dɔes bis all around industries are fairly widely brilliance become more pronounced.
This is all the more gratifying distributed, it is dificult to say to wheather the increase ia imports Trinidad as gleaned from some 18 due to locreased demands of the critica resulting from the increased prior to the commencement of purchasing power of the people.
the tournament that if Challenor failed, we would most likely find am inclined to believe that it ourselves in a predicameat. But to is due more to icerensed competition, which possibly entails come to the point.
the carrying of somewhat larger image APARATO na droo mad na ang POD AD AD ad nanonood gradona a ARAD TRADAR DE: AS both locally as well as in EngThere was much talk stocks.
Certainly there does not apof Constantine pear to be any increased activity ADVERTISE 1thbhexed to some County, and aa inereste of population. from Jamalca te also of interest.
lo most of the stores in Water is of the likelihood of his pot returning to the West Indies.
Strett, and it may be that we The increased Rentlemen, rice export Altogether are in the position of Any such offer made on the other side to Constantine would mythical community which lives coupled with the fact that some economic situation on the whole by taking in each other wash new market are being exploit is, thiok, sligbtly better than it indeed be a great compliment, not cnly to the youngster, but ing and cannot bope for any ed with some bope of success was a year ago, there is still the improvement in is a cheering feature, while the need for rigid economy and an substantial IT PAYS to all the West Indies, in like Conditions as a whole, until there recent enquiry for more sleeper. creased effort at production.
Contit. ued on page 4)
SALGADAS TEA situate sation in the English press FOR SALE EVERYWHERE amatuara land being In the Workman


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