p. 1


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water of arship.
Kingston Jamaica To Be Donated by Grand Inaugurates Industry that Lodge of the Order of Elks. Will Benefit Island.
Eighth August Day When Victory According to the Jamaica Mail To Promote Economic and InThe Jamaica MAIL states that of the 25th ulto. the Dawned for Allied Armies Grand when Excellency the acting Lodge of the Improved Benevoleot Governor opened dustrial Welfare of the Race and Protective Order of Elks of the Brewery on Thursday afternoon the Surrey World has decided to offer an edu, the 23rd August last, there was August 8th, was the tenth an. LOCKED IN STALEMATE carte ou lesboda chiar to the value of no doubt but arbete som er induo, West Indians at New York are lings, Treasurer; Wendell Press despatches state that Chairman; Dr. Elliott Rawniversary of the blackest day thousand dollars.
But the opposing forces were in the island for the German Army in the his locked in stalemate. Neither side Jamaica bas received communica. boon to numbers of persons of an Committee has been or The Rodney Lodge, No. 662 at au industry which will prove cooperating and that a West In. Malliet, Secretary tory of the War. It was the was able to move towards a de ion from the grand Lodge in Uuited all classes, if only from the point ganised to stimulate the developExecutive Board: Sampday when victory dawned for cision. Yet, for Britain, there States to that effect and the con of view of employment.
ison, Chairman; Blair, Secrethe Allied armies. The following were gleams of light. The enemy are to be arranged and decidel up ment of West indians and to ditions governing the scholarship article by Major Corbett submarines were now The Brewery is situated in a tary: Potter, Chairman on Smith on that day is taken from swiftly and surely hunted down. Lodge, and it is not unlikely Ibat ing in the west end of the city, promote the economis and indus Edwards, Lynch Jas. Milbeing on byt be members of tnerRodaery large four store yed concrete build cooperate in every endeavour to Delegasions; Powell, Answers.
America was beginning to pull the matter will come up for discuss extending from West Street 65 trial welfare of the race. August 8th 1918, was let, Jackman, Kirpatrick ion in due Pechon street and about midway To render to West Indians, Christian, e. Bartholoblack day of the German Army between Barry and Tower Streets within the limits of the CommitIn Germany, the people had The generosity of the Grand Entering by the Pechon Street mew, Wi.
of inh that clean cut sentence of the then the referated promises the poco a porcelia tech by men les visitor änds himself in the machi assistance as may be considered tens, Hiliman, cintsh, now begun definitely to lose Lodges of Falba teravintioce is door, on line ground floor, the tee resources, such charitable Iliams, Harding, Githis memoirs General Ludendorff of ther leaders. There was sullen announcement is read by the geo brewery. The ice machinery ocof local Lodge; and when this ner pery lower part.
set down his realisation of Ger suspicion. In the Near East eral public. the pote ot appreciat cupies one part of this apartment, West Indians may be enabled to Chas. Norman, Alleyne. Yearwood, Buttefiield.
To provide means wherby Campbell, Chas. Lynch, many impending doom. For little while the end might be there was continued serious and Elkos fut in presumed that compoz the other and in the north east procure satisfactory employment. Green, Dr. Hanson, things were going badly. Also ion will go beyond the circle of the lower part of the staved off. There was still a gam complicated trouble with Russia confined to children of Elks. It is from the well is used for condens to deal with all matters affectition for the scholarship will be corner is wellThe To provide a center, or bureau, Dr. Alfred Robinson, blers chance of holding to forti and the new Bolshevist regime not knowo whether the scholarship iny Brown, fied lines throughout the winter But Germany still clung fever will be tenable in Jamaica of the ing and cooling purposes and for washing ting West Indians. This centre As far as statisties gathered rebuilding behind them ishly to the hope of peace by United States of America.
against the following spring the winter her peace, is, however, used in the manu to be eventually located in a facture of besr, Water for that building owned and operated by from applications it can be posiBut in his heart of hearts Luthe West Indians.
tively stated that the Colonies Glance at the Western Front purpose is procured from Correction dendorff knew that it was the Kingston and St. Andrew Corpo through the eyes of Marshal To publish a journal of West represented include: Jamaica, ration (the same pure water that beginning of the end.
