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W9725 والي Our Special Anniversary Number THE WORKWN THE WORKMAN READ LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY WEEK ANC PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 17 No. PANAMA, SATURDAY AUGUST 25, 1928 PRICE CENTS Canal Rockefeller Gives Large Sum to West Indies Team Famous Batsmen On The Waters Of The Barbados Newspaper On ImmiAssist Negro Children gration to Cuba Grant of 72, 000 to Help Cor At a meeting of the Jumpical. The first great tea: of ewig ming Says Surplus Labour Should Be cect Juvenile Delinquency and on Diverted to Assist in Development of British Guiana To be asked to Play at Conquered By Author in Jamaica.
45 hours.
cent issue states: Would in the cutive director of the Council.
There O In Teat been garnts few Cricket Board of Control held at the Panama Canal its entire length III Health question of liter colonial Crickt was accomplished by Kuctinid wes brought up for discussion, a talliburton aut. or, on Thursday He Board decided that owing to afternoou last wueu he climbeu Press despatch from New York Columbus Hill district. This commit she great expense that would be up the dock at Balboa after the not consider span of days which it took tim Th Barbados Advocate of a redevelops those habits of industry states that as the result of a grant to, after further study, decided that taking part in a regular Interco on co traverse th Cunal. state 12, 000 from John D, Rockefeller. the provision of recreation and hot al Crieket Competitions Colla De period tak dobry spells of tive Mjelusel Vestry, Mr. Evelyn ber of those who join and thrift which alone can make him At the last meeting of the St. a useful citizen. considerable num Jr. first steps will be taken im lunches for the children cu Vering the lay felt could be was mediately toward a program to cor most urgent of the many needs for arranged occasionally with o her bours swimming each day, eac, threw out a suggestion which deserv exodus to Cuba could probably find the annual the high degree of juvenile delin, pulation, and so drafted the plan: meeting was info met that it was begunung from were te left oit. the Vestry at the moment felt inclined of all warning and desillusions the. but cuency and ill heakh in Harlem and upon which Mr. Rockefeller gift likely a team from Bmbados the Clumbus wil district, it is an toward the budgets of both projects visit Jamaica in 1930 to play return curren. tat ure know to obtain found to support unreservedly Mr. away. There are no compensating Owing to be cacherous cross to give it. Fewould perhaps be the romance of Cuba carries then nounced by William Hodson, exce for four years was made. The com matel es.
the waters of the Patama Evelyn bold statement that Cuba levantages of which we know, and Welfare munication from Mr. Rockefeller office to the Welfare Coun il not: decided to make an effort towards it bau buen thought a great an epidemie of malaria wh ch ravaged srition are the creation of a cas After some discussion te Board Caml, especially in the lakes, is indubiably the source of the severe where the only rsults of this em.
Mr. Rockefeller gift will be used fying it of the grant says: This de getting seme of the stars of the poss:belly for the most dating and the Leeward parishes during the lat. casual improvident labourers and in two projcets: the establishment cision has been reached because of Weso medion Temos row iw how and competente con el resto che si ter months of last year; but hard. the possible introduction of epidemio of a a the co operation which to Jamsion, while Mr. such a fi ult turk, and when it ronconmº reial cafeteria in the Uto has been worked out by the Welfare Caho team from England is here was learned that Mr. Halliburtony anyone would deny any connec: disease, ar. Mr. Evelyn proposals nd play in match against the would attempt the task, pia Children House to provide hot Coune l, the Children Aid Society Toplishmen. It was igieel that tuost opumiste at once became the epidemie and the returned Cuban least the substantial restriction of the on between the sudden outbreak of for the absolute prohibition or at fonckes for the children of this com, and other agencies, as well as repre. Ko Nunes, esptain of the sk naunity, where a large proportion sentatives ptical unu said it was in emigrants.
ar certainly migration to Cuba does not appear the mothers are employed away from Conserning the situation in the Co touting team in England, be writ possib. e. But these pussiinise grounds for careful investigation. It so extraordinary as s eritis eou!
home throughout the day, and the lumbus HII district, the Welfare Sento, asking lim to interview opinions have been shattered and is a well known fact that the major have us believe.
about establishment of four or five of the stars from the waters or the Panama Canality of the labourers who emigrate to community center Council committee reported: Th main cbjection to the prosefor the Columbus Hill district in other colocies who are on his team have eu cougue eu by a lovely Cuba in search of work during the sal was stated by Mr. Wilkinson. 16 Approximately sixty per cent of with a view to getting them to author who will tood iwe burning reaning season, return without any the Henrietta School Building of the the total population is colored, many come out while Mr. Cabn and his rays vf u tropical suo and the visible improvement in their finan the Civis Brittanicus to travi is part of the cherished prvileges Children Aid Society at 224 West of whom come from the West Indies, men are here.
teacherous waters of the Carul cial condition and often broken in freely to and fro; wherever the far63 rd Street. The projects wiil be Cuba. Central and South America.
