
Water Supply In Corporate Area (Continued from Page 3)
ever a card is displayed in the window to indicate that an animal is in need of belp.
This car is fitted up, like the larger vans, with drugs, instruments, and a shall letbal. cbamber of the many thousand pets regularly treated the great ma jority are doge aod cats, but the patients range from cage birds to cattle. One of the queerest patients duali with was a performing adder. It suffered from tonsillitis, and was treated for four days wih gargles. The inethod adopted was to pour tbe stud into its mouth, and then sbake it about by Its tail! One of the most luxuriou: vibicles is the horse ambulance built for the new Animals Hospitel at Ilford, London suburb, Tols is fitted with all the latest devices. Toe floor and linink cap ba pulled out like the inside of a match box, and slid back into position when a badly lojured borse has been setted on it.
Have you Tried Salada The rainfall in the parish of St. Andrew during the past few oa: 3, has beeb greater in the di ection of Hope than in the vie pity of the Hermitage Dan, SIS the Jamaica MAIL There bave been about 11 lucbIts at Hope as compared with five and a hall inches at the Heritage Dam. However, the quantity of water in the dain, a result of of the rains, is 20 million gallons.
The Corporation bas ceased Dumping water from the Ferry as the reservoir at constant Spring and the Hope are well supplied.
The pumping of water from Cavaliers to Montgomery corner, which was commenced a few days ago, so that the people on the Constant Spring Road and the adjacent roads could be sure of getting water, bas also been stopped, the recent heavy rains baving rendered this plan to be COW unnecessary.
Orange Pekoe Dirt Track Thrills SALADAS Public Service Co. To Run Motor Bus Service in November BLEND YET?
and the Some months ago the new sport of dirt track moto. escle racing was introduced to England from Australia, and it promptly captured the imagnation of the British public. It has developed so rapidly that already seven tracks have been establisbed in Loodon, ORA 1o Manchester and one at Edio burrb, and proposals for many additional tracks are being disThe TEA with the Exquisity cussed. AL tbe Stanford Bridgb track (London) at the end of Juna more than forty Flavour tbouand spectators watched for more than three hours daredevil motor cyclists skidding round and round the track. The sport has a remarkable ac1 tion for women, and many have urged that women races should be instituted, but 80 far the proposal bas not been favourably received.
This is of course an element of danger in the sport; but it FOR SALE EVERYWHERE is not the deadly thing that it appears to the umid onlooker.
Beting is probibited, so it is hoped the sport may be kept clean and wholesome, appealio, ners at top epeed, and the sus to all men and women who ad pense of watching machines al.
mire skill and courage. The denialble. The anoeuvring of and then miraculously right them the drivers is a facinating thing selves enthralls the watcbers and to watch. They sk:d round cor holds them spellbound, It will bring you good results oz. packet 72 cents The Jamaica GLEANER of the 11th inst, says that the management of the Jamaica Pablic Service have decided to run a motor bus service as an auxlliary to their tramway service as from November next.
The company have ordered three chassis from the Motor Car and Supplies Company, Ltd. bodies of the motor busses will be built locally: It is expected that the chassis will arrive here in October next, and the three motor busses will be in operation from early in November. They will be of 24 tops and each motor bus will be capable of carrying 25 passengere.
The Jamaica Public Service Coy. are arranging to maintain an up to date service; and, as stated above, it is hoped that these three motor busses will materially add to the revenue of the tramway service.
ADVERTISED IN THE WORKMAN Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery.


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