Foch, and you will se how he In our Anniversary Number un nent whereby the Corporation and edited by West Indians.
the public uses. under an agree Indian opinion, owned, controlled Barbados, Trinidad, British Guiana, St. Kitts, Grenada, St. VinA WAR WEARY WORLD and Marshal Haig, built the vicder the headline The Inception takes water from watering streets It was a day upon which the tory of September, 1918.
To encourage the naturaliza cent, St. Lucia, Dominica, VirAllied attacks had always end deace, on page please read offi. water which the brewery usc8.
and Establishment of New Provi from the well, in exchange for the tion of West Indians to the end gin Island Bermuda, Monsterrat, eyes of all the leaders upon both sides were opened. It was the ed in one way wearied troops cial recognition of New Providence The capacity of the brewery is that they may be better able to and many whose origin is not day when Marshal Foch also saw were met by fresh enemy reservas on June 24, 1917 iustead of 1927 as was misprinted. 000 gallons per brew, and the enjoy the advantages to be stated.
Of the occupants and profesclearly. The whole of the mighty ves. The attack went on hamfirm expects to make three brews derived from American citizenweekly, turning out 6, 000 galloos ship.
sions there are: Physicians, 23; German allied structure began mering at one iron door, be to crack. Five days later the cause it was so difficult to con Etude Club To Meet Mr. Paul Geddes, son of Mr. political, social, economic and ce agents, 13; real estate broker 600 barrels of beer weekly. To manifest interest in the clerks, 23; dentists, 10; insuranKaiser had given instructionsvey elsewhere the intricate ma Geddes, director of the firm, for peace negotiations to be chinery of communications, big who has received an intensive in educational development of the ers, 15; ministers, 5; photograph mpened, if possible through the guns, and all the paraphernalia very important business meet struction in brewing from Mr. Homeland and of the communi ers, 6; druggists, 6; chiropracing of the Etude Club will be con Maynard, will carry on until the ties in which we live.
tors, 3; printers, 14; undertakQueen of the Netherlands. of modern war.
eued totuorrow evening at the arrival of the new brewer to be INTO THE OPEN AGAIN usual place li is evening at 7:30 selected in England by Mr. May. relationship between West In 10: f ses, 10; shoemakers?
To promote the most cordial ers, 3; lawyers, 6; law students, How did the two sides stand on the eve of that momentous We must get movement into nard, and act as assistant to bim Early atten:lance is requested. when be arrives.
dians and Afro Americans. journalists, 5; teachers, 3; brickday? The whole world was war it, said Foch. shall strike at The building was decorated with The organization has a large layers, 3; grocers, 3; chauffeurs, weary. The British peoples, des a point. The moment we meet 12; stenographers and accounperately driven by the submarine the iron door, shal instantly cererr ony.
Race Track tomorrow.
Dr. Charles Petioni, Chiar tants, 10; porters, 16; labourers.
menace and the disasters of the attack at another point. shall All roads will lead to Juan Franco many Union Jacks for the opening membership. Its officers are: the man; Dr. Savory, 1st. 16; jewellers, 4; tailors, 14; and enemy for ever previous March (Haig back keep Chairman; several.
swung their temper inte a grim reserves about to meet these New Providence and Education tley, 2nd Vice Chairman. Javan cloquently as to the nature of the. had under Steele, 3rd Vice Cchairman the response and the need of teeth set resolution. They stood attacks. shall gradually wear Hon. Jas. Watson, 4th Vice such an organization.
at their most dangerous for an down those reserves. Contributed) may here state the present (Continued on page 6)
enemy. Continued from our last issue) need for the further advance of our is a Faculty that cat 4027 ben remenzbered that them over to sidebar Gerade and inde Program of National Elks To Hold Picnic Steamship Service To Silver Spray and Bal in 1827, where our Government minate the sexiblia condition Teachers took leave for their which we teplora of baving Congress and Morality Labor Day Be Established boa Beers fifteen days vacation in Sept. it them to the two cities to finish was stated, they had merited same the two remaini and were highly commended for expensive inconvenient and has des (5 6)
15 gr For the Betterment and At San Francisco Pleasure Be:ween Panama and Chiri Will be Reduced Thirty Per the manner in which they con that effect of alienating children Advancement of Juveniles Resort.
school, and the means from borne and colony.
