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sordid We shall shall earnestly was announced that successor to the tion shall con was first for it to be.
our RETROSPECTOFOUR sist constituted authority, expose Señor Florencio Harmodlo Arosemena wrong doing of every kind, that may THE NEED FOR THE SPARKLETS EXISTENCE be authentically brought WORKMAN notice: temperately, dispassianately and fearlessly express our views in an unbiased and in partial manner By The Rev. Mulcare, Rector according to the best information of St. Peter s, La Boca.
of our judgment and the clearest It is no small pleasure to me, who dictates of our conscience whenever am zealous in the interests the occasion legitimately warrants journalism, to have the honor of exsame. No personal satire of any tending my personal congratulations kind shall be allowed to darken our to the Proprietor Editor of The columns which are intended specially Workman on the sixteenth anniverfor the uplift and development of sary of his valuable journal.
our people, educationally socially and Easily recall the lavished enthuindustrially; and for all matters of siasm evinced by progressive West Indians in the cities of Panama and endeavour to steer clear the shoals Colon, and on the Canal Zone, when of gain on which so many it was journals have foundered and which exercises such indomitabie influen The Panama Morning Journal would soon make its appearance on for suppressing the good that should otherwise be brought to the cause rough sea of journalism. Eeasily. also recall that lacks assistance.
the prodigal display manifested by the skipper, as he took We shall aviod being the blind followers of any particular sect, no his place at the wheel on the bridge of the proud little bark. For sixteen shall.
we be the bond slave of any years The Workman has been ploughparty. For in a community of such By KING vast and diversified opinions, sentiing the turbulent sea. now by howl.
ing winds driven into chasms, now With today special edition ment and customs, among West Inwith sails rent, masts bent, and of the Workman representing dians, from the various islands of compass almost lost! Shall we deny the sixteenth anniversary of the the Caribbeans, we realise that it the man who has bravely piloted his only surviving news journal in Our editor and proprietor Mr. will be extremely difficult to please; good little ship the meed, of praise Central America representative Walrond whose picture appears above as in attempting to satisfy one he has meritted, or the worthy sup is a native of the British West Indian particular sect or party, there is port he deserves. Certainly not.
of one hundred percent, colored island of Barbados and came to the ility of displeasing the The Workman must by all means people initiative am feeling the Isthmus of Panama in the other. Our experience in this coneebe kept afloat. It must be made to somewhat nervous; not because early construction days He consequently playan hold its own alongside the venerable of the appearance therein of my employed with the then important part in guiding us along The Star And Herald. the young characteristic periodical aberraIsthmian Canal Commissicn at their the right course and shaping the ice breaker The Panama Ameri. tions but from the fact that a nal Building which at present houses and impartial journal as is possible Mr. Arosemena was elected President on Sunday the 5th inst by the Printing Plant in the old French Ca Workman into the most asidious can. Our new President who goes into office on the Ist October next weekly papers. It has justified its week ago the Editor gave me to and other Isthmian daily or the Panama Post Office and other for it to These, gentle reader, among many largest majority of votes ever cast for a President since the birth of exist existence, and for one see through understand that he intended to local government offices. Being alway the long avenue of the future glorious run my picture in conjunction a lover of newspaper work Mr. Wal other paragraphs forecasting the this young Republic, which shows the esteem and popularity in which he was held by his countrymen.
possibilities before worthy with any article which might rond did not long remain in the policy on the morning of the birthSeñor Arosemena is a Civil Engineer by professjon. He is fifty one weekly. There was never a time more care to contribute to this edition. mploy of the Commission for a day of the Workman are the good than now when we as West Indians short while after he left and took intentions which Mr. Walrond had years old and was educated in Switzerland where he graduated as needed our own Paper, and this is the in this notorious column. The Ed up the editorship of the English in establishing this journal for the Civil Engineer. Many of the publie buildings in Panama are outstanding hour to rejuvenate The Workman. itor big decision has been seetion of the Panama Journal which defense and protection of his fellow evidence of Mr. Arosemena ability in his choice profession.
at that time was published as an West Indians on the Isthmus.
The Workman congratulates President elect Arosemena on the In our midst there is ambition worrying me since, in consequenevening daily in Spanish and Eng and lived up to its policy is observ in electing him to the highest position his country can offer.
