
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMA. SATURI AY AUGUST 25, 1928 Infantile Mortality at First Woman to Swim Suiter interior veritate to the one is not sure it is toons in die The Prince of Wales on Trinidad.
Berbice River, Pilgrimage to France For Sale Cheap Demonstration of the Arglo French Friendship Good Assortment of Siwww withi wwwwwwww Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc. cable despatch from Lilla France, date August 8th states that the Pilgrimage of the British War veterans with th Palace of Wales as its central figure is becoming a demonstra tion on large scale of AngloFrench friendship. Toe pupularity of the Prince is being con stantly demonstrated. At Bethune yesterday the Pricce found binselt free for sifteen minutes after a ceremony and descended to the street with the Prefect.
As be walked bure beaded in the sunshine around the quere be was rrect by a tortado ot cheers from the populace. Ending to day great ceremony when the Pilgilms will concentrate at Menin Gate there was a touchlog service yesterday morning on the bigbest polot of Vimy Ridge, wbere the imposing light bouse mortuary and the still ur completed memorial churcb stand above the French dend who lie in 34, 000 graves about the Ilsde. light is always burning at the top of the lofty tower beneath which repose the remains of a vast number of unknowo French Idiere. Here, in the presene of Generals Weygand, Gourand and Petals and bost of notable odicers, Colonel John Browt, representing the British Legion, placed a memorial wreath, while the Natioual Anthems were The wreath was inscribed To the ucdying memory of France glorious dead from their comrad of the British Legion.
We eball never forget the friendtbip forged in fire. At the conclusion, the whole party marebed in procession headed by playiog binds at Vimy Rigde, where all were entertained in luncheons.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City plared.
Entire City Nearly Wiped Out Proved NEURALCINA By Earthquake and Fire Death Rate Has Greatly De Mr. and Mrs. Asbcreased.
burner Cross at Point a Mile a Quarter Wide Commending editionally on the above subject, the TRINIDAD (By Direct West India Cable Co. GUARDIAN says:Georgetown G, August The Trialdad Guardian of the Mr. and Mrs. Ast28 ult, published the following burner, swam accross the Berthe Public Health History of the and made the return journey in editoral. In many iostances, bice Rive Monday in 37 nutes Colony for the past year bas 33 minutes, at a point were the been a record one, but in no river is a mile and a quater wide respect has the diminution of Mrs, Ashburoer is the first the death rate been more marked than in the case of Io The swimmer success recalls woman to accomplish the feat.
fantile Mortality. Just over ten the attempt made 18 years ago years ago the death rate aver by Blanchard, who swam aged about 242 per 1000 births one way but was unable to make but with the Icstitution of the the return journey.
Child Welfare League and the campaigu agalost this up naturTOURIST SEASON ally bigh morality rate, the ice.
Georgetowo, August 9dence bas sensibly decreased. The tourist season to the famous lodeed, the allround decrease in Klateur Fall in Potaro River, cases both of children under the began on Wednesday, five ladies age of oue year and usder the and two gentlemen leaving Wisage of five conclusively proves war by steamer.
that there is a gradual realisatFOOTBALL: ion that formerly acc pted met. Gorgetowo, August 9hods were not in keeping with The Executive Committee of the ibe best hygienic principles. British Gulana football AssociaThere is no truth, and but little tlou, met yesterday to consider romance in the advocasy of th: proposals put forward by Spor bush ten for infants, acd pro Parodi, Venesuelao Consul, bably orly the sterilising effect vitlog thu itish Guiana Footof beat accounts for small proball Team to Caracas in Otober portion of deaths, of infanta da: on a five week visit. Fixtures to improper feeding. In 1921 were made for the Submarine ibe deaths of 1, 625 infants under Team wbich wil arrive on 30tb one year occurred and 711 of September. International matches cbildren under the age of five. will be played on 0tober h, With an increased population h, and 12. b, and four games there were but 1, 430 deaths of with seniors Clubs, wl complete inants under one year old with the programme.
538 under five years old com. MEW RAY pared with 1, 763 u der the axe of one and 881 oder the age of Governor Sir Cecil Rodwell, G20r getown. August tive in 1926. It will thus be seen opened an ray Detoat there has been a partment at the new Amsterdam MARKED DECREASE IN THE IN Hospital, Berbice on Tuesday CIDENCE morning, in the presence of a OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH of fatal cases in both respects. large number of prominent resinext door Nash Motors Garage fluence of personal byveine 10 His Excelleney to perform the But quite apart from the in dents in Barbice, D: Kelly. Surgeon General, asking on is unmistakable evidence that caremony said the opining om at de MAMA amamannammannammm ibe deatb rate from disease due the new depariment was a most to early infancy will continue Important event in the history 10 decrease in ine near future este abou2200. hall of which Dr. Fred Sterling of countryToe apparatus Educational made themselves felt that im had ben contributed by du feeding methods and soymous piystu donor.