qui Cent througb which they gained the love and respect of the children and Having considered the facts with To Struggle by all possible On September 3rd. Labour Day)
our children here, who have reThe establishment of proper According to announcements the esteem of parents, resulting in good Exam. at the end of the peated in grades so ofteo: apply means to exterminate Juvenile the improved Benevolent Prosteamship service between Pan made by the inanagement of the term tective order of Elks of the World Delinquency the principal generally, that many ama and the Province of Chiriqui Panama Brewing and Refrigerating such children from simular Schools To establish cines? Picnics a new order recently established is being seriously considered by Co. there will be a reduction of All, who send the berefits of entering the grade in the cities, be Conferences, and Juvenile Library, in this city, will journey to San delegation of this Republic and thirty per cent in Silver Spray and knowing something were encourag. come a trouble to the higher Teach: To probibit tho living of Francisco a new pleasure resort to in which the President (Don Balba keg beers effective today ed by these teachers to learn the er, and very often is turned back women of bad conduet, ant there enjoy a day outing.
Rodolpho Chiari now in office) is September the 1st as per adver Spanish Language.
It is customary on holidays for to the Grade he has passed in the refreshment saloons, in the neighvarious aleo included.
tisement on page of this issue Indeed it was interesting to see rural school, which is very unpleasbourhood prohibit the access of lodges, clubs, and other societies)
ious organizations (such as The delegatinn met at the PresOwing to the fact that Pannma youth in its teens and adults in ant to child, Teacher, and parent children in Cantine and places to seek some form of recreation or idencia on Wednesday last to is too small to accommodate more their fifties assembling on class of among discuss many important matters tban one Brewery, and as the new mights for instruction during the our children is because of the back where games of betting is carried diversion, and when the idea oriwith regard to the scbeme. convenient place is Atlas beer being brewed at the rainy season. However this of sufficient Primary English and 00: Pablo and Narciso Pinel officials Atlantic end threatens to be a bot last long, the scene being therefore cannot grapple the Span To acquire the deportation of generally the next consideration, of the National Navigation Com competitor in the local market quickly changed by the sudden ish as quickly though it is much strangers who dedicate themselves (Continued on page 6)
pany having lost the steamship during this month, the directors displaciny of the Master which easier.
in corrupting Children, and the Los Santos and Cocle, service of the Panama Brewing and Refri brought ao end to the gene Here is an instance of the two confinement from the capital No. children, at hospitals, and private in this direction has been reduced gerating Co, have decided to make cello study of Spanish in this brothers, and a sister, all beginning in corrupting young people.
tionals who dedicate themselves clinics.
to almost nil.
this reduction thus giving no their First Grade. propo al from the firm of quarter to the new comer.
10 To do all sacrifice until the To acquire by all possible With regard to our School probAugust Dzuk Co. offered a lemI am glad to state that con beginnings erat, it backward in ment and progress of all juveniles acquired a The bigger boy at the age of 11 means the bettermeat, advance betterment of children in general is German built. vessel which will Death of Small ditions are almost normal, il To declared all Monday pacost 190, 000; another proposal The discussion of the 12th inst. Primary English, attending Gov in general.
rents and childrens day, establisbing made by two other resulted in the ultimate request of ernment School, in his fifth term To cooperete with the go: shows, conference, dance, all kiod American firms, and a committee. We regret to announce the death parents that the senior Señorita isoin grado he has repeated: Hernment for the facility of all of sports on that day until ten has been appointed to look into in Ancon Hospital, yesterday, of give definite time for opening and younger brother at the age of 9: children in general.
o clock night time, at the E, Small of Red Tank, dissmissing School morning and very apt in Primary To put all efforte for the exit next meeting The deceased was a native of the afternoons; her regular and timely entered Government School May to the Reformatory Schools, Pub This society will start its first island of Barbados WI.
the presence al School; and to main, 1925 spending there, termah anda da te Schools. Private Schools and meeting the Oratorio Festivos All road leads to Juan Franco was employed for a long time, and tain that discipline necessary for more in Panama taking 5th grade Orpban Homes.
of Manuel Espinosa from Monrace track tomorrow. To struggle for better medi day the Institution, which will be pro studies; Their sistr a girl of 14 (Continued on Page 6)
of September at pm all ductive of parents hearty support. Continued on page 6) cal attendance and treatment for parents se coruially invited.

    BolshevismEnglandFranceGermanyWorld War

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