That the paper did good service honour shown him by the practical unanimous vote of his country men enough, intelligence enough, and ce of which have developed not (Continued on page 8)
only acute nervousness but some amount of uneasiness as to which After serving on that paper fored by the following letter which Mr.
over a year he was forced to quit Walrond received from His Britannic of the following three classificaowing to the publication changing Majesty Government in reply to tions of the human family ownership representations made by His Excel.
belong: a great man, a great woBeing a practical job printer, Mr. leney Sir Claude Mallet on behalf the Workman man, a notorious criminal: for Watrond again returned to the employ of the good work had been always under the imfo the Isthmjan Canal Commission had done for the benefit of West and when that office was transferr Indians on the Isthmus.
pression that only the three ed to its present site at Mount Hope Unfortunately Sir Claude was re.
aforementioned characters get 1909 He sent over moved from Panama before recognitheir photographs reproduced in to the Atlantic end to amalgamate, tion of his representation was renewspapers. Peeping through the Commission Plant with that of ceived. But same presented time however, upon the probable the Panama Railroad which was through the Charge Affaires. BRITISH LEGATION, consequence of this notoriety, esthen being removed from Cristobal. He continued to work with the peciallly from the standpoint of Panama, August 26. 1921.
Commission until early; in 1911 when Daer Sir: good looks, have concluded that have he voluntary left to take charge of have pleasure in informing you my friend and contemporary.
the Colon Telegram. a tri weekly that recently took an opportunity Poet Moulton, the bard of paper published in the Windy city of bringing to the attention of His La Boca, whose portrait comby a joint stock company under the Majesty Government the loyal and mands the center position of a manngement of the late Mr. patriotic tone of the Workman in page of a late edition of a colored Humphreys. Owing to financial dif all that pertains to British interests, ficulties this paper, after many and to refer to the courtesy, generNew York magazine of which he whieh years of useful publication, succumb rosity and readiness with is the local representative, has ed. In 1912 Mr. Walrond returned to your newspaper has always met the nothing in this world over me.
the city of Panama and started the wishes of His Majesty Legation or Hence, and taking things by and Economje Job Printing Press on Consulates in regard to publications large, why should worry?
his own necount.
or other matters of interest to BriReaders of the Workman rust the need for an It was during his period that tish subjects.
organ to repreHis Majesty Government have have noticed that for the past sent Indians on the Isthmus now authorized me to express their few years have been posing was forced home to him and by dint appreciation for your loyalty and as a regular feature (columnist)
of perseverance and dogged determina patriotism as displayed in the tone writer of that paper; and many tion he set to work and on the of your publication since the date might also have taken especial morning of Saturday August 22nd. of its foundation in 1912.
The West Indies Cricket Team in England presented to note that, of late, my contributhe Workman made its modest assure you that it gives me tions have neither been matured, bow to the public as Premier and Mrs. Baldwin purely West great pleasure to transmit this mes.
newspaper, non political, nonnon sage which feel certain will regular nor normally interesting.
partisan, non secretarian adopt encourage you in the valuable ser.
If the reason for this digression ing as its motto those immortal vices which the Workman is render. the opinion that a newspaper should gracefully navigated the course are being made for publishing the form the original standard which words of that great writer and ing to our interests on the Isthmus be a medium for the airing of opro which was forecasted and which no paper twice a week, Wednesday and had set is not obvious to you, philosopher Junius: The Liberty of ot of Panama brium, slander, and continued agita doubt is the chief reason that the Saturday.
then those reasons are none of is the Palladium of our the Press. rights which motto has been strict Yours faithfully, your business. The fact that all tion for opening broad gulfs of Workman has not measured up to adhered to ly this, between members CONSTANTINE GRAHAM.
up to of the the standard it was intended to be at AN ANTHOLOGY BY YOUNG the way through, my contribuits Sixteenth anniversary. Chargé Affaires.
race. That the Workman has the outset.
tions have not been of the highsteered clear of these shoals is eviOn that eventful morning, the Mr. Walrond, denced in the fact that today it Some of the most seasoned est literary standard is too well But being of an indomitable spirit birthday of this journal the follow. Editor The Workman. PANAMA, celebrates its seventeenth anniversa Mr. Walrond is yet highly optimistic articles contributed by local known for any comment here; ing brief forecast, of the policy and although not in the spiritous that the Workman will achieve that West Indians in connection wth nevertheless, you are at perfect formed the jubject of the editorial But unfortunately the strict ad mood which heretofore characterized place in the journalistic arena which their progress here have been liberty to trace the deficiency to inter alia: herence to its policy seemed to have similar occassions, yet there is great he visualised sixteen years ago, and We shall strive to uphold and as run contrary to many who were of satisfaction in knownig that it has las means to this end arrangements (Continued on page 10. Continued page 9)
in was was West a Indian news am, Sir hatred ry, on


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