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PAGE SIXTEEN THE WORKMAN ANNIVERSARY NUMBER AUGUST 1928 DON FORGET HER BIRTHDAY Women whether sixteen or Sixty always like to be loved and appreciated and remembered. Don forget her Birthday We suggest that you pay us a visit and buy her a lasting gift of JEWELRY The price need not be high but you may rely upon us for Panama DEPENDABLE QUALITY SYDNEY FULLER Popular and efficient, colored Jeweller of 122 Central Avenue who on September 7th will complete fourteen years of successful business in this city. After having been completely burnt out on the 30th May 1916 Mr. Fuller started three months later, and on the ashes of the former store laid the foundation of the present thriving business.
Among a population of several thousands, there should be a suificient number of regular subscribers to enable the staff to increase the circulation and even to enlarge the paper. We know the disadvantages which a weekly paper naturally suffers in face of two Dailies but that is just one reason why we should support the Workman.
The benefits of a local West Indian newspaper are obvious.
The weekly summary of news from the principal islands is valuable.
The paper also provides splendid opportunity for budding journalists to blossom forth trust that during its 17th year the Workman will find its way into every West Indian home every week.
THANKS THE CLEANER 15 STREET PHONE 453 SPARKLETS The Workman has won by technical knockout and still (Continued from page 1) stands in the business arena, as lack of preparation of any kind. seen by this special number, digAnd, what kick would readers nified; commemorating in fine get out of this or any other style its sixteenth birthday and column if it contained nothing demonstrating at the same time which could bear criticism of indisputable signs of fresh, some sort, whether from the healthy growth.
standpoint of grammar, rhetoric, Through this edition the Mancomposition, logic, common sen agement, understand, is renew se, sentiment, or in the aggre ing its promise of a bigger and gate, bunk. Man, an incorrigible better Workman. If you are a and therefore incurable, gossiper, constant reader of that paper must be supplied with ample and if you are mentally efficient material to work with. Regard you will probably remember less of any criticism, and of what that promise is now three or kind, however, have always more years old; hence, the reahad the most genuine satisfacson for us (the reading public)
tion of knowing that have been not demanding before now its contributing towards the upkeep fulfilment is because no speciof an humble effort in journalism fic date has ever been indicated which, for years, has been sav. for the fulfilment. But now that ing the faces of the community for the first time its history, to which basically belong its anniversary number is printAfter sixteen years the Worked by line o type instead of the man, gentle reader, is not the confounded pick o type, therein representative paper of Isthmian lie unmistakable evidences of West Indians as it should be; an early fulfilment of a promise but it is a fact that it is the on of several years.
ly genuine representation of our Argue from whatever angle ability in pratical journalism. you may, gentle reader, you For the latter reason am proud will finally work to apoint where to be a contributor thereto. you will be confronted with the While taking this stand am, pure and simple truth that the nevertheless, of the opinion that Workman is the only genuine for its age in a cosmopolitan representation of our communcenter as Panama City, it should ity best efforts in journalism.
be a far better product of the On that score, and with all its initiative and industry of the faults. love the Workman still, colored people here. On reflec It is deserving of my continued tion it will be necessary to mod support. And if you, too, are disify this conclusion and amplify posed toward self help, dear Nethe credict to its Editor proprie gro reader, you will do your tor, Mr. Walrond, for being part.
nothing short of a business genius, having been able to keep the An Anthology by Young Workman surviving when dozens of apparently well financed and (Continued from page 1)
favorable going concerns threw collected and are being compiled up their hands indicating comp by Sydney Young editor of lete defeat. Holding together for the defunct West Indian Section sixteen years in a tensely com of the Panama American. This petitive business center, a concern which not only requires will be off the press in a short anthology, Mr. Young informs, substantial financial backing but time and will be presented for demands a maximun of mental sale in an attractively bound and physical grind, the title of Business Wizard if conferred volume. The collection will reupon Walrond. dean of present the first and only one Isthmian West Indian business of its kind published here and men, would not be stretching should not fail to appeal to each a thing out of reasonable bounds. and, every West Indian locally See Us to See Better The management begs to sincerely thank all those contributors who so kindly found it convenient to send in contributions to make the Sixteenth Anniversary number of the Workman the success wich it has been. It also begs to thank those who were asked but did not show up, for as journalists we are well acquainted with the difficulties attendant on newspaper writing especially to the unsophisticated.
To all our Advertisers who have so kindly patronised us we heartily thank them and urge our readers and supporters to give them their unstinted patronage.
and abroad. The introduction to the volume will be written by the Reverend Nightengale, of Saint Paul Church, in this city We congratulated Mr. Young on his effort and wish that the book receives the wide circulation which it will undoubtedly merit.


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