
IN THE REPUBLIC Always. Fresh Quality Unsurpassable Weekly London Letter.
MAKING CHILD LIFE SAFE Have you Tried Salada At the National Conference on Maternity and Infant Welfare recently held in London, some astonishing facts were related by Sir George Newman, Chief Meddical Officer of the Ministry of Health. Describing the fruits of the modern campaign for child welfare, he pointted out that the methods adopted had led to an amazin salvationg of infant life Two hundred years ago, in 1730, of the children born in England 74 per ecnt died under the age cf five years, Today that per centage has been reduced to 14.
From 1895 to 1900 there were 156 deaths per 1000 of children under one year of age. This figure is now down to 70 per 1000. We are now saving between 35, 000 and 40, 000 children above the average of those saved from 1901 to 1910.
This is a vonderful achievement. And it is all the more advantageous, from the national point of view, that the children who do escape from the many jurking diseases to which infants are specially liable have a better chance than ever of growing up into healthy adults. Even so, the position can still be improved.
The association for Maternity and infants Welfare claims that there are a number of cases of deaths among child bearing women which could be prevented, and every step must be taken to see that mothers of every class must have all necessary care, attention, and help. As Sir George Newman stated, Great mothers are the first asset of a nation.
and that asset must be carefully guarded in every possible way.
Orange Pekoe present, and all were entertained to an exhibition of the greatest skill in this most popular game.
Fortunately the weather was on the whole excellent an important and often very doubtful feature of British tennis contest!
In most of the games the play was superb, and it was apreciated by what is perhaps one of the most critical audiences in the world. The varied types of strokes were noted and the effects achieved by the different styles of the players will be discussed for months to come. At one time tennis was a mere easy physical exercise, known as pat ball.
now it is a game requiring dead ly accuracy, cool judgment, hard hitting, and considerable endurance on the part of the players.
There were no startling sur prises in the finals. The French player Cochet, the holder of the Men Singles Championship, was defeated by his fellow coun.
tryman Lacoste. In the Women Singles the American holder of the Championship, Miss Helen Wills, held her position against the Spanish player Senorita de. Alvarez, the final match between these two ladies evoking the greatest interest and enthusiasm. In the Men Doubles the holders, Messrs.
Tilden and Hunter, were defeat ed; the final being played between the two Frenchmen Cochet and Brugnon and the Australians Messrs. Patterson and Hawkes; the French players winning the trophy. The American holders of the Women Doubles, Miss Helen Wills and Miss Ryan, also lost their position as champins. Miss Watson and Miss Saunders beat Miss Harvey and Miss Bennett, all these players being British. Ini themixed doubles Mr. Spense of South Africa and the American player Miss Ryan beat the Australians Mr.
Crawford and Miss Akhurst: the Championship last year having been held by Mr. Hunter and Miss Ryan.
RANGE BLEND TER YET? The TEA with the Exquisity Flavour oz. packet 72 cents THE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR SALE EVERYWHERE The Lawn Tennis Championship tournaments at Wimbledon If you have a Prescription to Pharmacy, ever before. From all over the Plaza, where you will get courworld tennis enthusiasts were teous and obliging service.
this year attracted more visitors be made up take it to the ADVERTISED IN THE WORKMAN.
It will bring you good results NOTICE The Workman can be had at Sanchez place No. 6, 24 Street Guachapalli.


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