p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY ALGUST 25. 1928 7776 Rockefeller Gives. LA MASCOTA the Child Just received a fine selection of other sery ENGLISH TWEEDS in the very latest desings. Also BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS (Continued from page 1)
vice in operating the cafeteria. Preparation of the children lunches will be under the direction of a eti.
tian from the staff of dren Aid Society, The Henrietta School Building is in the heart of what is known as the Columbus Hill district, extending from 58th to 68th Street and from Amsterdam Avenue to the Hudson River. The building is already a health center including clinies and services of the City Health Department, the Child Study As.
sociation, the New York Tuberculo32 sis and Health Association, the Columbus Hill Day Nursery, the Amer. ican Red Cross and the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. These activities will now be Forte supplemented by recreation programs for children and family groups, and the Children Aid Society will turn over to the public schools the class ses for Negro children which it has been conducting in this building, so that the assembly room may be converted into a a gymnasium and oth roems be devoted to clubs.
It is expected that at the expira. on of the four years period covered by Mr. Rockefeller gift the Henriet.
ta School center and the Utopia Children House project will be so firmly established that they will financed by the commnunities and organizations interested.
All at moderate Prices Always kept in stock a full assortment of 95 At this loomed TAILORS TRIMMINGS and also an Silver Spray MULLER, Prop.
New Providence and Tomorrow Races Education The following is the ProContributed)
gram for tomorrow races:It should not be forgotten that FIRST RACE fhe holders and Pioneers of New Farlongs Purse 100 Providence were of the farming Perómeno element, with few exceptions, and 113 May 90 wbose thoughts and actions were as crude as the soil that was Barba Roja Dempsey 95 tilled nevertheless the disposition 128 112 of these settlers after they had Pun non 110 turned the soil over which gave Iofimo Teturns in food productions ete SECOND RACE which enabled them to thiok more concentratively. Among their first Furlong: Parse 100 requests from the Government was Honey Daw 126 a school, through which our Pistol 105 children would acquire the prelude Chiqui 123 to a Spanish education Dieciseis 113 We are proud to state that this Zap)
108 school was given without hesita THIRD RACE tion, and in turo was well support ed by a regular attendance of our Furlongs Purse 125 children, though when the laculiy LA Legitimidad 110 became twisted, the result was an sucia 126 irregulor, and tardy attendance Mischief 98 of children, and dissatisfied parents Marcela 125 and guardians Gazioa 111 This condition being brought Li Nena 95 about through that kind of FOURTH RACE familliarity of teachers with children, which always breed contempt Farlongs Purse 100 baving lost respect.
Cococha 118 period a simular condi Dardanels tion up and parents won Excuse Me 132 dered why such a state of affairs Chicht 90 were permitt to run so long without adjustment, when here FIFTH RACE exists a representative body, knowie Furlong Purse 100 as The New Providence Welfare Pistol 105 Committee, whose business it is Barba Rija 90 to clarify all matters relative to Ch qui 123 the Colony 116 agent of the WORKMAN, Zipo 103 Witbin eight weeks or there Dieciseis 113 about school matters wire 80 Harold 90 twisted, that one hardly knew the Felo nero 90 exact time school was call. d, or dis. Honey. Dew 126 missed on morning or afternoon, SIXTH RACE the periods being so irregular: with holidays, half holidays, and Furlongs. Purse 125 sick retirements added.
La Legitimidad 110 Conditions 99 when there wide us very nervous Mischief existed in our midst cia 126 a complacent. Welfare Committee. Carzona 111 However the unexpected happen La Nena ed which resulted in a complaint. Marcela 125 and groundless charge of Noncooperation of parents Our SEVENTH RACE Jethargic Committee bulletined a Farlongs Purse 123 Mass Meeting for Aug 5, which Popó 104 actually took place seven duys Caritan 90 after, at which time tenchers were Dixie 132 present, and school conditions. We Bit Or Miss 109 thoroughly discussed, resulting in the straightening of the ser.
and the illumina ing CHURCH SERVICES by the Direct ress.
The average attendants has St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca been from sixty to eighty and many bave passed the Fourth grade, forne are bere yet, and others are CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE fone out to schools in the two TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER Cities, which accounts for the TRINITY soeming decline in attendance.
Our birih rate, and now comers are aboormal, therefore we cani ot Holy Communion, 6, a. hc Rector keep pace with the school demand 7:30 pm Holy Baptism, The writer regrets much that this Matius and address, 11, a. news item did not app a is the Mr. N McCarthy, Lay Reader columns of your paper of the pat p. Church School week through the proper channel The whose Secre Choral Evensong, tary took notes with an impression The Rector for publication.
St. Simon s, Gamboa First impressions rre very often indelible and we should always At the usual time Matins Church remember that a stitch in time School and Confirmation Class, saves nice.
and Evensong will be held by the Lay Readers (to be continued) T, MULCARE, Priest in Chagre.
Discrimination to Gen.
St. Bartholomow s, Lastlemen of Colour and Cascadas.
Matins and address, 11, a. Culture Mr. McCarthy, Lay Readr Church School and Confirmation Class, 30, Travelling on Canadian MULCARE Ships in the West Indies Priest in Charg ISSUE! RAISED DY MR.
