
THE WORKMAN ANNIVERSARY NUMBER AUGUST 1928 PAGE NINE West Indian Federal Fellow West Indian Workers INTRODUCING THE NEWEST SENSATION IN MOTORCYCLING THE INDIAN CYLINDER ing the Call in and arrange for a demonstration. Easy Pament Allowed OMPHROY AUTO SUPPLY (Continued from page 8)
How are we lined up to tackle the issues?
For years men of vision, both within and without our ranks have been pointing the warning finger towards the gathering clouds, and have by turns warned and entreated, but unfor tunately the results have been largely negative. As it was in the days gone by, so it is even today. Many of us remember too well the hectic days of the construction period. In those days extravagance and improvi dence ruled the roots, and he who had the temerity to point in the general direction of the termination of the work was branded either a snivelling idiot or an unmitigated fool.
But the day came, the hour struck, and where were the scoffers? Like men caught un clothed in a thunderstorm they were the victims of their own improvidence and unbelief. And no one can be accused of stretchimagination if he asserts that nearly the saine conditions obtain today. The same skepticism, nonchalance and indifference characterise the majority of us. Nevertheless in this day the cry comes ringing down the lines. ALERT!
Will it pass by unheeded, and will the cause be lost because we are either too indifferent or too fearful and supine to take advantage of the opportunities which each passing day places within our reach?
The time is ripe for action. There are economic facts with which we must become acquainted; the issues of today must be squarely met and definitely decided. mere platitudes will not accomplish this.
United work and coordinated efforts are required. It is not impossible to secure these if there is the abandonment of selfishness, silly prejudices and desire for personal aggrandlizement. Let it not, however, be considered that am advocating any action in the nature of a strike or walkout. This would not only be foolish but criminal. believe that by properly rerepresenting our case the heart and conscience of the great American nation can be reached and equity and righteousness prevail over narrow prejudice and irrational hostility.
Great sacrifices have been made by the West Indian workers in the task of building the mighty waterway.
The lives which have been surrendered, the bodies which have been broken by accidents and disease contracted in the perfomance of the dangerous tasks to which we were assigned. have they no appeal? The answer rests with you fellow Indian workers. Be alert.
NOW ALL SIXES (Continued from page 8)
the deficiency promoted by the change from what may be termed country life for city life and aggravated by the skyward leaps of war prices. Many were called to the front. Many had to keep the home fires burning.
Many were asked and gladly consented to buy Liberty Bonds on the installment plan from SOON TO ARRIVE their monthly stipend.
Never at any period during the construction, nor since the completion and operation of the Panama Canal, a period covering twenty four years, were the West Indian federal employees of the United States on the Panama Canal adequately con pensated for their labour.
But what seems to worsen these conditions is that, the very people for whom those coloured workers had given, and are still giving, so valuable a service are displaying such might over right that would cause real democracy to hang its head and weep. Ungrateful American labour leaders citizens of the United States are exerting every inch of influence with their government to relegate the very workers who supplied the backbone of labour, cheap but efficient, No. CALIDONIA PHONE 280 thereby saving millions of dollars in the treasury of the United States Government, to positions which would not be long in reduc ing them to the merest menials Commemorative and serf Observance After more than twenty years as United States federal emBy Cespedes Burke ployees, the West Indian worker on the Panama Canal is not Commemorative observance is entitled to even a day vacation the order of the day and is reDODGE BROTHERS INC. ANNOUNCES pay. In some cases he is garded with intense interest by entitled to half day with pay for nations and individuals. In the FOR ITS GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCK LINE a Sunday or holiday work. This individual life, birthday anniis when he can be spared from versaries are looked forward to, work. In many cases when he anticipating the felicitations of needs that half day he can be friends and a jolly time gauged spared. No old age pension will according to the limits of our IN ALL SIZES AND TYPES these conscientious workers re finance.
ceive in the winter of their days.
