
PAGE FOUR TH WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 18, 1928 Sir Austen Chamberlain Expresses Hope Weekly London Letter.
hig Launching of First Boat For Sale Cheap Good Assortment of The new thus Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City 5)
NEURALGINA That Secretary Kellog War PROFIT SHARING To Run Improved Canada Pact Will be Valuable West Indies Service Security to Peace. By Joseph Martin)
For nearly two years there The WEEKTY GUARDIAN o Direct West India Cable has been no serious industrial Trinidad in its issue of the 21st from London dated July 80th dispute in Great Britain. Both ulto says: says. Expressing the hope that owners and workers have ende An event of the highest icthe Kellogg pact by wbich war terest to Trinidad in common would be outlawed by a national avoured to smooth over any difwith the other Caribbean Cotopolicy will be a most valuable ficulties that have arisen, and oles is the launchicg in England security to fesce, Sir Austen the spirit of give and take has of the first of the boats which Chamberlain to day reviewed in will on the improved Canada the House of Commons the pro ben devloped instead of that of West Indies Service.
gress of disarmament. suspicion and distrust. The reera la steamer communication The Secretary said that he had sult has been benficial to all. In between the great Dominion and hoped to keep the disa mament many industries there has been the Caribbean, and between the question entirely seperate from much greater prosperity and the Kellogg pact, although he both dividends and wages have sister parts in these seas, which bas been forged for, so much admitted that this treaty 00debated over an extended period doubtedly would be a factor, benefited. In depressed indusof years, principally because which would need to be taken tries, where the trials of both of successive postponemente, is Witbia measurable disinto account.
sides have been harder to bear, tance of insuguraticn. It is He announced that the Govern arrangements have ben made to matter for much gratification mant bad successful conversa work short time, or to reduce The ship will tion with France respecting running costs by a regulation of represent the latest cargo and passenger differences whicb bad arisen facilities of their type. In fact, between the two Governments wages, and so to avoid conflict they are expected to be the best over Daval disarmament.
of any kind.
boats seen on the Canadian Mail said that he was about to submit to the oiber principa! nasal This more reasonable view of route since its inception. Cana powers to compromise which the situation has again turned ds will bave kept ber word had been reached, hoping there many minds to a consideration when the Lady Nelson makes by to remove obstacles to the proof schemes for bringing about her appearance in these parts.
gress of the disarmament ides.
from wbich time will beglo also.
Until this had been done, be more permanent good relations he obligatiocs imposed on tba said, he could give no details, between employers and employed Caribbean communities to offer but he stated that the comprom with the result that the recent he co operation necessary for iBe was on the naval Issues the successful operation of the which had arisen to ibe previous report of the Ministry of Labour service.
disarmament conference.
into last year operation of Fiom present indications it Str Austen indicated that the scheme of profit sharing and does not appear that the Capafirst open discussion of a comlabour co partnership has been dian National Steamships Ltd. promise would probably be bs read with more than usual inthe Company which has the Preparatory Disarmament terest. There has, of course, alformed to manage the steamers been Commission. He then took up will be offered much competition.
the Biltisb reservation in the ways been some prejudice against It will be remembered that recent role sent to Secretary such schmes. Both employers and while the Royal Mail ra the Kellogg and said that they employed, for various reasons, route for a subeidy, keen riyalry compared with the Monroe Doc have generally opposed them. was experienced from the cargo trine of the United States, He vessels of the Canadian Goverosaid that no doctrine of aggres certain section of owners have OPFOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH ment Merchant Marine likewise sion was contained in the British contended that to take labour those of the Canadian Pacific reservations, but that they con into partnership would upset stituted a treasure of self de the balance of control and adnext door Nash Motors Garage wbich came in at certain periods.
With regard to Telu dad partifence necessitated by the cholarly if much concern is Geographical conditions of the ministration and lead to inefTobago in the Empire.
ficiency and indiscipline. Further, a mundo MAIN MARIANA MANDARINA MARTIN NAMAN ANIME scheme. Every efort has been Sir Austen defended himself he contention has been made that made to secure her inclusion and it is provided in the Treaty sion from adverse criticisms respect certain mattters concerned with that Trinidad should be relieved delay in formulation of the Briuh reply. the sale of the product were of Dr. Fred Sterling of 1, 500 in the event of a He said this delay had not decision adverse to the Island been unduly long, and that bo necessity secret, and that they THE NEW YORK DENTST Ward. It would be of immense hoped it would be bis good could not be kept secret from assistance in the development tortune to go to Paris Dex competitors if the workers or 182, BOLIVAR STREET of Tobago were she linked to month and participate in the their representatives had the the outer world by the fine COLON, signing of the pact.
steamer line.