If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the MARRYSHOW GRENEDAD National Pharmacy, Santa Ana EDITOR, AT BANQUET IN DEMERARA.
Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.
95 shower Sande FIRELESS COOKERS pentine aspect cooperative charge for supply.
of every description (Cortinued from page 1)
and well wishers who waited Balboa dock to meet and greet the dating swimmer at the firish of his during feat should be taken as feint expresion of the rousing applause the hold swimmer would have received from a multi 37 CENTRAL AVENUE, Indinous throng hd Jupiter Pluvius heen a itle core consider PANAMA.
ate and smiled at the finish istenil of frowning down such a terrifi of rain exactly at the tie when Halliburton was making his final strokes to reach the finishing line.
But in spite of this we say Pravo Si for Halliburton and may Gets Twenty Years you te spared to repeat the great feit on another occasion and that you may accomplish For Slaying Employer. in a shorter period Angel Custodio Santamaria of LA BOCA ATHENAEMM the Province of Bouquete who in the month of April last murdered (Continued from page 1) New Stock of UNIVERSAL his Employer, Julian Morales, res ceived on Thurs lay last a sentence listed on the program include a of twenty years imposed by judge ten minute review of the SiakeFireless Cookers has just Arrived. Francisco de la Ossa of the Superi spent an play, Hamlet, by (corge or Court of this Repable. Westerman and a piano selection Bernabela Miranda de Morales, by Miss Clarie Elie.
wife of Joliin Morales was chụ rged Last Tuesday session of the ÇO ME IN AND SEE THIS NEW INVENTION as an accomplice in this cruel Athenaeum was a very interesting act, in that she assisted Santa. one. Being the third week in the inaria to accomplish his end but mon h, it was Junior Night and after investigation she was dis he entire program was rendered missed by tie juiy.
by the junior members of the forules was a turk by birth, society, structed by the Presi.
nd resided in the Province of deat. Theprogram consisted, pri DO NOT DELAY. OUR LAT STOCK WAS Chiriqui for many years where he neipally, of musical contributions first ved after coming to this will two elocutinny items and SOLD OUT IN FEW DAYS.
country but, being thrifty, he ac a vocal solo. The Chair was taken rumulated a lar e for u: e und lived y Master Vernoa Emith while happily in Bouquete with a wife siiss Aminta Jump did the secrete and five children.
tarial work.
Santamaria Morale em This Cooker will Attach to any After a highly appreciated proployee, and the social relationsgru in the President of the Athenawhich sprang up between him and eum, William De Sousa, called Light Socket. It will Boil, Fry, Stew, Morales wife seemed to have led upon Sewell, also a member up to this act of the society, to present the prizes Roast and Bake more than two Santamaria after having been won in the recent literary compedi missed by Morales his employer, uition held under the auspices of Quarts of Food for only continued his relations with Ber that society for juniors resident no nabela, and as the lat er husband the Pacific side of the Isthmus. seemed to have bern the only obeta far north, as Gambon. The lle problem typutting an endte Viss Aminta Jump, second prize.
cle. Santa mari decided to relvi winners of the contest were Miss Edna Smith, first pr ze, and Morales life. ishe did on Evening of April 13th while Mara For coming third Mis Guillermina les was sitting in his parlor with Jump had received special mention his wife and children, when he by the judges. Mr. Sewell consneaked up bebind and shot bim.
gratulated the winners for their WHILE THEY LAST. 11. 75 Each good work, after which he handed the first prize of five dollars in cash If you have a Prescription to to Miss Smith and second prize of ime Payment 12. 20 be made up take it to the wo dollers to Miss Jump. The National Pharmacy, Santa Ana first prize was offered by the Atte.
Plaza, where you will get coured by Messrs. G. Neely and no eum while the second and donatteous and obliging service. Wiliam Jump of La Boca THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS Next Tuesday meeting of the Athenaeum promises to be very in Rent Receipt Books in Spanish terasting, and the (FUERZA LUZ: Athenaeum and English for sale at the through tbis me ium issues its Workman Printery.
usual cordial invitation to the general public, PANAMA At Your Service COLON DENTIST HOWELL RYCE House No. 912 La Boca RENOVATOR ADVERTISE.
49 ONE CENT PER HOUR Georgetown, B, August The idiosycracie o the race The following leader gives the can no more be allowed to debar remarks made by the Hon. one race from enjoyiog amenities Marryshow at the Legislative din for which it piys then it can be alner by the new Daily Chronicle: lowed to debar another The new Mr. Marryshow raised the stea mship sevices were demanded question of the treatment of een and required in the colonies to tlemen of colour and culture when take the place largely of the old travelling on the Canadian steam Royal Mail service and particular.
ers, The issue has been raised ly to provide adequate means of in our own Legislative in the communication between the Colon course of a verv bitter debate and ial members of the cot. vention. If, the Goveroment then undertook Lowever, the major portions of the to see that no discrimilation communities concerned are to be would be allowed on the steamets, denied the use of facilities provided that is only right and proper, but then these colonies will be paying we understaud the most galling for what they do not receive discrimination is at present being Every one koows for fundamentals practised in the West Indies, par of thes ituation and the steamship ti ularly between the smaller is authorities know that everybody lands, koowe.


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