
PAGE TEN THE WORKMAN ANNIVERSARY NUMBER AUGUST 1928 TRIBUTE THE ETHICS OF GARVEYISM On Our 16th Anniversary COMPLIMENTS BY LOUIS LINDO OF CARDOZE LINDO ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND The Universal Negro Improve strokes of animation which have ment Association has proven proved that the determined efwithin its ten years activities to forts and tenatious disposition of be the greatest organizing, co those who volunteered has pen operative, fundamental and letrated its depths Garveyism.
most skillfully propelled human We are zealous of the sublimimechanism of modern time, not ty of race consciousness, of naonly from its materialism and ſtionhood of a Government or conservatism, but from its per commonwealth, governed and sistency, daringness and dogma operated by Negroes in yonder tism instituted and diversified under the doctrine of Garveyism. mental modern refuge, a haven fragant sunny field. funda Analyizing the contrast of divers of rest. substantive circle and opinions that have manifested environments wherein all Negro themselves interrogatingly, can we who swell the rank and file generation will be called blessed.
This is the faith, the eternal creed, the renovated religion What has the and now appeals and burn within Garveyism done during the last the breast of 400, 000, 000 ten years? The unintelligent will Negroes the world over, under exclaim. Nohting The spirit the ethics of Garveyism. Shall of unity and cooperation is still we pursue the road to happiness lacking, communities have grown for must we still remain as econumerically powerless without nomic, industrial, commercial and being able to settle down to political slaves, solve the problematic issues reLet us with one voice unite garding their industrial, commercial, economic and racial propour efforts, let us leave behind gress. The latent energy and party feelings, insularism and determination in a benighted and for the greatest urge, the land Pjoin hands and hearts together. down trodden race to brave every of our forefathers. AFRICA.
effort and destroy all obsta The land where the Sunny Founcules that blocks their road to progress have dominated their tains roll down their golden sand at the divine order of Mowill power and therefore, the race is slowly marchnig on beg born from that soil must breathe ther Nature and the Negroes ging, praying, complaining.
the riches of His grace.
But here comes the voice of My heart is glad to know the reason, the response of those negro day is coming.
who ardently and patiently en When from oppression vilest gineered a constructive basis of joke and darkest gloom.
labourious graduated changes, For him to rise in splendour trusting into limelight, of noblest and might ere long.
achieveents revealing a great to modify the human mind and future, pierced by the visualizing avenge the wrong.
MACHINERY 12 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA, co SOVOSCOXW5o essa8 e9 98 BSC By DOTTIN Today friends marks the sixteenth Anniversary of this journal, and as we look back upon the pages of its history, we must thank all those who have supported it in the past, those who are at present doing their best, and those who have good intentions for the future with regard to its success.
The efforts of the Proprietor and Editor Mr. Walrond to put this journal out, should be encouraged, for it takes great determination and stick toit iveness to put things through.
It is greatly desired that the continued support of all contri butors will be given in the future in addition to others who have already consented to fall in line; the celebration of another milestone in the History of this journal will, it is hoped. give an impetus to many who may be rencouraged to put their ideas in print for the benefit of the reading public.
There is no doubt that a large percentage of our people are endowed with literary and whon there is an organ available which will cater to their needs, it should awaken their interest and enthusiasm.
The support given in special issue of the Workman is an indication of the need of same, and it is also hoped that further appreciation and operation will be given in a cause like this. Can anyone deny the fact that there is room for an organ which is a medium of expression, and which serves the purpose of advertising your business and also making your joys and sorrows known?
This Anniversary number will no doubt set a new pace, kindle our imagination awaken a new sense of pride and honor in our people, for above all other things, we cannot be dead to a cause which lacks asistance, the wrongs that need resistance the future in the distance, and the good this pournal is capable of doing Launching of the Lady Nelson talent, La La The First of Five New Steamers to Trade Between Canada and the West Indies.
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VACATION The West India Committee should be lost in securing the Circular of July 26th says development of fruit and other The Delegates from the Brit industries to supplement those ish West Indies and British of sugar and cacao on which the Guiana who attended the Confer new line will mainly rely for ence on Reciprocal Trade at freight.
Ottawa in 1925 vioced a unani In this connexion the Canamous wish that the steamer dian National Steamships would, services provided for by the perhaps, be well advised to take Agreement signed on that occa up with the Imperial Department soin might be conducted by the of Agrculture the question of Canadian Government. That hope the appontment of one or more is about to be fulfilled. On July fruit inspectors to superintend 17th the first of five vessels the collection, grading and packwhich are being built by Cam ing of citrus fruits and vegetamell, Laird Co. for the Cana bles, for which there should be dian National Steamships, a a good and expanding market stateowned Company allied to in the Dominion.
the Canadian National Railways, Passenger accommodation in was christened by MADAME the new steamers is also consiL. APOINTE and successfully derably greater than that itherto launched at Brkenhead. She is provided, and it is reasonable to scheduled to sail on her maiden expect that as the new service voyage down the islands before will have the advantage of the Christmas and she will be fol backing of Canadian National lowed some weeks later by her Railways, which run from ocean sister ships the the Lady Drake to ocean, an increasing number and the Lady Hawkins in suc of Canadians will be induced to cession.
visit the Islands and British For the Western route the Guiana, and that this may lead Lady Rodney and Lady Somers to the appreciation that the are nearing completion, and West Indies afford a profitable when these two vessels have field for explotation by Canabeen placed in commission the dian capital.
equipment of the new services The West Indies and British will be complete.
Guiana are, as was stated at the The tonnage of the new lunch which followed the launch, steamers is considerably in ex contributing 847, 000 a year cess of that of the vessels re towards the new steamer cently sailing on the Eastern vice. They are now, therefore, route, and their cargo and cold junior partners of Canada in this storage capacity is far greater business, and we may be sure than that which has hitherto that they will leave no stone been available. It foHows that it unturned to make the new ser. will be no easy matter to secure vice, whch was provided at their full cargoes for these commo explicit request, an outstanding dious new vessels, and no timel success.
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