This pact, said Sir Auster right to demand full knowledge Box 71, Cristobal, Should be in every office to immediately Chamberlain, is a recognition of every thing that was taking TELEPHONE 247 COLON the borror of war and the fac place.
soothe any neuralgic pain caused by twenty eight having been in That war is something wbicb Many workers have opposed operation for twenty eight years xbould be only a last resort.
excessive mental work, or longer. In some industries Turning to relations with co partnership because they conJ. Small only a small percentage of the Chion, Sir Austeo said that sidered that it bound them NEURALGINA firms have territorial am too closely to the one firm, and introduced no DENTIST such in China, ard only desired that it tended to weaken trade schemes, but in one industry in peaceful and stable MASONIC TEMPLE unionism by giving workers in Should be in every school to soothe bad particular, the gas industry, a administration. Once China bad Office Hours: 8, am to 12 large proportion of the undertakNanking incedent different factories inducements 30 pm to 30 pm with Great Britain as satisfact. o consider their position as headaches and reduce the fever of ings have introduced either profitsharing or co partnership arily is with America, bo Bud workers from a too narrow point Sundays, by Special Appointment that the Governmeut was qui. el of view. The interests of the Masonic Temple ilth St, children.
scheme, or both.
prepared to negotiate a commerP. 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL In a number of cases schemes treaty grantiox tariti firm might be made to come reedom.
PHONE: OFFICE 1664 have been introduced and then friendly before those of the workers as NEURALGINA abandoned, the reasons negotiations for a transitivo a class. Gradually these antagoRESIDENCE 538 given from the old Treaty system to a nisms have been modified, and being very varied. In most cases new system berally meeting the report under consideration Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the failure was due either to the Chlmese aspirations the heart, apathy of the employees, or to tollow, he declared as China show that the number of schemes the dissatisfaction of the em progressed toward stable con in operation is growing, alditions th: Government regards though somewhat slowly.
ployers with the results. In some Manchuria as parely a part of For sale both Wholesale and Retail cases a diminution of the firm China, Sir Austen told the ComAt the end of 1927 there were profit, from various causes, led mons, albough be recognized 447 profit sharing and labour AT THE that owing to Japan great in co partnership schemes in operato the schemes being abandoned. terests in Manchuria, tbst coun tion in while the death of an employer Great Britain and AMERICAN PHARMACY try might be very anxious conor a change of ownership accerning the protection of ber Northern Ireland. In the businescounted for a number heing dropCWG people there.
ses concerned there were 437, 000 JAVIER MORAN, Froprietor NEED ped.
work people employed, and of Panama.
Paris, July 31 Secretary of those 235, 000 were enttled to par One interesting point concerns State Kellogg has sent word to ticipated in benefits. In 1923 WATCH?
co operative societies. Last year Briand that be will come to there were 418 schemes involving the co operative societis having Paris to sigo the multi latera! 189, 000 workers. Of the schemes DROP IN AT profit sharing schemes in operatreaty renouncing war. He is Railing from New York on the in existence in 1923 where bontion employed 28, 000 workpeople French liner Ile de France on uses were paid, and for which and of these over 26, 000 parAugust 19th.
details are available, the average ticipated in the schemes. Thus, London, July 31 Sir Austen in contrast to many ordinary Chamberlair, British Foreign amount paid per head of workers 122 CENTRAL AVE.
CALL IN AT Secretary, has accepted an inv. was 26. 16. Last year this amount businesses, profit sharing in the tation from the Freneb Govern had been increased to 489. Thus co operative societies applies, in ment for the signing of the Kyl a considerably larger number of You ill Find Them nearly all cases, to practically all logg Outlawiy of War Pact in workers are bepefiting, and each the workers employed. The move Paris invitation had been forwarded to individual worker benefits to a Moderately Priced.
ment has still a good deal to do the Dominion Governments. greater extent.
to convince the bulk of the The industries or businesses employers and the workers of its If you have a Prescription to which now have beneficial effect and to persuade schemes of be made up take it to the profit sharing or co partnership No. 6, 16 STREET EAST them to adopt the principle on a National Pharmacy, Santa Ana are very varied. They include Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
large scale; but the movement Plaza, where you will get cour agriculture, engneering, shipis growing, as the comparative teous and obliging service. building, textiles, figures for 1923 and 1927 conA GOOD SELECTION OF printing, glas chemicals, soap.
clusively show.
NOTICE insurance, and gas, water and NEW BIBLES Rent Receipt Books in Spanish The Workman can be had at electricity undertakings. In some Advertise in the Workman Hymn Prayer Books and English for sale at the Sanchez place No. 24 Street industries the schemes have been Guichapalli.
proved successes for many years, pays. Workman Printery.
Britaiu hud to see a biuloa Bettled the ciai Further would FULLER The Workman BOOK STORE a paper and


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