
THE WORKMAN ANNIVERSARY NUMBER AUGUST 1928 PAGE ELEVEN The Isthmian Literary and Musical League World Jamboree 1929 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET 25. 00 by Acting County Commisioner CLIFFORD BOLT (By King, President)
It is important at this time of the Scout Movement and we The Isthmian Literary the La Boca Clubhouse on May that we endeavour to maintain feel it our duty to respond to Musical League was organized fifth. Two prominent members the public interest in our move same.
in the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse. the La Boca Athenaeum and ment, the Boy Scouts Associa The Jamboree will be held the during the latter part of the year the Alliance Literary Debating tion, here.
first two weeks of August, 1929, 1927, its aims and objects, as Association having had previous It will be remembered that the first week being devoted to written in its constitution, being intentions towards a similar end four years ago this County, in a great combined camp following to bring into closer relationship (the former having already acresponse to invitation received as far as possible the example the literary and musical organiza cumulated much data in connecfrom Imperial Headquarters, of the Jamboree Camp at Copentions on the Isthmus, with a view tion therewith. the President sent a contingent of Scouts to hagen in 1924.
to promote a competitive spirit suggestion fell on almost fertile the Imperial Jamboree held at Each contingent will be erin all their ventures and to dis. ground and was given immediate Wembley, England. The contin pected to take its own ters RACING BICYCLE seminate in the various com and encouraging reception. The gent consisted of boys from the and general camping equipment munities literature of a nature debate on the question terminatFOR ONLY various troops in the Panama and to organize its own camp accalculated to improve morality ed in a motion authorizing the and Colon Districts and made a cording to its own national and advance educational stan. President to appoint a commitvery creditable impression of characteristics. Food will be pro.
iards. 1813tee to look into the possibilities themselves in the mother vided uncooked and each conThe League now has an active for the promotion of the effort country, tingent will do its own cooking membership of five prominent and to report threon at the next FORMERLY 60. 00 Again the call comes to us to in its own camp.
societies, namely: the Etude general session.
send boys to Great Britain to Contingents will each pay the Club, the La Boca Athenaeum, attend the International Jam cost of their journey from their ALSO On May 8th the President apboree and Conference in 1929 to the Forum, the Alliance Literary pointed a Magazine Commitcelebrate the 21st Anniversary (Continued on page 15)
and Debating Association and tee. This Committee rendered Men and Children Bicycles the Technical School. their report at the next quarterly The first is the only musical session which was held at the at moderate Prices member. The literary branch of Gatun Silver Clubhouse on the into each home of thousands of yet been definitely sought and the St. Joseph School which fourth instant. The report was a people in the Canal Zone and in therefore not known to an apdisplayed marked interest and ac favourable one With the idea the Republic of Panama; such preciable extent among the tivity up to early this year when having been previously favoured wide circulation to be guaranteed colored people here, will constithat society participated in the by the Executive Committee, by the attractiveness of the magtute one of the by words of the ratification of the League Con into whose hands is entrusted Cathedral Plaza Opposite Panama Post Office. azine and the popularity of its League in the prosecution of its stitution, has since been inactive. the management and direction selling price. The attractiveness efforts.
An active membership of the affairs of the League. of the Magazine will be backed In fine, the Isthmian Literary by the inclusion therein of a campaign will be started as soon together with the report of the and Musical League will make maximum of intelligently preas present plans develop to a Magazine Committee which was a determined effort to help propoint which will guarantee ample considered generally favourable, a journal, as well as by other League Scholarship. It is sented information of as many sustenance of such campaign. the idea, after undergoing some special efforts, the League in being considered in the light that of our men, women and their mote individual and community To be able to adequately critical examination, was given tends to seriously help in the it would serve as a preliminary progressive efforts, as each issue progress in various departments promotion of higher education effort in stimulating healthy will accomodate. It follows, promote and carry on the various final approval. Plans are the magazine efforts will, therefore, be dedicatphases of community welfare being worked out for the raising among the coloured people on general interest in higher educa therefore thata work which the League contem of funds to have the first issue the Isthmus. To this end the Ex tion.
should represent a most valuable ed to the welfare of the comThe League intends to devote advertising medium for business munity the colored community plates, the idea of the publica Jof the magazine appear during ecutive Committee have already taken under advisement a sug its best eforts to popularize its men.
in particular whose moral and tion of an illustrated magazine December of this year, as gestion emanating from the proposed journal to the extent The Common was introduced by the President Christmas Number.
Good, the financial support will be exreference at its quarterly session held in) Through the medium of such Forum with to aſof getting a copy of each issue understanding of which has not pected for it at all times.
11. MADURO Jr.
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