
IT: SERYS ico rmo BLA WLWMI ZU Board Colon Bees to Give The Church and State Concert Tomorrow Must Cooperate for People Wellfare. rare musical treat is in store for all who attend the musicale to be given at the Cristobal Silver (By a Correspondeut. Clubhouse tomorrow at pm. In all the modern and civilized under the auspices of the Inde countries of the world, it bas been pendent Order of Honey Bees discovered how very necessary it is Fr endly Society. No effort has for the church and state to cobeen spared to put the best be: perate for the well being of the infore the music loving public, and habitants. In the reign of King many of the leading local talents Henry V111. of England, when he will be presented.
wanted the state. wand Following is the program: gardless of the rights of the church Opening Address Chairman there was moeh confusion and on Mr. Wittingham any similar case, it would have Vocal S:lo Selected. Misste rame effect; it is clearly reen that this at:itude of any executive Morgan chief would never be tolerated or Piano Selection. Romance such ruling would never work Suns Paroles. Chatz Miss Elias with peace and safety. Vocal Solo On to the Death Io the case of the Pope of Rome. Rosewig Mrs. Sambleton who insists that the church should Corpet Solo The Last Chord dominate the state, it is well. Solivao Mr. Bailey, accom known that this ecclesiastical rul panied by Mr. Lawson ing does not always mee meet the ap Vocal Solo Ora Pro Nobis. proval of the majority Taking Piccolonimi Mrs Jones these. Pisno Selection Hearts En. it might be well to work out the chantment. Renk. Miss sum total in averages.
Smellie Since neither of the two are Vocal Solo When am away very commendable, there is only cne from you Lew Pollack, Mr. sane and wise solution to the prob.
Quinlan lem, and that is by Cooperation; Piano Selection. Break of this being done, there can be do doubt that a most profitable and Morn. Dorn Mr. Rollox amicable solu ion will be arrived 10. Violin Solo Serenata. at and of late, it bas been found Toselli Mr. Joseph, accom necessary for many ministers of panied by Mr. Lawson the Gospel to enter deeply into 11. Clarionet Sol Ernani Invol. political affairs, and on the other mi. Verdi Mr. Martio, accom band, many leading Politicans are panied by Mrs. Martin strong supporters of the Church 12. Duet The Lord is my Shep either morally or otherwise, thereherd. Smart Mies Smith and fore, no wel thinking person will be Associate against coop ration of this kind 13. Violin Solo Selected. Mr which improves any Governmental Jeppe system 100 per cent.
14. Vocal Solo Becosing Star.
Rosewig, Mrs, Cousin 15. Piano Selection Valee Melo Panama Wesley dique. Terry Miss Elias Activities 16. Baritone Solo Selected.
Mr. Blades 17 Piano Selection ban De The usual weekly meett Burgette. Verdi Mrs. Martio ing was held on Wednesday las18. Male Quartette How Sweet when three papers were read by to Pray. Filmore Messrs. the Misses MeMillan, and Broadley Reid, Stephensou, Quarles and and Mr. Doitin, Miss Doris Rodney rendered a piano selec19. Duet Over the Stars There ion in ber usual style and Mies is Rest. Frank Albert Miss Isabella Brownie readered a vocal Smith and Associate solo. pleasant evening was 20. Closing Address. Chairman spent with Mr. E, Grant presidiog in the absence of the DOXOLOGY Pres the Rev. R, Warte.
Commander Watson Young Negro Licensed of the Colon Boys In As Navigation Expert stitute.
Mr. Folkes, of the Secures Chief Officer Lauds Mrs. Neely and her Certificate and New York co workers in the Women Pilot License Life Problem Club.
FOR NOBLE WORK DONE inst. says:The NEGRO WORLD of the 4th FOR THE INSTITUTE Mr. Adolphus Folkes, a member of the New York Division of the Where there is a will, there sociation, now enjoy the distincUniversal Negro Improvement As.
is a way said Commander Wat. tion of being the firsi member of the SOD as be received Four bundred race to secure a pilot license for OSOBA and thirty yards of cloth as a New York Harbour, Long Island PURITY donation from the above named Sound and the Hudson River, as Club to the boys of the Institute Realizing how the money for the result of his success at recent by the At all our dealers or a phone call this was raised the Commander of Examiners in New York and the members of the Institute City Mr.
Folkes als received brings the goods to your door feel that they have friends who on July 28 the board certificate are willing to sacrifice time and licensing him to serve as Chief labour in their beball. For the Officer of a steamer of Many women with their benevolent and THE pbilanthropic hearts volunteered gross tonnage upon the waters of aod sold tags at teu cents each, any ocean.
to raise One hundred dollars to Mr Folkes will be remmebered PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY provide the in mates with dececijas the capable Third Officer of the clothing. General Goethals. of the Black Cross Navigatiou and Trading PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 Mrs Neely and Mrs Flor Company.
ence Smith, as well as the present officers Miss Eb lyn ThoManufacturers of mus. Secretary and Mrs. Made If you have a Prescription to line Eli. President, as well as be made up take it to the the other members, laboured National Pharmacy, Santa Ana CLEAN GOODS much to make a contribution Plaza, where you will get courthat would in a measure supply a great need. This is not the teous and obliging service.
first time tho members of this Club have come to the aid of this Institute, and they cannot Advertise in the Workman be too bigbly praised for their it will bring good results.
remarkable etforts and worthy contributions.
It the Churches, Lodges, and brethren ering the good things other Associations aod organi of life. is depending on YOU. zsticos, wbio are desirous of Will you not do your bit? Will showing to the world that they you not try to follow the example are organized for worth while. por. of these boble women from the poses take the example of the Pacific end? know that you Why throw away your old, but no Women Lite Problem Club, in were waiting for some one to a short time the dream of the to take the lead in doing your doubt interesting, books when you Commander will be realized in bit, and am now saying that making of the Institute some these women have set the pace.
can haue them neatly bound at thing that would be credit to it is up to you to follow. 80 the Republic as a living memnot dissappoint me, but do your THE WORKMAN orial of the efforts Colored best. feel sore that this re individuals and Organizations minder will kindle in you to do make for the betterment of that which you bave neglected their own.
No. EAST 16 STREET so long, and in a short time Yes friends, Commander Wat will be able to say that throagh son is not big enough to put the efforts of Colored indiviOpposite the Wesleyan Churh the great program over alone. duals and thier organisations, He is depending on those who have been able to promote the se me desire to see their down trodden work to a high standard Book Binding!


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