It is the time when our good It is understood that even friends gather around us retirement legislation and recent which included them was modi join in our pastime. When we ON ALL SIZES AND TYPES fied locally so as to exclude make every effort to feel hapthem. And they were exclüded! Py, full of vigor; rejuvenate ECONOMY LOW PRICES DEPENDABILITY In the aggregate, however, it ourselves and give freedom to But nevertheless, we as always as always as always cannot be constructively argued gaiety.
that the West Indian employees are confronted at that time Graham Brothers Trucks are of the Panama Canal have not with the inevitable fact that we built in the chassis sizes that milestone been receiving very much in pay have advanced one meet 95 of all hauling needs The further in our longevity, thus, we from the United States, Governor report for the fiscal ponder on our prospect and inYOU may now have all the performance speed transmission on all 134 and 29 year just ended indicates that trospect, and take a retrospecadvantages of cylinder engine and ton models.
received tive view of ourselves.
they could not have The same theory holds good in 4wheel brakes on any size or type of See these trucks today. Exact size and very much less than four million dollars during that the journalistic twelvetype for your business. Drive one. Compare world. The Graham Brothers Trucks and Buses.
them for price, for value, for appearance, month period. In spite of this birthday anniversary of a paper less should be regarded in no for their ability to do your job and make huge lumpsum the average Six cylinder power. Six cylinder speed.
you money with any truck you ever monthly pay of each of these a sense of mirth which should Six cylinder operating ease considered good value.
employees is believed to only manifest itself in the celebraof cylinder, acceleration and the safety 40, 00 register between and tion though the differing in nature of its observance.
of wheel brake deceleration. Four Phone us for a demonstration. 50. 00 Since the newspaper aims at The continued absence of bet breaking down the bars of opter conditions among the mass position which holds the people HARRY NICHOLLS of employees seems to lie in their it represents in undeserving 13 STREET PANAMA.
almost total indifference to the subjugation; since the newsuse of the only effective defen paper any real newspaper, as sive weapon against modern day the mouthpiece of the people, capitalistic exploitation of labour voices the sentiments of the organization and collective people calling for an emancipabargaining. They have a welfare tion from the bridleing inorganization known as the Pan fluences of oppression, it folama Canal West Indian employ lows that such a paper must ees Association which has sure ultimately be known and reBUILT BY TRUCK DIVISION OF DODGE BROTHERS CORP.
ly justified its existence. In ad garded with much confidence RYWHERE SOLD BY DODGE BROTHERS DEALERS EV dition to securing many improv and admiration by the people, ed working and living condi and the reaches of its friendship tions, when it used to operate is hard to be known.
under the name of the Silver With a steady increase in its Employees Association, it suc number of friends, its birthday ceeded in gaining for them more anniversary becomes something than one general increase in pay, truly warranting a real cele It is however, not representative bration, and the desk of its of the thousands of West Indian editor will necessarily be coverfederal employees, but with the ed with many and varied letters 107 CENTRAL AVENUE organized hostility now directed of felicitation from the many against them it is hoped that friends whose love the sentiP. Box 476 Ancon, they will not continue longer ments of his paper controls.
their dangerous indifference. The entire Isthmian public in Pictures taken Day or Night their retrospective view of the Rent Receipt Books in Spanish WORKMAN will admit without BROMIDE ENLARGEMENTS SPECIALTY and English for sale at the equivocation that this news Workman Printery.
organ has done us service. We CYLINDER ENGINES WHEEL BRAKES a The snap West GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCKS AND BUSES DENTIST HOWELL House No. 912 La Boca Canal Zone OPPOSITE RESTAURANT Phone 1941. BALBOA Specialises in all Bravches of Dentistry Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery.
Scranton Photo Studio remember too well the days when there was hardly anything left unsaid in the editorial column of this paper in representation of our interest. For this reason and others too well known to be mentioned it behoves us on the birthday of this periodical to send in our warmest birthday greetings.


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