The al to ask 1or hours euch day for a period health.
administered by the Children Aid Cornestion of population and wret. Mr. Nunes to use his best cadea. ot y days. may tawo him and any interferSome two years ago there was a Society, with the assistance of an ched housing conditions are con vours in trying to get Mr. Catin to ence th this right would be deemd zdvisory committee form the Harlem stant menace to the health, morality icluce in his visiting team, Frank unstinted applause of tha e tire the unnatural and primitive condi. the liberty of the subject. Moreover, Señor Hallibuton deserves the cutbur:t of public indignation again an unwarranted interfere with end Colubus Hill communities. The and wellbeing of the center in cach case will be under the addit on, many mother, for economie left hander.
Woolley, the Kent aud England Isihatian commumtv for his great tions in which la ourers were shipped restrictions are nearly always unsa And we venture to state to and from Cuba; and there was aj sfactory and negative solutions. In direction of a Negro reasons, are cbliged to work outside The plans for these projects and of their homes, leaving the children Oil er routine matters were ds that the mere handful of admirers eneral West In lian protest against this case, what is needed is not so (Continued on pgae 6)
the transhipment of labourers the grant from Mr. Rockefeller are without care and supervision. This, cussed and the Buard adjunried.
in much the restriction of emigratior.
vessels wich provided most inadequs but the opening up of opportunities the direct outgrowth of the study coupled with the absence of facilities 2000 tely both for the confort and safety in British Guiana and British Hon.
of Delinquent and Neglected Negro for play and for wholesome use of of the passengers.
SPARKLETS Children in New York City conduc tisure time, tends to increase the duras and elsewhere for the em.
tad last fall by a joint committere trvalent neglect and delinquen More recently there has who now travei to Cuba present ng some thirty social agency.
alarming disclosur as to the treat faute de miux.
Concerning Harlem, the report on (YWC. KING)
ment of West Indians in Cuba, and rics in co operation with the Urban For it must be admitted that BarLeague and the Women City Club. Delinquent and Neglected Negro some of the most harrowing stories bados has a large surplus to dispose This study revealed that the number Children sa d: The increase in the have noticed fe tireader, indian Einslorres Association on come from the Jamaican Commis. For a,. fophage time we have been ne mathers forced to abandon home ruml of Negro children in the but President General Hor. a Sunday af eroon after we had soner in Cuba. Nor have the Cubans ſpress ng upon our Government the cuties for outside work is four to court may be attributed, in part at curabfe. Marcus Garvey of the concluded one cur famous con. themselves hidden their dislike of necessity for settlers from Barindo five nes as great among Negroes last, to the increase in the Negresociation and African Communities fare of the silver employees of the weeks ago we published a clippingsent an emigration office is gro Universal Regio Improvement fabulations on e god and wel the West Indian labourer. is being serously considered. At prene among the white population that vopnintion in New York Citye vand League, who is at present in Eng Canal and Railroad.
the proportion of delinquent and met the scow development of prevent and or thereabouts expousing my from a responsible and influential ſtained in Barbados by British Guiaelheted children is four to six timer ve programs and child welfare work enu e betore those shrewd, tactor by the ununte ur caweram in, Clif of the Cubans, for the West Indians active propagandist. The rroblem The fourth was another snan Cubun journal in which the dislike na but it cannot be said to be an ng great among Negi among for Candi the white population, and that ford Sewell of the teaching staff is clear y stated and the reasons for too, g to be solved in this casua!
The house in which the cafetera Jato Sn. ithi, one of the two uspir:lof La Boca School, in a time when this aversion given. The West Indian, haphazard manner. As a matter of Fly life of was being. of El. West hoitate hand the lack of non com Neighborhood Club, a group of 100 forty eight united States of north at hw, DeSouz 1, LL nee in Cuba tends to lower the discussion in un to Byth over rowding, rent ex established is owned by the Utopia term of Chief executivo con the the young and crudite barrister he is a casual labourer, whose pre mentioned as one of the subjects for mercial recreational facilities.
colored women of which Mrs. Albert America. Moglie e President this city. But the picture which next meeting of The Welfare Council accordine ys. Reed is prasident. The members General knows what he is talking is mainly responsible for the little stardard of living for the Cuban la the West Indian Conference.
rproʻnted a committee of represen. of this ub will give volunteer ser about, within the limits of bis circutolocation is that for which In the meantime Mr. Evelyn 811m.
tat s from the many organizations knowledge in the big question; or, posed a few days ago at the (Continued on page 6)
ONLY TOO TRUE, gestion will have done some little 1o doubt, le is figuring fr the classic Central Avenue udio of reeking relief for Harlem and the The criticism is, unfortunately food by directing attention to the greatest amount of iod for the photographer Mack, nul which and discloses yet another evil resul. fact that Cuba hat nothing to offer Panama Wesley Planting of More Trees and good. Tut live much. so nothing during the West Indians and that midste Hoover; not because over has text of ways to seriously ruffle emigration. The Cuban Emigrant is. nce must be found to prove to onActivities guaranteed me a good turn sitould the present plans of editor Wal generally speaking, neither a skilled potunities for our teeming populaUrged by Rolary Club be bent smith to the winning post. or displeasure of an einere pressure mor a steady labourer; and he rarely, tion.
