
THE WORKMAN ANNIVERSARY NUMBER AUGUST 1928 PAGE SEVEN THE INDIFFERENT. BOY Motor Cycle Riders Here is Good News by Acting County Commisioner CLIFFORD BOLT Before eye strain wrinkles become permanent and nervous fatigue becomes cyronic, have your eyes examined. If you need glasses, you will be surprised to find what a comfort they are when accurately and becomingly fitted to YOU us Having definitely decided that handicaps: He has no interest the chief aim of our movement or place for idealism. He has no is that of Character building, push, no persistence, and the let us proceed to consider the circumstances at home are defi type of boy that presents the nitely opposed to our efforts most difficult problem. presenting an attitude directly As a result of our experience opposite to that which we wish we find that boys may be divid to encourage.
ed into three classes. 1) The These disadvantages make the Base not merely the mischiev problem exceelingly difficult ous but the boy who, for some and very often disheartening, reason or other seem willfully Very often as soon as we begin to turn towards vice. 2) The to have hopes in this kind of Normal boy, who, although he boy, he drops back from whence may at times fall below ex he came becoming ineffective, pectations, is as a general rule posibly harmless but certainly quite a decent sort in whom useless.
good qualities certainly predo The needs of this type of boy minates. 3) The indifferent should certainly appeal to boy, thoughtless, aimless, a He comes to our parades, merely mere drifter, neither good nor mechanically, and there he hears bad.
our talk of our aims, our obIt is the indifferent boy that Ijects, our laws and promises, of presents us with the greatest a life of self denial leading challenge for he lacks ultimately to effective service which the other types possess, for our fellows and his response the fundamental requirement of Jis Why?
character. initiative, direct Those he knows best and proenergy bably esteems most highly have It is quite true that in the never exemplified this attitude base or vicious boy the directo life.
tion of energy is wrong, but it. This is a case for direct attenis by no means an impossible tion. It is a challenge tothe task to give it a new direction. scouter himself. This is a case With the indifferent boy, where the boy needs a friend however, the task is different who will lead him with great He has probably been brought patience and perseverance to up in an atmosphere in which more satisfactory ideals. the surroundings are entirely friend who will devote his time frivilous. The members of his and energy with the sole endeavfamily have no definite aim in our of counteracting the deaden life. Their one determination is to ing influence of the boy family enjoy the comforts or pleasures environment.
of life as they come to them We can only take care of this and the idea of service or even type of boy if we ourselves are self denial is no part of their convinced why. one type of life program of life.
is preferable to the other. In If we get this boy at all; he this case mere words are insucomes to us with three great fficient, we must show ourselves The new Indian announced today is a modern machine for distinctly modern performance.
In appearance it is a vastly better looking motorcycle; in performance, actually a new machine with vital improvements from end to end.
Motorcycling on this new Indian will be an entirely new sensation. Smooth flowing power that speaks in a whisper compared to other motorcycles.
Remember cylinders. Plenty of reserves twist the throttle on the last 50 feet of a hill and the surge of power will send you over and make every drop of your sporting blood tingle.
Pick up! With the added power and the ingenius redesigning of the transmission, changing the second gear ratio and perfecting a faster, more positive method of gear shifting, a brand new type of pick up has been attained. Just try this get away And to balance this pick up, the new Indian of course has both front and rear wheel brakes.
Say goodbye clutch trouble in traffic. new type clutch operates as smoothly and easily as a clutch on the latest automobile. new simple foot action locks out the clutch when you come to a stop.
Lubrication is taken care of to the acme of perfection. figh pressure force feed system distributes oil to all bearings under pressure proportionate to riding speed and needs of motor. new felt oil pad lubricates oil rocker arms, HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED to SCADRON OPTICAL CO.
REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS ESTABLISHED IN PANAMA OVER 10 YEARS PANAMA COLON 23 CENTRAL AVENUE 9, 034 FRONT STREET of our Germany Wins 1928 Olypied FOR ALL KINDS OF GENT Wearing Apparel Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery.
living exemplifications principle, so that he may see that we carry out that which we teach.
To handle this case we must thoroughly examine ourselves By Paul Duran and decide that the life we are trying to infuse into the boy is The wining by Germany of the events. Japan, a country that was the proper one, that it gives 928 Olympiad after non competi practically unknown in athletic greater satisfaction than a fri tion for 16 years, is considered competition, made its presence volous one. Then feeling positive the most significant of all past keenly felt in the present that it does, our first step is to olympic wins. Germany had not Olympics.
show him a life cheerfully given competed in the Olympics since The South American Countries up to service of our fellows, 1912 and it shows what a radical also showed promises of future organized and cheerfully devot change there has been in the keen competition. Latin Amered to the new ideals presented to lives of the German people. Belicans are, new to Olympics and it him.
fore the war, Germany was a the opinion that these countries The boy is now faced with strictly military country and all will show up well in the next two types of life the entirely the boys were brought up to be Olympics as there is a wave of frivolous and the persevering, soldiers. Athletics were second desire for athletic competition directed, type. Our next step is to military training in the among the Latin Americans. In to see that the boy models his schools, and the government 1930 there will be the Central character upon the latter. He will spent millions keeping the coun American Olympiad held in require incessant care and try prepared for war. But now Havana. There is also on foot watching, paying close attention things have changed, Athletic the plans for holding every two to his regularity at parade and clubs have multiplied, new years a Latin American Olympiad to the punctuallity with which stadiums have been built in which to develope their athletic talent.
he carries out all duties imposed thousands of children can be seen The next olympics will be held upon him. What he needs mostlin athletic demonstration going in Los Angeles in 1932 and it is of all is inspiration, and here through exercises simultaneous very likely that the United the Scouts Own and regularly. Germany won because she in States will carry the honors as Church Parades play their part, dulges in all kinds of sports and they will be competing in their for there we can held up to him in the olympics she scored points own court and the European in the most favourable atmos in all the various kinds of games atheletes will have to travel 6, 000 phere The Two Ideals, our obtaining the most points of the miles to enter the games of 1932.
words being emphasised by forty odd nations that competed. This means that the expense what he has observed of our Japan also made a wonderful of sending a team so far away conduct showing, having won several of will keep many of them from Let us bear in mind, the case the most popular of the olympic entering competitors.
is extremely difficult but not hopeless. The boy has a practically blank life, void of orTHE WEST PHARMACY ganization or inspiration and we have to begin all the procesMARANON ses of character formation with absolutely raw material.
It is all worth the while. West Indian. Isinglass Our aim is that of forming character, and this boy of all boys Antidote is in a very sorry plight. The Bissy Indifferent Boy needs all the attention we can give him. Then Buldemas let us persevere with the thought that. No man work is a failure, BOB SIMONS unless he himself is a failure.
at Reasonable Prices SEE LA DALIA BRANCH No. 32 Central Avenue 99 FRONTING SANTA ANA PLAZA 99


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