
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1928 PAGE THREE For Sale Cheap Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww mapampam Union of RailApply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City most paamaan wwwww horribly Prisoners Burned to Consolidation of Wire. fi ww Weekly London Letter Death. less and Cable Service Peace in Industry of Empire In a Movie Show at Houston (BY ANDREW BLACKMORE. Texas.
Apother important step was The Daily Gleaner of recent recently taken in tha develope date states that the British Govment of better relations between LIGHTED MATCH THROWN ernment has accepted the plan employers and exployed in BriCARELESSLY IGNITES FILMS of the Imperial Communication tish industry. Last winter a CAUSING EXPLOSION Conference, calling for the coosolidation of all cable, radio, and proposal was made by Lord Mel.
chett, then Sir Alfred Mond, that ber communication facilities in the General Council of the Trade the British Empire, it was anHouston Texay, July 29.
Union Congress should conter Comedy faded into tragerly at the nounced in the House of Comwith a number of leading men in Blue Ridge State prison farm near mons yesterday by Sir John ir dustry to consider means 10 Houston last night when a careless. Gilmour.
ensure a lasting industrial peace.
ly thrown match ignited motion According to the anouncement After come deliberation and picture films being show at the Government is to negotiate considerable or position from weekly abow. As a result of the with the vartous companies with the more ex reme elements, explosion and fire that converted the end in view of drawing up a the leaders of labour agreed to the abowroom into a blazing fur formal agreement to include the the proposal and a series of connace in which 23 prisoners became basis upon which the stocks and ferences was beld. report as trapped, two men were dead to and bonds of the companies to Dow been adopted suggestion vight, four others burned almost participate in the consolidation tbal permanent Industria beyond recognition and probably are to be exchanged fur securite Cuudel representative of both fatally, while 17 others were burn of the holding company.
sides should be formed, to which ed seriously.
The bolding company will bave Council all points likely to lead The dead are Floyd Pinson, who a capitalization of 30, 000, 000 to trouble in the industries of the was serving a ten year term for pounds. This is smaller by 17. country should be submitted burglary, and William Key. 090, 000 pounds than the proposed This suggestion gave rise to Last night 56 white prisoners on capital za ion or the holding comfurther attacks on the principle the farm and a number of Mexican pany contemplated in the Cable of co operation between the two trustees trooped to the dining rool Company agreement presented parties. The discussions were for the regular weekly movie in April, due to the fact that the vigorously denounc on public showing. The only door to the latter plans, call for leasing of platforms and in the press by room was secured with a padlock beam systems rather than the leaders of the Left Wing in news reel bad been shown and outright purchase of the netthe Labour movement. But early a comedy was flashed on the work of radio stations.
in July two definite and importscreen. The men were laughing The principal companies to ant decisions were arrived at by good naturedly when one of the enter the Agreement are th: representative bodies. By a ma.
convicts attempted to light a for Eastern Telegraph Company, jority of 18 to the General bidden cigarette. Tae match Ltd, the Eastern Extension Aus Council of the Trade Union Con broke and the blazing end fell into tralian and China Telegraph gress indicated the readiness to an open file container.
Company, Ltd, the Wes ern Tele proceed with the discussions with the En ployers. few days CLOTHING ALIGHT graph Company, Ltd. and th later the National deafening explosion was fol. Marconi Wireless Telegraph lowed by a flash of livid flame. Company, together with the cable waya en at its annual Conference Laughter turned to cries of horror operated by the Pacific Cable gotiations by the large majority as the prisoners stampeded for the Board.
of 64 votes to 16. This is exit. Another blast came as a important in view of the fact that second flion container exploded and the Railwaymen Union le one flames swept through the frame If you have a Prescription to of the most powerful bodies of structure.
organised labour in the country, Tweaty three men, who had be made up take it to the and its decisions strongly influbeen sitting between the projection National Pharmacy, Santa Ana OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH ence the policy of many other machine aud door, and who were Plaza, where you will get courlabour groups.
packed near the exit, were burned teous and obliging service.
next door Nash Motors Garage Flames licked about tbeir bodies and ignited their Indian Agricultural Reforms rough prison clothing as they war was started by two com as mainamamanagmamman sbrieked, cursed and prayed. panies wbich bandla bananas The Royal Commission on So tightly was the rocking mass produced in several countries.
Agriculture in India has just tortured humanity pressed One concern handles Mexican issued a Report which recomagainst the door, it defica frantic endos Central American Art: Dr. Fred Sterling mends, among numerous other to Central Amer reforms, the constitution of Colombian and Jamaica. THE NEW YORK DENTST lock. The confusion was indescrib. ican.
