
a The Inception and (Continued from Page 4)
se kuoto jossaiSoad pue an indefatigable representative.
Official public Recognition In Recent Athenaeum Contest at On June 24, 1927, the Colony La Boca was officially recognized by the Government of the Republic of Panama, and was presented to the Colonists. large ten foot OR We publish below the Essays clear view of the problems of Panamanian flag was the insig.
written by Miss Edna life and the efforts to overcome nia of the presentation Smith and Miss Aminta Jump, then.
both of La Boca, which, as pre.
There are many reasons for The Secretary of Government representing the President, and viously reported in reg. the lack of ambition among the alar You may receive an Orthophonic Victrola issue of several other high officials were this paper, majority of our youths, and as present. Honorable William Jen.
for Only 00 won first and second prizes, res these causes often work together the nings Price, American Minister pectively, in recent La do not think the paper would to Panama and Honorable OR Boca Athenaeum Junior Essay be of much use if did not deal Murray, British Consul of Colon Contest. These publications are with a few of them instead of were present. The ceremony was Portable Victrola for only 00 from the originals submitted in only one.
long. It was brought about the contest and do not, thereAmong the many causes for through the efforts of the Rev.
fore, include the corrections as lack of ambition: Children are Thorbourne who, needless ALBERT LINDO indicated by the judges. The not told much about the educa to say, was also present. Mr.
Santa Ana Branch subject was What has caused the tional happenings and associa Walrond, representing the Opposite Station lack of ambition among the tions in their homeland and livWORKMAN newspaper, and a Panama 22 Central Avenue majority of our Youths. ing under different conditions there is nothing to stir their Star Herald representative were also present.
FIRST PRIZE clesire for similar desires and achievements. written address was read by (By Edna Smith. Ambition, according to the Their interests are scattered the (late) Hon. Lefevre, your energies and establishing wiles of road between Colon Hon. Arosemena asdictionary, a consuming or directed to other things such who was the ex Secretary of an agricultural colony, etc. etc. and New Providence and Limon Secretary of Agriculture and desire to achieve some object or as foolish sports and enjoyments Foreign Relations, and who was in charge of the Colony estab Lefevre did not mention any placed on the programme of road trust that with his personal therefore, means the absence of It is worthy of note that Mr. towns have not as yet been public Works, and they sincere aim. and lack of ambition of all sorts.
There is so much idleness and lishment scheme. He said inter thing in his address about the building in the Republic of Pan knowledge of their isolated posi the desire to improve our con thoughtlessness on the part of alia thus: In my country there Rev. Hardwick who had ama. Good roads mean existed the erroneous belief that returned to England prior to the mercial, industrial and financial will use the influence of his high prove ourselves in educational aim at being useful and industion and their requirements, he ditions by making efforts to im many, due to lack of a certain West Indians belonged to an in recognition of the Colony. the progress to individuals and cor office with the government, and trious ferior race; that only under the reason for this was that Mr. porations, etc. and increased re the Road Board for the construcor business affairs.
direction of a white man could Hardwick repesentations from venue to governments, All young people should pos Often nothing is presented of they make good. But this colony the beginning were made direct tion of a commercial road from sess ambition, so that they may importance or value by their demonstrates how utterly unjust with the ex President and with cause of the appointment of the Limon in the near future.
The Colonists are joyful be Colon to New Providence and improve themselves by aiming parents so that they can have and untrue this belief was.
high. say young people be a desire for higher things. In General Goethals. In the name of progress you cause they have much of the most communities no united efProgress were compelled by the Panama PHONE 496 BOX 604 future before them, and being fort at co operation in educaCanal authorities to abandon The further progress and adyoung, they are better able to tional efforts is made among the form useful habits of thought older people so that they can your farms where for years you vancement of the Colony depends and action.
bad lived the happy and quiet entirely upon the construction encourage the spirit of ambition life of farmers. In your anxiety of a commercial road from thence Tailoring Establishment Ambition is one of the most among the children and enable you went to a modest Baptist to Colon, especially, and also to important things that a young them to aim at higher things.
which person should have, for without pastor and when you told him Panama City: without The morals in many homes NO. J STREET your tales of woe, encourag. there will never be any real proit there can be no real effort at are very poor and the children ed you and suggested the neces gress made.
PANAMA CITY improving ourselves one way or sity of getting together, uniting It is also a pity that those few another. Also there can be no (Continued on Page 12)
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