
ששווי:יוון concert a or the conscene to PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN ANNIVERSARY NUMBER AUGUST 1928 WE NEED THE WORKMAN Famous Coloratura Soprano West Indian Federal THE LAW AND ITS USES THE (Continued from page 1)
WORKMAN Employees money enough; but, and who of us can deny it, we need more unity The policy of the WORKMAN and more venturesomeness. Back of Published on Saturdays by WALROND, at the office No. 93 has always included the chamevery great enterprise there must of pioning of the rights of the Central Avenue, Panama, de necessity be a motive power. We coloured worker. In fact, the know that every great effect must Rates for Adssztisement on application. Corresponde a se on all maltern name of this paper was inspired have its cause. We are told in Holy of public interest invited.
Writ that two young men had come from the great batches of West to Jesus to ask for the first place All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only Indian workmen who were in the kingdom.
Jesus remarked that and must be accompanied by the naine of the writer, not necessarily for brouglt to the Isthmus to take such places were not His to give, publication but as a mark of good faith.
part in the construction of the and after making this statement He Panama Canal to supply skilled, challenged them to the most difficult We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
semi skilled and unskilled labour task of their life. Are ye able. Ву said Jesus, to be baptized with the when the pioneer American builWilliam de Sousa LL. The Liberty of the Press is th paladium of our rights JUNUIS baptism that shall be baptized with ders of the great Isthmian waterAttorney At Law and to drink of the cup that shall way had fully exhausted their ANNIVERSARY NUMBER AUGUST 1928 with drink? To this challenge these continental hunt over Europe, Men in their relation young men answered: We are able.
Asia and the Americas for each other go forth not freely: They said this because they believed Madam Olga King of La Boca.
Sixteen years ago, in the most modest form, and in reasonably cheap labour with a they are bound as it were and in themselves. And this is a great of efficiency, reli held in their courses by rules secret of success.
Let us think success and talk sue Canal Zone, is reputed to be the simplest of surroundings the WORKMAN weekly ability, constancy, intelligence and customs, laws and usages, to newspaper made its unpretentious appearance in the and civility to help their engin the end that under all circun ces and wish success and promote the ablest and most accomplishjounalistic field of Panama. There was a loud and long eers and scientists put through stances, a given man shall do success for The Workman. Lincoln sed coloured coloratura soprano immortal speech at Gottysburg is both in the Zone and in Panama.
cry for an organ which could voice, in the language of a task over which the French what other men have done. This what he thought about the soldiers She controls a voice with rare the people, the claims and interests of the motley host had signally failed the construc is the whole object and purpose who lived and died that a govern of West Indians in this country who had come from tion of nan Isthmian canal which of Law. to reduce the actions ment for the people and by the melody, capable of penetrating largest halls their homes in the various islands of the Caribees to would connect the extensive of men to a certainly, a uniform people might not perish from the our earth. The thought of John Bunyan beuatified by her almost perfect seek their fortunes in the attractive business of work. Atlantic and Pacific oceans pattern, so that upon a given still walks the earth in this heaven articulation.
ing on the Panama Canal.
whereby millions in money and condition foreknown result bound Pilgrim Progress. The Not only is this singer in rare gift, but We came upon the field in answer to the challenge miles could be saved in handling shall inevitably follow. And what thought of Hamlet made Shakespeare is true of men is also true of the prince of dramatists. The thought possession of a that of the hour, which called for a journal of the race the world maritime traffic.
through which the wrongs and injustices that burden Having observed the injustices all created things. We find the of Paradise Lost made John Mil it is interesting to know ton a poet. So the way to make the she has not been stingy in gived and harassed our people could be resented, and which were being meted out to bees live an ordered life rigor workman prosperous foursquare is Jing of it freely to social, fraternal religious organizations always endeavored to serve our people earnestly, ener West Indian workmen undertak ously laid out for them by the to think about it in terms of suc. and getically and faithfully, with the best desires to ing the hurculean task of not only law of the hive. The ant dare cess, and back up our thoughts our alike, and incidentally to the wise beautiful satisfy.
clearing the jungles and improv. not transgress the statutes and high, noble, ing sanitary conditions, but fil customs of its burrow. As a thoughts, by moral and financial sup public. This action, it was feared The task has been difficult and trying; but this ling positions of trust at a time matter of fact, all created things port. It is only thus we can convince by her close friends, would.
was no unusual experience since it is known that the when the north American owners we after a time, cheapen her effrom the very beginning of Proprietor Editor that forts. To the contrary, however, lot of a newspaper in its inchoate stage is rough riding of the gigantic venture had not existence are the slaves of order really need. The Workman.