Council of Agricultural Research able, meo wept and shrieked for fruit. In one week the bottom with a fund of 370, 000. At preaid, but not a single man could wis knocked cleau out of the 182, BOLIVAR STREET sent the method in many dislift his arm to prevent the creeping banana market, as far as price COLON, tricts are very primitive, and flames from enveloping him.
went, owing to the very large Should be in every office to immediately modern knowledge is needed by quantities of bananas that were Box 171, CRISTOBAL, The remainder of the convicts, dumped in Now York. The peasants and cultivators. The who ran towards the opposite end war contioned over several TELI PHONE 247 COTON soothe any neuralgic pain caused by primary function of the Council of the room were forced by the weeks; and, naturally, it affected would be to promote, guide, and flames to witness the suffering of two companies, the Atlantic and excessive mental work, co ordinate agricultural Retheir fellow prisoners Di Giorgio, which trausport Jasearch throughout India so as to HUMAN TORCHES maica bananas to the Anerican Small provide proviucial Governments Finally the door was opened and market.
NEURALGINA with an organization embracing DENTIST the wbole research activities of huinen torches staggered out into Bananas were sold in the States the air. Mea dropped everywhere for coasiderably less than the the country, veterinary as well MASONIC TEMPLE aod lay uobeeded on the grass ar purchase ice in Jamaica. Should be in every school to soothe bad as agricultural. Research scholarOffice Hours: 8, am to 12 guards, with drawn pistol, busied tew weeks later this journ. was ship would be provided by the 130 to 30 pm)
themselves to prevent a wholesale able to record that there had headaches and reduce the fever of Council, which should also act as escape, a clearing house of information.
The dying and injured were America; but it appears that been a rise in the market p:ice in Sundays, by Special Appointment Masonic Temple ilth St, children.
Bengal and the Punjab have fitpicked up and carried to the pri this was a short duration. Toe ted out a demonstration train as O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL.
an emergency hospital, where parket bas fallen again, so much travelling exhibition, with more piteous scenes were enacted. so that accordit to informaPHONE: Office 1664 NEURALGINA open air lectures illustrated by films and lantern slides, and Men, their bolies scared some tion received in Kıcgton, bana: RESIDENCE 538 this experiment is beld up as with arms and legs almost burned gas that were bought here at Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes worthy of consideration by other off, begged for aid, some crying from two shillings and sixpence provinces.
out for death.
to two shillings and nine pence Physiciins from Houston and per bunch ware sold la New the heart, Apotber important idea ad vancad by tbe Report is the plea other nearby towns were sum York for under one sbilling and made for village leadership and moned and soon the highways sixpence in glish currency were filled with automobiles and What makes the position all!
For sale both Wholesale and Retail training in the ideals of social service, as already practiced in shrieking ambulances rushing aid the more inexplicable is that the stricken farm.
one district of the Punjab. In whareas it was the custom AT THE of this district of Gurgaon lectures, Home made remedies were ap: those who manipulate the mar.
Bongs, drama, magic lanteros, prison hospital and ket to sell all tha fruit to disAMERICAN PHARMACY and even wireless loud sprakers the more burned were tributors in one day, chiefly on removed to prousis bere, Monday sales now extend over are made to contribute wbat JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor they can to arouse the people bucket brigades and with wet Prisoners, and guards formed two days.
realisation of their own to a real Panama. civic respotsibilities. Co operasacks and blankets succeeded in Fruit Company is earning handtive societies, adult schools.
confining the fire to the dining some returns in the English and domestic economy classes, and room after strenuous fight, For a Continental markets. Bananas Every means calculated to assist time the flames threatened a dor are being sold in England at the spirit of service and selt mitory where 189 Mexicans were 25 per ton.
DROP IN AT help are at hand, and should be quartered and which almost was As the open market price for developed by the people.
in mutiny when the panie spread.
Guards with drawn pistols subdued fruit in Jamaica is regulated by in Amer.
the prisoners as efforts were made the price whico obtains ica, on Monday morning two Dispensaries for Animals to combat the flames.
companies pald two shillings per CALL IN AT count bunch at Soppiag Centres 122 CENTRAL AVE.
Banana Market Demo for trait, while the United Fruit It is universally admitted that the British people are on the ralised in United States and three pance.
Company ofered two stillings You ill Find Them whole extremely kind to animals.
Cruelty in any form is punished Moderately Priced.
it detected by the police and, in addition, there are private Bunches of Bananas Sold for Dr. Nathan Rowe societies which voluntarily seek Less than One Shilling to prevent the illtreatment of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON animals.
Sixpence Each No. 16 STREET EAST In addition to this efforts are also made to alleviate 11th and Bolivar Sts.
Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
their sufferings. The People The Jamaica MAIL in its issue COLON, Dispensary for Sick Animals bus fleet of caravans touring of the 9:b inst. states that the BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE banana market remains denoraA GOOD SELECTION OF the country, and to these dislised in the Ucited States of Chase National Bank pensaries on wheels the country America, following the low prices Office Hours: a. to 12m.
NEW BIBLES people can bring their sick that have been arranged by p. to pm.
animals for treatment. Between Chatham and Dover a small car ih se who control that end of OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 Hymn Prayer Books the business.
Advertise in the Workman regularly piles, stenpl. wbtrSome two months ago a bapaca! DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 pays. Continued ou Page 3)
NEURALGINA to plied at the Link the meantime, the United NEED WATCH?


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