
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN ANNIVERSARY NUMBER AUGUST 1928 The Inception and Establishment of New Providence THEATRES (By Markham)
AMADOR. ELDORADO was a ara requested by the editor, indian residents on the Canal and proprietor of the WORK Zone? After some discussion it MAN newspaper, Mr. was decided to appoint a SuperWalrond, to contribute towards intendent Wesleyan Methodist the sixteenth anniversary of the Minister to Panama, who said newspaper, an article about interested in the welfare of West the inception, establishment, and Indians, to succeed the Rev.
progress of New Providence Britton King, who had requestColony where a large number of led his removal from the Isthmus, West Indians are new per consequent on the illness of his manently settled. Such a taskinfant son.
would be too comprehensive for The lot fell to the Rev.
single newspaper article: Hardwick. Who arrived on the nevertheless, will endeavour Isthmus in April 1913, and took to state a few facts about the colony which are not yet known charge of the Circuit. After acto the public generally quainting himself with the facts, Mr. Hardwick interviewed His But before doing so wish to Excellency, Doctor Belisario Porcongratulate Mr. Walrond very ras, then President of the sincerely for his indomitable Republic, and inquired of courage in pressing the ex the President if anything had istence of the WORKMAN all been under the consideration these many years. know that of the government towards as a newspaper it is far below the relief of the West Inthe need of the West Indian dians, especially those who were community on the Isthmus at long residents on the Isthmus, present, but hitherto it has done much good for the community. house and large farms on the and who were possessors of New Providence Colony came Canal Zone. The President reabout as follows: plied saying that the matter had The news of the ultimate de not been brought to his notice, population of the Canal Zone or to the Government but that reached Jamaica through the he was in sympathy with the local newspapers about the end West Indians and if proper re of 1912, and at the Jamaica presentations were made to him, District Synod of the Wesleyan he would put the matter before Methodist Church. which in the National Assembly cludes the Panama Colon Dis From that time on, Rev.
trict. held in Kingeton, Jamaica, Hardwick left no stone unturnin February 1913, the questioned. He held several conferences was asked: What could be done with the President, and also to assist the unfortunate West) with Gen. George Goethals, them Governor of the Panama Canal.
On one occasion the President told Rev. Hardwick that the Governor would grant a concession of land to West Indians at a place called New Gorgona on the Pacific coast to build on and cultivate. But Rev. Hardwick pointed out that owing to the long distance and no roads or other transportation facilities, and also the economic condition of the West Indians, he was compelled to decline the locality offered review of the map of the Republic reveals that the place now known as New Providence Colony was available, but at that time there was a barrier; a treaty was made between the United States and the Panama Government that the site was to be kept in reserve for military purpose in case it was needed Upon the representation of the Rev. Mr. Hardwick, General Goethals readily got both Gov.
ernments to abrogate the treaty in order to provide a place for the residents then on the Canal Zone, who could not possibly find accomodation in the congested cities of Panama arid Colon; hence the establishment of the Colony.
The Rev. Thorbourne was jointly associated with the Rev. Hardwick as one of the representatives in the establishment of the Colony: and whereas have no record of the details of his work (which have no doubt would be interesting to the public) trust will be privileged to read same in this (anniversary) number, or a subsequent issue of the WORKMAN. What can say is.
that he has done very much good towards the establishment CONTINUOUS SHOW EVERY DAY From P. to 11 Continued on page 5)
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