
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1928 Six vises 583ESKE OKSESSS 390NSS SS 00S THE WORKMAN Duke of York Acts as Host To 400 Boys THE PANAMA HARDWARE (M. CARDOZE Jr. NEWLY REMODELLED STORE The British Pharmacy COLON coach British Youngsters Give Pablished on Sataedas by Rates for Advertisemen os applica. a Big Surprise in AnWALROND, 35th oflice 15 tou. Cerap 1999 o all mattes nual Camp Staect East Coatral Avenue Paaam of public interest invitad.
All capy for publication must be STAGE WILD WEST.
PO 3ox 74, P4s P.
weitta 01 as site of paper oa y, and Rates of Subsoription rast a:33mpanied by the nan: of London, August While the e Your 40 USO the writer, a sassarily for pablica Price of Wales spent to day in Six Months. 20 Lioa but as cofifsita.
France with the British Legion Tarao 810 Wo do a. Jadrtaks to cataca ra pilgrims to the battlefields, the One Month 25 jesto correspon leaos.
AT CATHEDRAL PLAZA Duke of York performed what has become an annual duty. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS acting as host to four hundred Offers a full assortment of Hardware at boy guests in the Duke of York Camp at New Romney.
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1928 convenienent prices.
For the eighth year in soccess.
on the boys half of them LEADERSHIP AND THE NEGRO drawn from the classrooms of GIVE US CALL the public schools and ball from the untry worksbops have assembled for a week Couting The subjoined article taken from the editorial column Courteous Treatment, Prompt Service Established by the Duke with the of the West Indian Times and American Review is obj ct of bridging the Gulf of of such striking importance and measures up so approsocial difference with under priately with conditions affecting our West Indian NeBRANCH STORE standing derived from asscciatgroes here that we make no apology for reproducing ion, the camp bas proved a signal success and though its main persame: sonrel cbangºs every year the Every one has said time and again that what the Race 125 CENTRAL AVENUE le cers of a score of sections into which it is divided aru all young needs is a proper leader. What that remark is intended SSSSSSSSSSSSSZEK 50cc men who first came to it as to convey, it has never been clearly defined in the writ boys.
ings of the various individuals who have expressed DUKE JOINS Fon.
themselves on the subject; but to all observations, it To day the Duke went down would appear that the Race is badly in need of Unity to Nsw Romney to see for himand Pride. Leadership is not required for any group of self how his guests ware settling people in the condition that we are at present. To acquire dowo. belped them run their games, fed with them in th, big these most essential feelings, it is hard to understand giging hall, bathed with the in why should we outside of our Political rights, ask or and joined in their choruses at seek for Leadership. What does it mean without our the evening singsong.
unified support? Besides the few ham fat leaders that Boys who assembled at Buckaspire are mostly men who can earn a dollar in any ingbam Palace on Saturday 49 Strangers had already made other manner but by glibly lying and promising to the friends of each otber and they group a whole lot of things they can and never will welcome the Duke most beartily.
Hordes of cowboys mounted on man of Color is disfranchised, segregated, ostracizbeach donkeys and farm borses ed and what not every place on the Globe. In some counIS NOW LOCATED AT and accompanied by an ancient tries he is tolerated because of something that he posvechicle disguised as a stage greete the Dake with sesses that the white man wants, and in others, because many yeils aad ace mpanied bim he is a support and a necessity to the white man af11. 1154 11th STREET to beadquarters, this particular fairs in time of strife; but even when all these consideracora of reception apparently havirg been inspird by a camp tions are thrown together the poor blackman is never Correr Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK lecture Sunday night on the free considered in their plans and afairs. Now, what more life of the Western plains.
incentive do we need for Unity than these conditions!
Why do we need Leadership when the leaders are in the Where our customers will receive the usual The boys even converted camp into a Western village complete same position that we are, disfranchised, Jim crowed, even to the abili office, with etc. The Jews needed no leaders in their campaign to courtesies a gallows outside and a skeleton of beet ribs whitening in a shtbreak down the barriers that were raised against them.
low grave near by.
Every Jew recognized that he was a Jew, and that The Duke, who changed into whatever affected another Jew affected him, and that an old pair of kbaki shorts was sufficient reason for a United system to break LOOK FOR THE SIGN and sweater as soon as he down the opposition that was placed in front of the reached camp, entered heartily into the fun and af er having race progress. First they acquired Racial pride and BRITISH PHARMACY posed for a few commemorative snapshots was allowed to pass Unity which gave them strength. With that came the as freely about the camp as any wealth they wanted and as is natural, Race pride assertseation leader.
ed itself and today it is not necessary to mention the NE But there was another piccondition of the Jew. But we have all heard of the Zionturesque demonstratiou when. be left.
The boys, having just nist movement. In short it is a bid for their homeland, surg songe and choruses with Palestine. It is now no longer a bid, they are building him, lined the path to the gate, waving different coloured tiares up a great City in Jerusalem. All these things the Negro 99 and cheering for ail they were can accomplish, despite the odds that might be against worth. It was a royal farewell even for a king son.
him if he would only understand himself and get that Unity that is the keynote of the success that attends all If you have a Prescription to down trodden peoples.
be made up take it to the an army of soldiers are required to go into battle National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Just received a fine selection of Plaza, where you will get courand the entire Regiment, Corps or Division is required teous and obliging service.
to make that particular offensive a success, what would happen if the Officers in charge entertained different ideas about the engagement, and, instead of attacking New Railway in The with unified strength and with one concerted action Province of Chiriqui they divided themselves in little bands and attacked at in the very latest desings various points and on various different occasions. The News from Chiriqui has reached inevitable result would be that the battle would be lost. Also this capital to the effect that the new railroad which was started against the enemy, that was well organized and ready sometime ago will be completed for warfare. But, if that mob that was in the same boat BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT about the middle of next mouth.
realized the fight was the common existence for their On a recent inspection by the VILUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS Governor of the Province ackind, then it goes to say that the battle would be one companied of unified strength. Alas! we have not realized the tor De Roux, and engineer Norton by his Secretary Docnecessity for co operation. It would seem that we All at moderate Prices complete satisfaction was expres.
sed by his Excellency with the have not realized the necessity for a common bond of progress of the work and also with other existing conditions.
understanding, but the day is not far distant when the Always kept in stock a full assortment of The banana planters at Peurto feeling of fellowship will come to all Negroes and it will Armuellos will be gre tated by this acessament, as facilibe a sad day because we shall be forced to do so, under bababas are being grown extenconditions that we can so well prevent by immediate acsively over there, and the new tion along the lines of INDUSTRIAL CO OPERATION.
transportation fucilities will be most welcome. Already the United If the men that aspire to be leaders refuse to taech the Fruit Company has extensive areas lesson that UNITED WE WILL STAND, DIVIDED of every description of this flourishing fruit planted near the new railroad lines WE WILL NOT ONLY FALL, BUT BE EXTINGUISHED, then, we do not need leaders.
DENTIST HOWELL The Negro is the NEGRO no matter where he hails MULLER, Prop.
House No. 912 La Boca from, just as the Jew is the Jew, whatever part of the 37 CENTRAL AVENUE, Globe he may be domiciled; and while we might have Canal Zone OPPOSITE RESTAURANT lost our culture, our tongue and everything that is ourPANAMA.
PHONE 1941 BALBOA selves, we have still retained the Black skin that is our birth mark, and that should be enough to bring results.
Specialises in all Branches of Dentistry LA MASCOTA ENGLISH TWEEDS TAILORS TRIMMINGS


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