
each conbetter.
a tility: intelligent of male or women comas on, ad lib. ad arrogant, that come or when one the subconsciosness, when it vouch is open to them; if they honestly wwwwwwwwwwww safes to men and women flashes of believe that out of their ranks may realisation of their essential differen. be evolved female equivalents of PHONE 1045 BOX 986 bewildering them, shocking them Beaverbrook, Northeliff, Rothemere, hurting them, and Birkenhead, let them go ahead and causing them to hurt other, produce the goods. If they And the Woman who does not Realsometimes defeating them altogether tend that they can produce in their search for happiness and newspapers, better government, soun ise it is Foolish understanding in their contacts. der commercial organisations, let General Tailors It is a veiled conflict, not an open them go ahead and do it; there is By ETHEL MANNIN, the Novelisst hostility. It has nothing to do with nothing whatever to stop them; all either women rights or men life is a matter of the survival of the CLEANERS AND PRESSERS In the Sunday Express wrongs, and the feminists, who in fittest. sist on making a strident battle cry little while ago listened at a No. 3, 4TH OF JULY AVENUE. PANAMA, of it do an infinite amount of harm women dinner to a group of women Women as individuals are charming passionately that they are heasts. and add to the lack of understand diseussing passionately the project THE PLACE FOR GOOD SERVICE and intelligent; women en masse are It is both amusing and, exaspering between the sexes of a woman daily newspaper to be dreadful and hysterical. ating, because both schools make any An this talk of women ultimately financed and run solely by women There is male and female, and there approach towards sex equality utter usurping man place in the lead for women; a million pound shares is female and femenine, and between ly impossible one school defeats the ership of the world gall thistalk to be taken up by a million women the sense of these last two words feminine cause by a negation of fe of a world run by women is sheer am afraid that very nearly wreck the next few hundred years will show books, all about twentieth century there is a nice difference, not the less minime intelligence, the other by hos nonsense, and would be irritatinged the party by suggesting that the and they will have to show a good woman as the road maker and path vital beenuse it is exquisitely subtle. tility: people, whether were it not so utterly silly paper should be called The Opti deal more than the last few hundred flinder, the age old sufferings of Now dislike intensely the type of female, are prone neither Women will do their best work mist men who declares that years to make any impression on woman add selfishness of man, wothat she does not inferiority nor superiority when they begin to realise their THEY KNOW THEIR JOB history man as the oppressed and man like women, kets on better with men, plexes. They are neither humble nor limitations The idea of the proposed paper was The extraordinary part about all the oppressor, and 80 and wishes she had been born a man; they neither flatter nor At present all the great names to state the woman point of view this twentieth century discussion of nauseam, passionate, hysterical, wothe type of woman who establishes abuse to gain their ends.
come instantly to the mind as though every man made feminism is that it is regarded as manly books that women in spite herself as a man woman by an Women are not finer nobler ponders upon the newspaper one opened did not posi something entirely new, whereas a lot their only womanly cropped hends insistent and subtle flattery of the than men and men are not finer or outstanding achievements of the tively seethe and bristle with the hundred years and masculine sartorial modes can oposite sex. nobler than women; both are fine, in so ago George Eliot human race are those of men.
woman point of view view from every and George and do write and the next generaBut am not sure that do not afferent ways are petty. There are chorus of feminists rises up and cated the deluge of feminism! vellous Bronte sisters, were in their and the Brontes and Jane their different ways, and both in their Instantly, suppose, at this point, conceivable angle until one is naus. for sex equality; they, and those martion will not care, and George Eliot dislike even more intensely the type Austen of woman who is aggressive towards things that men can do better than chants the name of Qeen Elizabeth. The only purpose such a papere would time more intensely and passionate will still be on their bookshelves and the opposite sex, prattles of sex qua. women. such as running empires. and There, one concedes, was a grent worse would be to satiate the newery is thodern than any of our women read.
lity, man tyranny and woman things that women do better than mana woman with a man intel rominists themselves with feminism: today; they were so modern, indeed, ligence!
martyrdom, and is all out to show men, such as running homes.
sheer And therein lies the inner folly of them back man what we women can accom There is, inevitably, a sex war, but But consider her contemporaries to sanity and the papers made by that after generations they are mo this feminism; not only does it defeat plish, and how much better job not in the terms of the surface hos her age produced no other great men who have been doing it for derne stihe How amused they would its own ends by its aggressiveness be if could women can make of the running of tility in which our aggressive femi woman but a great spate of great conturies and therefore konw some.
of ideas and ideals that are like so the world. If the one attitude is nists interpret it. It is a much more nen: in an era of giants there was thing about the job for both sexes: hear our feminists prattling!
sillier than the other, it is the other profound and subtle thing than that And unless women ily one giantess. To the whole glo. Heavens! they would ery, have much mutton decked out lamb fasion produce they got no further than that? We but it lack that important, essential as they would say in the country of a thing just below the surface of rious chronicle of the golden age of newspapers or goverments railroads, either male or female conciouness, a Renaissance women contributed that germ of common. or steamship lines, or modern and daring for woman to ince the facts the most fundamental subterranean thing, physio psycho nothing as FEMINISM ENEMIES adopt male sexual standards to have of which is that though women may logical in essence The great women who stand out it for general leveren tions, they will receive no support imitate male dress, and male attitu and profesional activities, male atire lovers and live in sin. to smoke, and emulate male morals, males social When will women realise that these aggressive feminists are feminism THE ROOT OF SEX APPEAL in any branch of history the history of statesmanship, war, art, science, from the publie; they have to face worst enemy? Why if one does not It is at the root of men and wo religion, philosophy stand out male competition; to des, of mind, and state the woman male attitudes and habits, they canflatter, must one attack?
nehieve what eause? Extraordinary! One would not emulate the male creative inmen fundamental inability to under much by their uniqueness as by their regarded as a mis have thought the world have grown tint or the superiority of the male Any intelligent woman who gives stand the workings of each other achievements. Any form of greatness two minutes thought to the subject minds or emotional reactions; it is in woman is the exception that proves for a woman is not going to get out of all that years ago or at least intellectual apparatus.
intellectual superior must be as bored by the comfort at the root of all this sex appeal we the rule of man them anywhere; they have to equal regarding it as modern. It is true, think, generally speak.
able assertion that there is no sex heard so much about nowadays at ity and reduces all this talk of sex man achievements or fail. Yet they get little credit as pion ing, that women are more intelligent war, as by the insistance that there once interesting and tantalising tor equality and woman ultimately usur They have not done it yet; if they eers of feminism, and the more hys than men, but men are more intellecis The adherents of the one school menting and attractive, and it goes ping man place to absurdity contend as they are always contend terical because less intellectual tual than women and it is intellecgush that men are perfect dears. deep, deep down, and only occasional To day women have the chance to inge nowadays that it can be done, Peminists of today go on blandy tuality that tells in the matter of the others declare vehemently and ly rises up through all the strata of Ishow what they can do; every field it is up to then to go ahead and do it: writing their silly modern little material achievement Sand were elamouring can my ancestors.
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