
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1928 PAGE FIVE PRICE REDUCTION Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co FAMOUS BEERS SILVER SPRAY AND CERVEZA BALBOA IN COLON AND PANAMA CITY 33 33 Half Barrels. 00 Quarter Barrels 50 33 Eighth Barrels. 00 EFFECTIVE THE MORNING OF SEPTEMBER 1st, 1928 Drink The Best Beer Brewed And Be Happy Mother Dies While Two Sons Fight New Game London Social World EVERYBODY LOVES STILL ON SALE Wes ladies Cricket History W2 ODU ZAT WLWMI ZA Correspondent writing to the Jamaica GLEANER from Myeraville on August 15th says. case of sudden death occur.
red in the district of Comfort about mile from here on Monday evening. As far as can be gathered, two brothers Charles Turner and Eldemire Turner had some altercation over water, which ended in fight. The elder brother Charles it is said does not live in the bome with his parente. but lives by bimself.
On monday evening he went to his parents bome for water, and they objected to bit drawing any on the ground that when the tank was dry, he would cot go to get any for them. He became irate and it is alleged, began to abuse his parents. Eldemire the younger brother wbo was standing near, spoke to him, and quarrel started. This soon developed into a fight. Their mother Mrs. Francis Turner seeing her younger and favourite son being illtreated went between to stop the fighting, but owing to her advanced age could not seperate them. Sne with drew a few yards, and sat down.
She said to ber daughter that Ebe felt as it she was going to die, because she felt a pain in her chest. As the fight was sul going on, she cried Murder!
Murder! and faiated. She was taken up and carried into the house, but before any help could be rendered, she died, presumably from beart failure.
Rumour says that sbe got a bit during the fight, and that is what caused ber death, but this seems to be unfounded.
The Police Sergeant from Santa Cruz, Sergeant Malabre visited the place and took statements.
was ordered.
Much Sympatby is felt for the bereaved family.
London, August Gatecrasbing has superseded, and a Dew social game has been inE vented to entertain the players and their acquaintances. The AND latest idea is for people to stay aw. y from parties to which Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 they have been invited, and then to apologise publicly for their Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages ND YOU PLEASE absence.
Columns of space in some newspapers bave been devcted since the royal garden party last Summary of Contents: week to informing the public History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years)
of the fact that Mrs. and Miss Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, G So and So regret having been unavoidably prevented from Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour. PURITY obeying their Majesties com Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, mand to attend the garden party At all our dealers or a phone call at Buckingham Palac.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua It is not compulsory, por is it Players brings the goods to your door necessary, for those wbo have Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and been unable to accept an invitation to a royal garden party to Interesting cffer public apology to the THE King and Queen.
Price 50cts.
RULING GIVEN PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY The ruling was given yesterday to a Daily Express repre Secure yours now there will be great rush sentative by and official of the PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 Lord Chamberlain office confor them, cerning points of etiquette to be Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Manufacturers of observed by garden party absentees.
Panama LEAN GOODS The guests are not commanded to be present at the parte la These are simply invited.
is Lord who is commanded by their Majesties to issue the invita FLOWERS Dorcas Society of The There is something to be said Abogado. Attorney at Law Isthmian League of for the conscientious feeling that OFFICB: No. 44 ST prompts the advertisements. W, Indians BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY writes representative of the Dally Express. This parti TELEPHONE No. 1377 cular way of expressing regret Celebrates Second Anniverbas cost each person three Practicing before all the courts of sary guineas, wbereas the old lasbthe Republic since April 1914 Why throw away your old, but no ioned way of writing a letter in reply to the invitation would In spite of a small gathering doubt interesting, books when you cost pend paltry three ballwas not at the royal garden which assembled at Geddes Hali pence.
can haue them neatly bound at touching air of old world remarked, Well, don expect the members of the above named party, and tactless person on Saturday night last 26th inst.
courtesy permeates these regret she was invited.
society and representatives from ful columns.
The three Ruinea The only thing to be said friendly and religious organisations one at the party was worried by gles is that the Invitation to the gram.
paragraphiste realise that every against the three guinea apolo presented a very interesting protheir absence, and they cannot The occasion marked the second.
No. EAST 16 STREET restul they have set their party is an Invitation, and not la command at all, that it is sent anniversary of the Dorcas Society anxiety at rest.
out by the Lord Chamberlain, a branch of the Isthmian Le gue Opposite the Wesleyan Churh Besides, it would be 80 dis who may not bave time to read of British West Indians; the chair tressing it some one sald: every column of every newspaper was taken by Mrs. Todd who. wonder why Mre. So and So every day. Continued on Page 6)
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