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labourer or caused all of sormen that 175 Central Avenue. New Daily Chronicle Says Colony Should Prefer to Get Jamaica Settlers.
See us for PORTRAITS quite a few people have gone in ings, however anxious Jamaica may tion, that there will be less employthe last few weeks to the British (be.
ment for those present in the colony.
Danger. of Country Being Flooded Colony in Central America. In Ni TO BE RID OF THEM No sane person would deny, say, if. and With Labour And Undesirables.
caragua, there is a revolution which the 85, 000 West Indian agriculturist is retarding the banana trade to reach our shores either at their own now in Cuba were in British Guiana, some extene and handicapping the expense or otherwise. Time and again in addition to our population, that The New Daily Chronicle of Britin writing on this subyeet we have British Guiana would be far better ish Guiana recently published usede a labour, ibutariy porn tube, emphasized that while this colony oft than at present. But ju of course Jamaicans, particularly from Tollowing editorail:are finding their way to the Cen is in dire need of population, it has whatever labour is introduced, must British Guiana need of tral American republic.
Den no room for those whom the Military be introduced in such volume as will power has been so often stated and There are scores of persons Supervisor of Immigration in Cuba be absorbed in gradually industry.
reiterated, as to become trite, and in dubs swindlers; Pictures Taken Day and Night.
Kingston at the present time who run the danger of losing its force.
To bring in, for instance, 5, 000 cane (lags and such are eager to emigrate to Britishtors, old dogs sents, investiga bri Yet, in whatever action is taken in such cutters at the next crop season, where Guiana, which is loudly calling for. ike. It is natural that in every coun there had been no this matter, extreme care must be extension but try high cost num of cultivation, would be criminal taken and caution exercised to provent any thing like flooding the local of transportation is the stumbling xious to leave their own country for already in the colony.
ber of that type, mostly always an alike to those introduced and those Immigrants from Jamaica have It is better to enter into partnermarket with an undesirable type of Of earned every epithet in Cuba from ship with a big and powerful corpora course, what has caus that country good and their own.
са LAND SETTLEMENT simple saints to savage sinners. Un tion, capable of helping in the hour in in of or even employable labour this, is the situation that has arisen If it were sought to recruit 500 from The other direction in which man doubtedly, the easy passage condi of need, than with one who may end of the colony. It seems desirable at a menmber of its staff to Cuba or similated in the various industries the Jamaica Gleaner, who despatched goodly portion of those presenting power and be cele toebed in their colores tops between the two islands made in hindrance. rather than otherwise.
is in settlement. That involves it possible for whom the this stage to give some publicity to investigate, we are in a position to and other types of human flotsam, to wise preparation and careful selec tary Supervisor in the latter place so British Guiana should for preference tion of settlers. Our Commissioner surcastically condemns, to flood the enter into partnership with Ja.
what is er ought to be, British Guia visualish from the articles published, many of whom the police would na attitude in this matter, espe more or less the position. The pri slad to say goodbye for ever. As a a who recently reported on his visit to country along with those industrious of association cially for the benefit of the West said to Indian press. From recent exchanges cary cause of all the trouble is that matter of fact, sometimes these same the North West District promises ones who are such an asset to Cuba maica. The possibility of assoc appears to be a real danger 1925 1926 to four million tons but just at present, British Guiana in the North West District willGuiana can turn to Jamaica with look to its largest, wealthies and most sachi Cuba has reduced its crop from 6, 000, men do make good in a new country: more in that direction; and possibly and who are found among then Jamaica, may less. British Guiana, because of its be saints. We believe that British of 000 in vast undeveloped territory, British Guiana being flooded with in the current year and the same and mac same is not ripe to give openings the solution to introducing should labour beyond its capacity, and is number of Antillians, as they are call and machinery will have to be devised settlers, Winemax chose that opene, scenter and want to than to any other widely populated neighbouran. barbat might necessary for the local goed, are seeking to obtain employment to kee to keep them out, at any rate not to to carry them alone. That however, source; though there is no reason as dos, after all, is a very small place, clude the possibility of such an are 85, 000 British West Indians do periments that may be embarked power which is far more intricate elsewhere should not be exploited. tion of Jamaica; while already the to fraction of the popula.
occurrence. Since the very last thing miciled in Cuba, and that some 60, upon, are not to be condemned un than merely introducing labour for British Guiana has trade routes are wide open between desired would be to kill the project 1000 seek admission annually. With timely and unwisely.
the plantations; though many who MUCH MORE TO GAIN Bridgetown and Georgetown. Between and possibilities of West Indian im erops cut down by one third, there is, Our colony has two problems, or fulfil their contracts on the planmigration, either by over enthusiasm or cuorse, opportunity for only two rather two directions in which it cantations, may seek advantages under in looking to Jamaien than at either Jamaica and British Guiana there is. the. we that enn any land settlement proper. As to the Barbados or Dominica. Let us look these reason, political, financial and at present a wide, silent gulf. For able immigrants of one class or ar to the foregoing the police and other sugar industry. Many planters turn for its man power, there will were to be translated to British GameGuiana should strain every nerve to British other.
responsible elements in Cuba, estima. abey could lip crome their as per cent, possibly be divided opinions. Some na, we would only be 150. 000 there hana der canes by ENQUIRIES FROM JAMAICA bers of Jamaicans who enter Cuba, with local available labour and me will favour Barbados; others Domini. If every Jamaican on the other hand blast open lines of communication few days ago we published ex. are undesirable from every stand. chanical appliances; if they could one, and yet again others Jamaica. was to be treated like wise, we would between Kingston and Georgetown.
tracts from letter to a prominent the Military Supervisor ly ly be a sufficieney Op We know of no sufficient reason why be one million strong, and popula. The promises are endless and planter, indicating that there were of Immigration in Cuba has announc labour at reaping time. It is there the possibilities of all three places tion would overflow to Mt. Roraima. cinating: since, for a generation to 700 Dominicans straining as it were ed his intention of deporting ruth fore one of the problems of Govern should not be explored and their Dominica could only supply 35, 000. come, Guiana will not at the leash to enter British Guiana. lessly these elements. It is thereforement to assure planters this neces exnet capacities brought into under Barbados were to order 5, 000 be colonised by Europeans or North Our own editorial desk is littered with understandable that Jamaica is consary guarantee, in order that more standing. The Barbados immigration Railway sleepers it would last its Americans. Let us look therefore to railway a lifetime. Jamaica asks for the Greater Antilles, which, between enquiries from all classes in Jamaica; templating, the dumping on its employment may be secured to those has failed because of the failure of while the following clipping from shores of upwards of 20, 000 of re now in the colony, and as will se the two Governments to get together; 60, 000 and says that is only the be them, have a tropical population of Ja some millions, most of whom the Jamaica Gleaner speaks for itself: patriates whose room was preferable crue in the extension of present and also of the nature of the Bri ginning of her requirements. The tide of emigration is now to their company.
acreage. There is and can be no sug tish Guiana Emigration office main main would buy at least five times have in their blood the spirit of adask venture, and many of them the lust changing from Cuba to British British Guinan must see, as far as gestion that by the introduction of tained. Apparently the personal equa the rice Barbados could ever for; and so on.
for travel.
Honduras, and Nicaragua, and possible, that none of these sweep labour and the extension of cultivation has once more failed.
he be endthere. these; found say un peint; and guaranteed and fas


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