
HQ KSAS SATURDAY AUGUST 25, 1928 PAGE FIVE Do what you Like in the Evening Drink Whiskey, Champagne, and be Gay But Dont Forget in the Morning To Start Off With XUNNUNADADADA MWANADADASSUNTRAS SILVER SPRAY. Compliments of Slado. 3438782022034DA204D1201203037929 4B 417 EVEAYBODY LOVES It.
SERVO Hooray Kids AND YOU sidink STRASBA to The film productions On That we Hon Albert Marry Four Year Colored show at British Guia. Boy Enters Movies na.
Tihe entire family of young Sy vester. year old kid. and Urges Leaders to Strike Op West Indians in general should be tismistic Note In Replying to complishment of this youngster; proud to learn of the great acToast From over 1, 000 applications for the motion picture business at Georgetowo, British Gulans, who is of St Lucian parentage Cardiff, Wales, young Sylvester August Hon. Albert Ma with ryshow of Grenada, was the 100 guest of the El cred Members another youngster, to appear in a of the Legislative Council of production entitled British Guiana, at a dinner at eigned for 10 pr week as comand contracts have already been Park Hotel last night, the Hon. en Evan Wong. Sc. pre is any effort on the part of the pensation. It cannot be said this kids to acheive such honor, but In reply to the toast of the the credit does go to the families Quest, health, proposed by of the children.
Hon. Eleazar, Mr. Marry show reiterated how happy be obtained from Edueatioual AuLisenses have already been felt in having, visited, what be thorities and all the necessary might call the British Galane arrangements made to have the his personal factor and all otber circumstances, bad appepled to him very strongly, and disa passenger ships in these parts.
bused bis mind of opinions of You bave to guarantee when British Guiana. wb tooth rs travelling these steamers, that had tried to force on him. The you will get accommodation that colony had a great futur, and is quited to your status aud your be urged its leaders strike intelligence, if you are a coloured the optimistic note, and to be person. It is disgrac ful and lieve in themselves and their burning shim, but i true.
possibilities. He advised them Whether yo be Attorney Gento keep an eye on the forthcom. eral, Magistrate Legislator, there ing Conference, and the is no guarantee that it you are Press Conference, and see that noo white you would be treated They got out if these confert) conditions to which you are ences results wbich would. ccustomed, and compatible with conform to West Indien con divolty of your position in your ditions and West Indian thought. country, and as Lºgislator, you It the fruit of these conferences pave got to understand West dd not touch ord nary working dian conditions first, if thy people, tho it would serve no want their service to be success useful purpose to West Indians. loation and will not stand it.
ful, and that we want no discri In this respect, he was personally doubtful of the results of Hos. R. Webber pr the luperial College of Tropecal posed the art of the West In Agriculture, as tending to lo dian Conference, and pointed prove the intellect and Droduce o at that as far as he knew the of the ordinary West Indi. stuluiging effect of officialdom agricultural labour.
would be absent fron that ConAnother point was the ques. ference, for most of th members tion of steamship communica of the first conference were untion under the Canadian keci officials. He also thought ihat procity Agreement. He had West Indian interests, would be noticed the ancouncement that deliberaions of that contrace.
the major consideration at the the Lady lso, the list of the vessels which the Canadian At regards the question of National Steamships will operate racial scrimination on board the nu the West Indies service, bad Canadian steam are operating brea laanebed, but be aid not the West Indies, thought tbt think he would be much lead to abolisb this wil te sucess ada continued nort y for the im ifh yu tbe practice of discrimination, apure te mashinery of the which was car. icd ou to ber West Iodis Conferenc Constantin Decides!
Cuban Papers Objects To New Tax To Play for Lancashire Imposed R Trinidad August it is anunced that Leary Nicholas On All First Class Passengers nstantine, Trinidad brilliant Leaving Cuba round cricketer, who has at acted much atten ion in Eng Lates and by his difficult pace bowl Objecting to a new tax which ing, glorious hitting and mar.
his been imposed on all first class tellous fielding, has accepted an passengers leaving Cuba, El HeRALDO says: fir of the Nelson Club to play of Havana In actual practice reasons have for them during the next two presented themselves for well found years. It is stated that Constaned opposition to the recently tine will be engagd with the created tax persons leaving Cuba PURITY Clu) from April to September with first cl: se tickets must pay.
20 each year and he will be at is the barm it causes to the tourist The principal objection to the tax liberty to return to the West travel campoign. And it is reported At all our dealers or a phone call Indies every winter. In any case that several excursions and conConstantine will come the ventions which were going to be brings the goods to your door West Indies with the team beld here were cancelled or are to the conclusion of the present be held in the United States, tour. The Nelson Club plays in It is indeed most contradictory THE e Lancashire League Comp that in order o stimulate tourist travel a tax should be establishPANAMI COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY ti ion and it is presumed that oned which keps them svay, For it the termination of his contract indeed incorceivable with the club, Constantine will e re PHONE3 PANAMA 63 LON 84 be invited to play for the County our shores foretssards bamper team.
our guest with red tape and taxes.
It is quite clear that the object Manufacturers of It is understood that there of this tax is to obtain money Puneration will be 20 per week from what is considered a luxury LEAN GOODS uring the cricket season.
and therefore superfluous, such as The Burnley News of July 14 a trip abroad. In this case the says: er et is not thecase with tourists, to Constantine, the brilliant the extent that we hold the presiWest Indian cricketer and the dent should at least suppress the tax most attractive personality in the one of our bºst source of welfare during the er reason, so that side now touring this countr will not be lost or decreased.
has agreed to play for Nelsor The very coo vention of Spanishthe Lancashire League club, as American War Veterans brougbt a professional up this problem. rational and logical solution to this question On Monday, at Nottingham should be sought, a solution wnich where the West Indies were play instead of kreping Tourist away Why throw away your old, but no ing Notts, Constantine was again from rur stores will attract them doubt interesting, books when you seen by representatives of the in large numbers. With good judgNelson club, and this time he de can be quickly ironed out so that ment the difficulties now existing can haue thein neatly bound at Sinitely consented to play in Lan they will not serve our Florida cashire next summer, accepting rivals as a weapon to keep tourists terms to assist Nelson for three from visiting our shores, years.
Under the terms of the cou return ng to England. Mr.
No. EAST 16 STREET ace the great all rounder will Morgan, the chairman of return to his home at Trinidad the Nelson club who went to Opposite the Wesleyan Churh it the close of each season. All Nottingham on Monday, states hat remains is for Constantine that he does not anticipate any bort co get his father consent to his uifficulty.
to visit to Book Binding. THE WORKMAN るんる


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