for most of the way in the process of its development. vet decided to risk their lives in her generosity and, of course, The origin of Law as we clay tablets of the once famous her ability, only served to make we have continued steadily plying our ardous lot to plague, yellow fever and malaria lives or has lived within the ken cepted code of a modern state. accasions when she broadcasted With but two very brief. intervals of. suspension any appreciable number in the know it, stretches into an im. Babylon, might, with but few her the most popular figure on measurable past. No race of men modifications, become the ac Isthmian concert stage. On two maintain a position of dignity among the stalwart infested tropics; as well as the publications which, for the greater part, represented the unsettled atmosphere in the cities of history or tradition, without The Roman Empire rose broadcasting staCanal interests of other races and peoples. How far we have of Panama and Colon consequent some system of inevitable cus fell, its government perished tion at Balboar oathe thien succeeded must be judged from the influence we have upon their invasion by thousands toms, binding upon all of its utterly, but the collapse of the Zone, she received many been known to wield. It is not for us to make any claims of these workmen, the Workman members. That which we today Empire did not affect the Ro gratulations from radio fans.
call our Law is the heritage of man Law which remains today in this respect: our numerous patrons, in particular, voluntered on the Madam King is the first and and the community, in general, may well attest, by contribute its share in the solv mileniums of yesterdays. Bit by at the very foundation of all only local coloured talent to bit it grown with the chang law in the greater part of the have given song recitals here, virtue of personal knowledge, to any good that we have ing of the many social and ecobeen able to accomplish.
nomic problems for the good ing habits and conditions of men, ancient Roman domain.
at each of which the public reIn the lurid days of the Silver Employees Strike larly on behalf of the low paid of all concerned, but particu and of necessity it has changed The Norman Conquest of En ciprocated most admirably. On and changes so slowly in the gland in 1066 and the establish her two recent programs at La (1921. when squelched between two crushing forces, and hard worked West Indian mass. that, to the casual observ ment of the feudal system of Boca and Cristobal she introducour West Indian people were compelled to abandon diggers of the big ditch.
er it seems unchangeable. And the Continent did not affect the led here for the first time Negro their course, and instantly substituted our weapon of In spite of the general unset set nothing is more certain than Common Law which sprung from spirituals on classical programs.
words by which, without duess or restraint, we were tled state of affalfs, however, the Law springing from a varie. the good laws of Edward the This innovation was well refree and frank in expressing and urging the claims of our a dollar then was quite capable accomodates itself, with the pas held its own as the Law of the ty of fundamental human needs, Confessor. The Common Lawceived.
brethren in kith and toil.
of holding its own in the exThe singer is the possessor of The wiltering agencies that checked the concentrat change for commodities. Parsising of time, to the current ha Land, and remained as the es two gold medals as first prizes bits and thoughts and material sence of English Law when the won in singing competitions.
ed resistance of thousands of canal workers of the monious and, now and then, feudal system crumbled to the Silver force could not avail to still the voice of this paper thrifty workmen had a chance demands of human society.
Our National Law, first com dust.
which stood at the fore, and kept up the fight for equity to tuck an occasional dollar Fellow West Indian Workjustice and a square deal.
under their belts. But those pounded out of myriad of origiAgain, the French Revolution days are gone. They have been conglomerate custom. The doc left the world legal structure nal customs is itself one huge shook the world politically, but That we have always, or at any time received sup superceded more than ers, Alert!
fifteen port and patronage from our own West Indian people years ago.
trine of precedents, that preg. almost unmoved. The bonds of commensurate with the service we have never failed the construction of the Canal Law had its beginning in mistily away by the revolution between nant source of authority in the political allegiance were By HARRIS once to render we are loathe to deny, and while it was technically at an end with distant ages, when men first re the United States and England, organization, the British Boy In that excellent and useful stands out as an incontrovertible experience that the dynamiting of the Gamboa although some of the people of our community failed ut dyke. The thousands of West membered and applied to a but today the Law of these two Scouts, there command terly to summon sufficient interest to attain to the ral Indian workmen who had been present case the settlement of powerful countries are bone of which has always impressed me lying point, yet we plodded on in the re assuring con invited here by United States some former dispute. We com one bone and flesh of one flesh. much. It is interesting because sciousness that the ultimate achievements would justify gavernment representatives and which is bound in sheepskin or at life to its foundation, and precedence of other commands, monly refer to the Law as that The Civil war stirred the nation of all that it involves. It takes every willing sacrifice we had elected to make. had survived those never tobe: buckram but it is only evidence instead of shattering the law of and very properly so. That comToday with satisfaction in the knowledge that we forgotten construction days of what the Law is, and not the the country certainly augment mand consists of one have stemmed the tides of indifference, discouragements were not all needed any more.
