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to believe that the most PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 18. 1928 The Second Cricket Isthmian Literary And Protector of Jamaican Test Match Musical League.
Immigrants at Cuba AU England vs. Touring Holds Quarterly Meeting Makes Hurried Visit to West Indies Brief Kingston Again Summary The Isthmian Literary and Mu.
sical League beld their quarterly The Gleaner of the 9th inst.
Manchester, July 21. Devas. meeting at the Gatun Clubhonse on Just received a fine selection of says: Mr. Ewen, Protectating bowling by Freeman Saturday 4th ult. when many im.
tor of Jamaica Immigrants in the Kent troadler, play havoc portant topics were discussed and of the was Cuba, returned to Santiago yes.
team, in their second cricket Test of a magazine in the interest of the terday after being here since Society.
Match against England; which beSunday last on a visit of an of The following societies were regan here yesterday ficial nature.
The Tourists first innings total presented the La Boca Athenaeum, reached ouly 206. England had an the Etude Club, the Gatun Forum in the very latest desings Yesterday mornig Mr. Ewen hour of batting before the close of the Alliance debating: Society, and had a long conference with His School play and with Hobbs and Sutcliffe, the Colou Technical Excellency the Acting Governor the old reliable firm of test match This organisation is already show. Also on probable developments in the openers, again together after the ing sigos of improvement since it absence of the former from the noblesspirations are expected of it and labour situation over in Cuba: first test through injury. EightyBLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT and, we understand, proposed three for the loss of no wickets in the near future with the present certain arrangements, which showed on the score board, when management, it is believed that it can accomplish almost anything it stumps were pulled were approved of by the GoverVICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS The match began in bright undertakes.
nor, to be put into force in case sunny weather on a hard, fist the recent action of the Haitian Com pitch. During the afternoon, how. Cuban Sugar Goverment in refusing to let any ever, the sky became overcat All at moderate Prices of their labourers go to Cuba, and visibility poorer.
panies May Twelve should directly affect Jamaican thousand saw the day play.
immigration to Cuba Haiti sends SUMMARY OF PLAY (Continued from page 1)
The second Test Match between ion of the Haitian Government reannually about 20, 000 labourers Always kept in stock a full assortment of the Touring West Indiar XI and te Cuba for the crop and the cesAll England was commenced last presents an adequate solution to sation of this supply may in all Saturday at Old Trafford, one of our most complicated immi.
probability create a large deman!
Nunes who was favoured with questions, the lock of the toss for the first The dee for labourers from other West un of the Haiti Gov time in the test series elected to ernment all the more timely as Indian sources, including Ja bat, sending in Challeoor and we were beginning to despair of maica Roach to open the inning on a any action against undesirable inHow far it will affect us perfect migration from our authorities dehow large a demand for JamaiThe pair gave their side a good spite the constant and reiterated agvinst Antillian labour.
start, remaining together until clamour of every description can labour may be created, canthe lunebron interval and putting The government did not appear not however be told for some up over 50 rune before a separainterested in tackling the time yet until Cuba declares tion was effected. Ronch was the question rigut now so the Haitiaa first to gº. falling victim to Free and to the point.
decision has whether she is going to retain been most welcome th restriction on the sugar out.
ently set for a well plured and man for obstruction when apparWe are aware and have good reaput for the coming crop, or very helpful 50 (top score. Chal son to powerful whether it will be raised, and the lenor was not long in following sugar interests will try to return being ruu out with his score at things to the old state of affairs, mills will once again work to 37 CENTRAL AVENUE, their full capacity.
24, Their procust over the decision of Martin who succeeded Roach the Haitian Government will not It is not likely, however, that and was playing in his usual con be long in corning. For they claim PANAMA.
this declaration will be made by fident style unfortunately got run that tha Antillian is the best and the Cuban Goverment for some out for 21 economic worker to be found time yet in fact it is fairly cerWith the exception of Scott form sukar erop harvesting works, tain that they will not make it The mill who contributed a useful 32, the owners and plunters until just before time for comsecond best score, the only other without Haitian cane cutters will mencing crop. So that at present ance was Browne, 23, while Nunes maintain. We are familiar with all Panama: Centre For batsman who offere! any resist face a serious crisis, they will also there is no change at all in the kot 17 before being clean bowled these arguments. But it is also labour situation, but there is by Freeman. The side onde just and logical that in the face of Tourists some possibility of a change for disappointing showing being all the same we should again stress the better in the future.
out for the moderate total of the arg imeats which cause us to 206 runs; only 29 more than the demand the suppression of AntillDuring this week the. 1st ionings totai (177) of the First lan immigration California arrived in Balbos with Rent Receipt Books in Spanish Test and this notwithstanding 600 tourists aboard. They emJUST RECEIVED!
and English for sale at the in a good position at the La Boca Girls Win barked immediately upon the Workman Printery.
luncheon interval with 94 for il arrival and visited tbe ci y in wicket.
search of mententos and other Again they have shown inability (Continued from page 1)
strange sights.
