
THE WORKMAN ANNIVERSARY NUMBER AUGUST 1928 PAGE FIFTEEN THE WEST INDIAN IN PANAMA Olympic Contests Too Strenuous for Women, Say French (By Gaskin in the Negro World)
NESTLÉ DEMAND NESTLE S: MILK a THE FINEST FULL CREAM MILK PARIS, Aug. That woman has no place in the Olympic Games is the growing sentiment here. It is the general opinion that the competition is much too strenuous for the fair sex.
The feeling has been aroused partly by scenes at Amsterdam.
According to a telegram from Amsterdam, during the running of a 400 metre relay race, Frenchwoman rose from her seat at the stadium and shouted. Stop this cruelty.
She kept up this cry while the girl runners were gasping and sobbing at the finish.
Apart from the great physical strain, it is said that the cold weather has been particularly tiring to the women competitors in the games. Many writers in Paris denounce the Olympic Games as being too great strain on the feminine constitution, and in general express the opinion that girls should not be encouraged to take up athletics at all. Games for girls by all means, they say, they should take up all physical exercises that develop health, grace and harmony, but should shun exhausting efforts for which women are not fitted.
Photographs of some of the women competitors in action have evoked scathing comments. See how ugly and distorted they become and their faces are hard and vulgar, exclaims Oerve, adding: a NESTLÉ were SWEETENED MICONDENSED EXPORT prepared for NEST BRAND Trade Mark Nestle Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Co Let not forget the legendary Amazons of old, who renounced their womanhood in order to fight on equality with men.
The West Indian did not find, etery important construction, himself on the Isthmus of Pana from the Administration Buildma by chance; he is there by aling on the Pacific side, to the special invitation issued by the Washington Hotel on the AtlanAmerican Government. An invitic. And perhaps it is not too tation, which, when stripped of much to say that, the West Inail governmental trimmings, may dian clerk in the employ of the be read something like this: Panama Canal can match, and Oh! Came and help us, lest we perhaps overmatch, any colored fail. To some this may appear clerk in the world. But what is as a wild piece of exaggeration, the use of all this efficiency?
but it is known that if the labor The white man who works beer from the north of Spain, the side him gets about three times Chinese and the Columbians more pay than he does.
could have done the work. West The Pseudo Panaman Indians would not have been Hard is the lot of the Negro.
asked If threre is a divinity shaping Matachin proved the graveyour end, it is being done mightiyard of the Chinese, the Columly rough. Exploited by the bians ran back home to Cartha richest republic in the world.
America: discriminated against gena and the Spaniards did not see the game end. The West by the weakest. Panama! It is natural that a new generation Indian stuck to the last, and at the completion of the Canal Col. ands that were drawn from the would spring up from the thousGoethals gave them due credit West Indies to build the Panfor the part they played. To their sterling ability, General ama Canal. This generation was Gorgas could testify. In the sani With the advent of the immigraup to two years ago, Panamans tary department, the West In ion bill they were termed dian rendered incalculable serpseudo Panamans, and vice, and today, Panama is one warned not to meddle in the naof the most sanitary countries tional politics. These Panamans in the world.
with West Indian parents were Speaking some time ago with the first to detect the racial a white American, who is sup spirit of the bill. They were posed to know, asked him, determined to put a man of their Why was it the American go liking in the Presidencia. The vernment did not recruit her government got wise to the colored labor for the building of move and disfranchised them.
the Panama Canal from her own Letters were sent to the Nationcolored population, rather than al Assembly asking that august going down to the British West body to give a scientific definiIndies? He replied by saying tion as to what constitutes a that, Just at that time there Negro. The gentleman who inwas a great boom in the South. troduced the bill was called upon This is not the whole truth. The to define and make clear his average colored American knows meaning. Of course he failed, as little or nothing about the exis needs he must.
tence of the Panama Canal.
Gaining a Financial Footing Between Two Fires have always thought it These civic and economic diswould have been better for all abilities have awakened in the concerned if the Canal were built West Indian a spirit of co operby colored American labor thanation, and he is out to gain a by West Indian labor. First, financial footing in the republic.
there was a great stagnation in An organization formed just a the labor markets of the West year ago with a capital of 6, 000 Indies at that time, and the Britis now capitalized at 30, 000, and ish government might have been registered under the laws of the forced to do something for her republic.
West Indian colonies. Second, Panama could not have dared ama cannot afford for long to One thing is very sure, Panto pass her famous, should disfranchise children born in the say, infamous immigration bill, republic without feeling it. And in the face of such a large color lif they give the children born ed American population, with of West Indian parentage a vote.
Balboa Heights looking Third, there could not have been pseudo Panaman may be the on in the next twenty five years a such a disparity in the wage President.
scale. But in the case of the West Indian conditions are so different. He is exploited by the THE INDIAN American government on the one hand, and on the other hand Give your own prihe is discriminated against by the Panama government. For vate road test this government, the West Indian is an undesirable. But these Look at the picture of the same exploited, discriminated new improvements of the Inagainst and undesirable West dian advertised on another Indians have left their imprint page of this issue. But don in the Republic of Panama. stop there! Go to your dealer store and ask for a ride! Take The West Indian Contribution the new Indian for a spin.
all by yourself.
One hundred years hence when all this will be changed when Stop by the road side and look New Providence, West Indian at the improved construction.
town, will be more important Give it your own private roadthan Colon is today, that histo test.
ry will not be complete that Take the old familiar runs and omits to say, This city was first just compare the performance built up by West Indians. New with any motorcycle you have Cristobal, one of the finest little ever ridden. And it costs but suburban towns on this side of little more than other models.
the Jordan, relocated and built up by West Indian brawn. Ask See your local Indian Dealer the American bosses, and they for detailed specifications and a will tell you, whose labor built private demonstration. One ride up the fnie streets of the repub on the Indian and you re sold.
lic, But it is not in the role of We leave it to you to say It unskilled labor that the West a motorcycle of motorcycles Indians most conspicuously shine and a marvel never before introTheir handiwork can be seen onduced to the industry. STOP! LISTEN. If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour teous and obliging service.
World Jamboree 1929 full Assortment of (Continued from page 11)
CRICKET GOODS Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards Etc. Etc. Etc.
COME IN AND INSPECT THE STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE own country to the camping ground in England and back to their own country.
On arrival at the camp each contingent will be required to pay to British Headquarters a total sum calculated at the rate of three shillings (seventy five cents) per head per day for the total period that they propose to remain in England. This will cover all expenses including all the official organized excursions.
In order to be able to send a contingent of boys from the Districts of Panama and Colon a series of functions will be held to raise the necessary funds and we here appeal to you, dear reader, to give our ventures your financial support and help make them a series of successes.
The trip to the mother country will provide a wonderful experience and without doubt add to the education of the boys selected to attend the Jamboree.
It will help us on returning to lift Scouting to a higher plane and as a consequence benefit our less fortunate boys.
Scoutmasters have begun redoubling their efforts in the training of their boys in order that the boy or boys selected from each troop will be able to give a good account of themselves in the Old Country.
Let us then be up and doing With a heart for any fate Still achieving, still pursuing Learn to labour and to wait.
Panama Hardware (M. CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue


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