
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 25, 1928 THE WORKMAN Demerara Newspaper on West Indian University.
Says Whole Hearted En:husiasm is Needed Not Spirit of Jealousy. 2) Ish1 a 15 and wys by was for Advan ailesWALROND, Sic: N3. 16 ton Corrasps on all mattas Stace! East Czatral Aveane Panami of pablic intarest iavited.
RP All copy for publication must be PO Box 71. Panas RP writtaa oa opa side of paper only, aai Rates of Subzeription must be accapabled by the aun of the writer, no neessarily for publics Yaar 17 USC tiba bat as a mark of good faith, 20 Six Months Tara Wa do not wartaka to retirars.
One Month. jestei corresp1 13.
GIVE US CALL Courteous Treatment, Prompi Service Enthusiasts The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights INUIS SATURDAY AUGUST 25, 1928 songs OUR SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY NUMBER os os BRANCH STORE 125 CENTRAL AVENUE SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS where, FESSESSES The British Pharmacy Early next week copies of the WORKMAN will be in the hands of thousands of newspaper readers, in the form of a Special Anniversary Number, commemorating the sixteenth year of a genuine West Indian effort which has successfully weathered the storm and, though dangerously battered at times in the whirl and vicissitudes of business and finance, has succeeded in evading inundation and consequent extermination. This special issue is being printed off from linotype settings and other improved methods of modern newspaper production We are arranging to devote almost a full page to editorial comments on important and momentous questions affec ing the coloured people here, principally; while several articles on diversified subjects from the pen of prominent members of the community will be featured, many of which will be accompanied by photographs of the authors, We want to particularly direct the attention of our readers to the advertisements which will appear in this special issue, all of which are from bona fide businesses conducted by well tried and true businessmen, interested in the welfare of West Indians who should make it their special duty to give them thir unstinted patronage.
The issue will be a fitcing memento of the sixteen years effort of the Management of the WORKMAM to keep in existence in the local journalistic arena, against the greatest odds, the only newspaper to which the coloured people here may point, if not with the highest pride, with the satisfaction of it being truly representative of their initiative and industry in this particular field of human endeavour.
COLON In connection with the retablich ing of a mniversity in the West Indies, the New Daily Chronicle of Derverara Says: in the cause of West Indian University, most not lose leart hecause the idea is being subjested to almost merciless eri ticism It is perhaps a greater have been mere silence and of ultimate suress than indifference. The great thing for estisfaction is that the idea holds the stage. it enor lv lol s age long enough, there can be but one outcome and that fruition. Ne amount of redienle, no amount of prejudice ne amount of inter Colonial al Uusy can stand beween the West Indies and an ultimate University.
It can be helped by whole hearted enthusias:a and co operation evers.
It can be hindered hy ridicul and carping criticisin but that West Indian University will nrisa within the span of the present gen.
eration, we feel uterly assured.
Surveving the situation from Britin Guinna it seems to us that inter Colonial jealousies will pl y a far more important part than financial stringeney.
Next to the idea of a West Indian Univers ty must come the exercising of the spirit of inter Colonin!
jealousy. This feeling, we are glid C81, is almost e tirely absent in Fritish Guine. In this colony we regard the West Indies as whole we rrjoies with there jors and share in there sorrows. Perhaps it may be that by the exigencirs of travel and steamehip communication more people in British Guiana know the West Indies than persons in these island other inse each bove When the diffionlties in the financial dich will be have been found the siest way of all. No one can sume that the Imperial Govern.
rent will not endow handsomely such an institution. Within the list tnenty years the Imperial uvernnent has earned from the Dk verty stricken West Indies over noe million pounds sterling in soig corage or coinage of silver for these markets.
in fifty years the Imperial Treasury has secured upwards of two and a half million pounds serline. If the Imperial Government gave West Indian Uverity reillion pounds sterlit would only be part restitation, Aid what is more we have that corfidence in the benesty of of all mer to believe that on a tinited requrst from the West Indies 18 ir such an endowment it would forthcomming from the British people for practical as well as sentimental reasons.
IS NOW LOCATED AT krow 11. 1154 11th STREET Correr Building Opposi e CHASE NATIONAL BANK Where our customers will receive the usual courtesies FLIRTING WITH THE UNDER.
LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY The Prosperity Tailor Under the above caption, Haynes writing in the NEGRO WORLD of the nith inst. says: Open confession is good for the soul. One by one Negro editors and church men are seeing the light, letting down the bars of hypocrisy, striking ou: the Garvey way, and gesting serious about the strained relationship between white and black. Race prejudice was never so keen and rampant as it is today the world over, and there are fifteen million vic ims of this dreaded disease in the United States.
It is curable, of course, but we have not a staff of competent physicians to diagnose the case and apply the remedy.
The only surgeon to locate the seat of the germ and apply the serum Marcus Garvey was hounded out of the hospital and now there is wailing and gnashing of teeth among the suffering patients. The Negro gets quite sensitive when anyone admits that this is a whi e man country, but he readily feels the fact when the white man acts in his own interest. Our stomachs Are Full. says the Philadelphia Tribune editorially. Year after year the monster Jim Crow spreads his tenacles. Gradually the guts are being eaten out of Negro boys and girls. The protest of the militat few grows weaker. Wrapped in ease and comfort we remain quiet instead of raising hell. Hourly our rights are being taken away. Wallowing in the mire of inertia our intelligentsia grasp at a dime to keep their stomachs full while gradually every ounce of manhood is sucked from a race of weaklings and pussyfooters. It spreads. It grows. We rest. We are contented.
We are satisfied. That the truth as damnable and hellish as it sounds.
Score another point for Marcus Aurelius Garvey and the Jimcrowism, political disfranchisement and economic starvation these will either force the Negro to the heights of nationhood or bury him in the valley of extermination.
OLEANER DYER If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.
Plaza De Herrera To Be Converted No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Into one of City Beauty Spots Work Done While You Wait Shapshots from the Negro Press TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled There are scores of folks in the world who think that they have so mnch sence that tey have been divinely commissioned to tell everyone else what to do.
When a fellow does his own thinking, etc. he has done a man size job. Oklahoma Eagle.
Work in connection with the improvement of Plaza De Herrera tas begun two week ago, is the intention of the Authorities to make it one of the beauty pots of the city and it is estimated that abont 000 will be spent for the purpose, Already the statue of the famous Panamanian soldier Gena, ral Tomas Herrera has deen erect.
ed; therein a further improvments. such as cement walks, lawns, erecting benches, and pre.
paring gardens uuder the direction of an engineer of the department of Public works is expected to be completed in time for the un reiling of the statue before October 1st.
The local firm of Noriega Hermanoe who were awarded the contract for the erection of the statue.
have already turned it over to the committee in charge The cos of General Herrera statue its abot 166 132 francs, and the entire outlay reauched 5, 000. REID Propietor After all, the truest and best leadership the Negro mass has is the black man or woman who has rien to some commanding place in the community through vision, intelligence and determination, coupled with ceaseless efforts, strenuous living and great selfsacrifice. Lousiville Leader.
ADVERTISED IN THE WORKMAN It will bring you good results


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