THE NEW YORK DENTST Kreater knowledge of the prioc CRESSALL CUP ples of child lue, must make Georgetowa, G, August 182, BOLIVAR STREET 9ad rect appeal to the majorits Though sorgetown Football CULON, of the population, and these Club deteated British Guiana Box 171, CRISTOBAL, Should be in every office to immediately influencse cannot be passed over. oce goal to nil. in the Not only has the death rate of Cressall Cup semi final yester TELEPHONE 247 COLON infants under one year dropped day, the result was set aside soothe any neuralgic pain caused by Learly 10 per cent, during the by the Executive Committee of past Diae years but it is the British Guiana Football Asexcessive mental work, question wheather the present sociation, on the grounds of Infantile mortality rate of 120 misinterpretation by the referee Small 67 per thousand birtbs is not of the rules governing free NEURALGINA DENTIST Indicative of the view tha kick given for fowl throw, a general improvement in condigoul having been accorded as a MASONIC TEMPLE Lions las contributed Should be in every school to sooihe bad to the result. Iba reply bas buen Office Hours: 8, am to 12 lessening of the infantile morial. xed for to morrow. 30 to 30 pm)
iy rate. The educational calc headaches and reduce the fever of.
Sundays, by Special Appointment paign at the outset met wiib opposition in places where such An Opportunity For Masonic Temple IIth St, children.
treatment was least expected, Box 787. CRISTOBAL but it was claimed soon after Jamaica Labour.
tbat every effort showed to Puone: OFFICE 1664 NEURALGINA Beater or less degree the itRESIDENCE 538 tention to The Jamaica Gleaner of recent forge abead. It is pleasing to note that the dididate says: Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes dence or th: apathy wbieb Wa understand that labour is heted the gradual extention urgently needed for the filling of the heart, of th: Child Welfare Leagu two large contract that have ro.
activities in Totago has disap cently been oat by the Costa Rican pea red, and tbe objection Government. One of these is For sale both Wholesale and Retail rused on rel gious scruples for the pavlor of the streets of: have been abandoned. It is, mon and the reconstruction of AT THE however, incumbent og th the sewerage system there, Government not only to prov. de which has been awarded to an free elementary education, but American firm, and the other AMERICAN PHARMACY to endeavour to ensure that for the pasving of the streets of which been relven NEED JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor th. it will tend to develop the to German firm.
best moral and physical traits both the contracts has been Fanama.
of character la the ris. ng started already. and they were generation.
ex pected to be carried out with WATCH?
Nicaraguan labour; but this hus not proved satisfactory, and la DROP IN AT bourers are now urgently needed to New Invention complete the work Jo the case of Jamai an labour ers golog there it would be neWhat was thought impossible a cessary depe sit for entering the cessary for them to pay the new few years ago, is now an accomp country, as well, of course, 18 122 CENTRAL AVE.
CALL IN AT lished fact, and the new inven the tions which men are putting before here.
usual emigration deposit You ill Find Them the world today is astonishing in the superlative degree.
Moderately. Priced. The latest Mechanical invention as seen from the porular Me. Dr. Nathan Rowe chanie Magazine is a machine which has the ability of a sales PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON man. man power is saved in this way. The coin of the cu tomer 11th and Bolivar Sts.
is deposited in slot attached to COLON.
Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
a machine in which cigarettes are kept, this method of procedure BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE GOOD SELECTION OF makes the delivery of the brand of Chase National Bank cigarette required, and this won Office Hours: a. to 12m der of a Mechanical salesman NEW BIBLES anys, Thank you in return, pm to p.
pronouncing also a few words of Orricé TELEPHONE 320 Advertise in the Workman Hymn Prayer Books praise of the brand selected.
DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 pays. direct West India Oable Co despatch from Batavia. Java.
dated August states that acc rding to reports transmitted by a resident of Timour nearly the entire island of Palowed in the Dutch East Indies, bas been destroyed by the eruption of the Rokatloda volcano on AuRust 4th and 5th.
Six villages were destroyed by fire.
The death toll was believed to be nearly a thousand, Six bundred persons were injuried when bit by fragments thrown out of the crater. Further casualities were caused by the subm:rsion of the whole seaboard of the sland, through an earthquaks acc the eruption.
The remainder of the islanders, numbering five thousand, were stated to by safe and ample provieions available.
It was feared that nine native bonts enroute from Celebes Islard to Paloweh foundered with their crews. The Durch residents of Timour are proceed ing to the cene of the disaster.
mpanying Work on Advertise in the Workman it will bring good results.
Sylvester Greene Drowns In Gatun Lake FULLER The Workman BOOK STORE No. 16 STREET EAST As a result of intoxication, Syl.
Vester Greene, Columbian, ended his life by leaping from the cayuca in which he was riding into Gatun river, thereby drowning bimself before help could be sent.
According to the reports made of the incidence to the Cristobal Zone police headquarters, the body bas not been recovered and there was no possibility of its being seen until the next day when it comes to the surface.
Further investigations proved that the Columbian fermer left Ishore in his cayuca a sbort while before be went overboard three buodred yards from shore. Lovestigations of the circumstances surrounding his death are still being made, and Sergeant George Hermao of the Satun Zone police will take an active part in search of the body,


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