Sne the exposition in 1915 indicated in bs formal political namber but Smith has already sixteenih titos Rotarian Zutek, no further of the indispensal le The Songs of Yesterday as pc planting has been done along fist pledge to do me wrong, if elected, WORKMAN. am somewhat is Le La Boca Athenaeum. Woman Uses Hammer when be concurred, without the di favour of such sented by members of the Pana: Avenue and the planting of trees notoriety being na Wesley u E. Society made be augmented with Brazilian mer ist examinatatic to find out attached on Opponent to humble state If there were If Marcus Garvey las contributa very good impression on Wed. Irabber plants as they serve a especialiy from High cousuess!
the fact that el anything towards our civiliza neslay night list, Ushke mens beter profection for a sidewalkers, Christ un methods propired by the 10 a tule pictures do not alsays to it will be brought out next of the today which are of and also local Democratic Committee. wo appear in a BA or milionaire Athenaeum. Garvey name has considers a carpenter hammer ring. fellows Tuesday eventig at the La Bora Alejandrina Daily, West Indian aven en metode in nordly ever been appoiuted to co operate with an add hor udberents to ruths poses more often than not prove, deene Hinted up with those of Moses, not too dangerous ta weapon to jazzy nature, they sre. has loca and second style adopted by the root of cals to carry out les by depremine ewed thousands in their criginals, to be mere flat barconi, Wilson, Lincolo und Edibe u ed onan enemy, and in order to the scheme. On of the main my compatriots who gave or hese old song writers seems to son for general discussion as to to quare an old grudgº which have the hearts of ojects of the serveme is to m»ke candiood to help make the Panama Very recently, happened in their quota of contributicn to civ she had ngai ist Corella Ramsay, this ite more beautiful The idea of the wli e man, of our tnerite the company of the elegantly lization. To be accurate, the sub a fellow West Indian, she took the Canal Zone bitation Negro spirituals of ihs coloured was e dorsed by Rotarian Pater.
raie, and the folk songs of the son, who suggest to have the right to live bonourably. Presi. polested philologist and steuoera ject for discussion will be Who opportunity to other races will alwa be cherished bil pot atender a inodoro publicae et hold may be good, but in his particular deity of the Compania Panameño Moers, Marconi, Wilson, Lincoln, with the result that both women irls of schools dent General Garvey intentions pher de luxe, Nir. Darwley chais Contributed most to civilization this indispensable machanical tool, of will live plent through all the ceitu ie. y could taku care of themselves. bo besedi diametrical oppo cakes userpent bride Although online Elison of Garves. Oulier items with baken into the polics courts sition to likings.
especial in dabbling paioſul.
In addition to the music, two comparison was also drawn bein things. which only the clerisy (Continued on Page This incident occurred Very fue papers were read by tween the beaty of the Canal The first photograph can re have any legitimate night, Daraly Wednesday evening last at Mrs. Chandler and Mis« Avita Zome and Panama, the difference member having taken of my own was most emphatic ia bis re corrigi le error of his automatically Daily use a hammer while ler Swahy in explanation of song beng made on the Canal Zone volitior, was one in my shirt fusal to The general mbership of the by the extensive planting of trees. sleeves on rost cards, atout a on contribute an article eifected a drift to the subject of opponent retaliated with the use subject of tis choice photographs of which was more ofa knife which has not yet been Eudravour seems to have been a suggestion was urget that dozen years ago, and which to the coming anniversary number than mildly interested. After a found wh. ch would handed around to some of my of the WORKMAN.
nusically inspiret; such an in a day be Free Day and that friends in lieu of Christmas pre to let up in aty degree in opinions, during which he con mour who intervened in the fracas He refused pleasant exchange of views and, Rudolph Louis, Daily paraspiration as these old songs could be called offris indeed very gratifying arrangemerts for the schemesents. The second was taken by this insi teney, even with my vinced me that good looking fellows for the benefit of his better hali Mis Doris Rodney and Mr. would be carried out on that day Printer Nelson of the Administra most effective conversational tact like us are never ashamed of the was also wounded, and instead of A Dottin were accompani ts for but as this was not quite conve tioa Building, Balboa Heights, iets when referred to him Bacon photographer proof of cur two, three had to be given first aid the evening, and the lantern illus nient, the matter bas been left in the bird was enapped by former pertinent words: Reading makethelves, much less the finished pro treatment, and they all will answer trations were sponsored by the th: hands of the committee to be General Secretary Bernard a tall man conference a ready and duet, we parted as we started, charges in the municipal court of Rev. E Wade, while Mr. Carried out Ellis of the Panatua (a al West writion an exact man. This in as rational men.
this city in the near future, Haris lead tu prajer.
Negroes Europeans, fam.
ia un bourer in the word 21:01 Versary my any in them, dau a grip ou ringers.
make of on any


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