wordLaw itself.
and opposition, we think joyfully on the fact that we Many left. Thousands, however, are still entrenched upon the battle field of journalistic were still wanted not only to helped books of law were to be That which is the Law, with the Workman to contribute a ed it to form a stronger and alert, and in response to the In the event that all the print safer republic.
request of the management of action and we look forward, hopefully, to years of polish up things but greater achievements and a wider sphere of usefulness. active part in the operation and meally destroyed overnight, the which the courts and the legal few lines to the 16th AnninversaWe have, for a very long while, been contemplating United States insular maintenance of the pride of the not be interrupted, and would be into every nook and corner of take the opportunity of passing machinery of the courts would profession have to deal, reaches ry Number, unhestitatingly an extension of the size of this paper but, somehow, have sions. Those physically and men the settlement of disputes based to its subjects, for the most part notes to West Indian employes possesresorted to on the morrow for our national and individual lives; along that word and all it conbeen hindered from taking definite steps through unset tally incapacitated during the tled economic conditions. It appears, now, that the time construction, who had not ac able justice between man upon accustomed lines of reason an unseen, and almost unrecog of the Panama Canal.
has come when plans for such improvement might suc cepted passage back home plus man. It is true that an immense upon it, however unconsciously, an open secret that for West and nised, influence; yet we The time is opportune. It is cessfully be put into operation and we do not hesitate a few hundred dollars, to announce our plans in this connection. Certainly, after referred to a cripples farm, to have perished, but not the Law of life.
amount of human labor would for every security and certainty Indian employees, particularly sixteen years of hard earned experience we should find be given employment at from and order which bind society tothose in the higher grades, a ourselves in a position to strike out upon a boader sphere three to seven cents an hour, gether. The Law rests upon a serious crisis is impending. This of venture, and if the private discussions and interviews with board and lodging.
knowledge has not, broader foundation than any of numerous subscribers and friends coun however, for anything The scene was changed. These printed book or books; it rests come upon us suddenly. Those we happily discover that a large proportion of our peo government employees who have been watching ple are keen in their desire for such extension as we forced into the cities of Panama ing for certainty and safety.
upon a fundaental human cravtrend of affairs, long since disBy Cousins and Colon to take up residence cerned the fact that, in some Political revolutions come and My message for the 16th An quarters we are not wanted, and Our West Indian community, as a whole, in all pro tion of the Canal Zone which startling changes in the frame man consists of a word of hearts are being made to oust us from consequent upon the depopula go. They effect sudden and niversary number of The Work that the most determined efforts bability, has now begun to sense the great opportunity followed the completion of the work of the affected govern congratulation, and an which presents itself for the operation and maintenance Canal. The foremost leaders of ments, while disturbing very plea to the entire West Indian by dint of faithful and diligent of a throughly competent publication with a character modern civilization earnest positions which we have won istically atmospherie influence of tone and bearing; and organized to deplete the world of the governed, or the usages had then little if any of the daily habits community. toil, unswerving loyalty if such an ogan is really visualized, the necessity of con population, and First, congratulate and tributing, generously and liberally towards any scheme massacre, super by which men adjust their rela Workman most heartily on at gan as a mere gesture has bethe proven ability. That which bethe World for extension, should impress itself, strongly, upon the developed. The acute economic rise from their beginnings, great dulge the hope that it War, tions with each other. States taining its 16th birthday and income today an open and undisminds of our peoples; and their united effort in further. wrought havoc on these poorly allotted times, then pass away: and unique service.
condition which followed will guised threat.
or small, flourish through their enjoy many more years of useful meeting the situation? Sinister How ing any plans that we may set forward in the program paid workers, they having fail the rule of Law remains shadows are throwing of practical extension will serve to be a conspicuoused to receive Second plea. wonder how selves athwart our themfeature of encouragement by which we shall be incited muneration to compensate for which all students of Law are readers and buyers of this paper. themselves abundantly manifest.
increased re The code of Hammurabi, with many West Indians are regular ominous signs are parthway, making to carry on (Continued on page 9) familiar, and impressed upon the (Continued on page 16. Continued on page 9)
cut is a rest were TIONS were the have proposed.
the are we

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