CHURCH SERVICES Liberty Burner Electric to stand up against Freetown and to the Secretary of the Athenreun, curious about the Pinamı Canal the world over are Jupp, the spin bowlers, the former is quoted here with, in part: Stoves 50 St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca berug particularly deadly, as his have the honor to submit the and those who able to do so. are analysis of for 54 showg.
not satisfied until they have CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE Butrinx next, England opened following anent the Junior Literary caught a glimpse of this fast Liberty Burner Elcetric ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER with Jack Hobbs and Herbert growing country; many are engor TRINITY Sutcliffe, who stayed together until The subject for the contest to know it as theyre to kny Stoves 50 the close of play with 32 and 39 What has caused the lack of Paris, and there seem to be respectively and a total of 84 for Ambition among the Majority of limitation as to the popularity of Holy Communion, 6, a. he Do wickets.
our youths has been weil coasid this couotry in a few years bene, Rector ered by each contestant.
Resuming yestetday the part7:30 pm Holy Baptism. Rijid Fording Ironing Boards 00 nership was not long afterwards! Hiving carefully examined the Matins and Holy Eucharist, 10, Rent Receipt Books in Spanish 15, a. the Rector severed, Hobbs adding 21 to his various Papers on the subject over week score making 53, while we are unabimous in the opinion and English for sale at the p. Church Sebool Suteliffe added 25 making his score five has meritoriously secured first that the author of paper number Workman Printery.
Choral Evensong, 30, 54. Thermax Irons place, and that the author of 75 The Rector Tyldesley who made century Dumber six hus secured second BROODING OVER. St. Bartholomew Day (122) in the first test was early place. We desire, however, to disposed of being cleaned bowled commend the author paper namby Browne (who also secured ber four who came a very close Continued from page 1)
Friday next, the 24ih inst, vill Hobbs) for Afterwards the second.
YOU CAN OPERATE THESE Garcia, at 17th Street Enst, and be St Brtholomew Day. The stoutest resistance was offered by Holy Communion will be celeHammond 63 and Jardive 83.
The judges also indicated that in the course of a conversaion requested that he be allowed to The ionings closed for the total it was a source of pleasure in posleep in his room for the night brated at o clock a. Toe LABOR SAVING APPLAINCES Rector will be the celebrant, and of 351 runs a ruedium score. ing through such splendid work sle members who can attend are which speaks volumes for the West on the part of the younger folks as he understood that Garcia Indies bowling; in this they did and heartily commend the ta that night. The latter willingly would not be occurying the room cordially invited.
VERY CHEAPLY ON THE MULOARE, better than the great Australians. Boca Athenaeum for the real Grifhtbs. Scott and Browse were effort made by way of encouras consented.
On returning to his room the successful bowlers with for ing and stimulating 69.
St. Bartholomew s, Las2 and not but also Wednesday morning Garcia states ively pectadult members of the community that he found the door locked from FOR Cescadas.
The West Indians bring 145 ruos Nearly all the sections which the inside, he knocked, and on St. Simon s, Gamboa behind cutered up their second came under the jurisdiction of the receiving no answer he forced the door open when to his surprise innings and early met with dis coatest were represeated.
At tbe usual time Matins Church LIGTHING, COOKING AND Sehool and Confirmation Class, and horrow he saw the limpless aster, loosing Challenor and Roach The prizes will be presented to body of Carlos hanging from a aod Evensong will be held by the for the dreaded blob each the the winners by the expresident of leather belt which was tied to IRONING Lay Readers former falling 10 Hammond and the Athenaeum, Mr. Clifford Se the beadstead. T, MULCARE, the latter to Tate.
well at next Tuesday evening Garcis at chee tan into the Priest in Chagre.
Martin and St. Hill (whose form Night Junior and much colour policeman he met and shortly session. It will be the regular street and informed the first had hitherto bee a very disappoint will given to the program by this Seventh Day Adventist ing) stayed the rot by putting to additional pleasant feature.
after THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS an investigation Commission gether syme 50 ere Martin fell from police headquarters arto Freeman for a usfeul 32 The two winning essays will ap. rived on the scene and took charge FUERZA LUZ STREET CALIDONIA Play closed with the score at of the WoRKman which will be pear in the Aaniversary Number of the body.
ROAD near Isthmian Park Pang71 for four wickets, St. Hill 33 and published later this month.
PANAMA Francis 0, both not out.
At Your Service COLON ma The judges of the contest were: The match continues today, the William DeSouza LL, Papama Card of Thanks Sabbath (Saturdar) 45 West Indians wanting 75 runs to City, Mr. Walker LA Boca.
Sabbath School; 11. 25 a. Gendvert an inniogs defeat, with and Mr. Russell Philips, Panaeral Worship u. Spanish six wickets in hand. Thelt position ma City.
The Ladies of the Social Com FLOWERS DENTIST HOWELL Class: is mitte of St. Peter By The Sea, 30 Society, House No. 912 La Boca TAKE NOTICE La Boca, through this medium, Abogado. Attorney at Law meeting 30 pm. Janior and If you have a Prescription to offer their heartfelt thanke and OFFICE: No. 44 MB ST Canal Zone Senior Standard of attainment be made up take it to the Class, p. Vespera The WORKMAN can gratitude to all who in aty, way BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY OPPOSITE RESTAURANT National Pharmacy, Santa Ana had at Mr. Sanchez place Garden Party sponsored by them helped to make the Rainbow Come early to the soug service TELEPHONE No. 1377 PHONE 1941 BALBOA Plaza, where you will get cour 24th street, No building last Tuesday night at the Boca Practicing before all the courts of BRING YOUR BIBLES teous and obliging service.
Specialises in all Branchee of Guachapali.
Shed, a success, more or less.
the Republic since April 1914 Dentistry GRIZZLE Pastor, NEW STOCK!


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